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[24-001L] Ifrit (XVI)
・When in the Primed state, this card’s Special Ability can be used by paying a card with the name “Clive” for the cost.
[24-014H] Bahamut
・The second effect on the card can still be selected, even if there are two or fewer cards remaining in the deck. In this situation, no cards from the deck are removed from the game.
[24-021H] Kurasame
・The number of Backup cards you control is changed before the first Auto Ability is resolved, and the characters you have selected are still Frozen, even if there are now fewer Backups under your control than Characters that were chosen.
[24-022H] Gogo
・Gogo’s Auto Ability will trigger if a category “VI” Forward card that possesses a Limit Break is moved from the Field to the Break Zone, but the Forward card will be removed from the game before the ability’s effect is resolved, so it is not possible to add it to your hand.
[24-033L] Bhunivelze
・It’s at the point when effects are resolved that you place any number of Forwards or Monsters that you control in the Break Zone. The Auto Ability that makes the opponent choose one Forward that they control for each Character that you placed in the Break Zone (or as close a number as possible) and place those cards in the Break Zone too, before discarding one card from their hand for each Character that you put in the Break Zone is then added to the Stack after your Forward or Monster cards have been placed in the Break Zone.
[24-044H] Zidane
・It is still possible to Cast a card that has been removed from the game, even if Zidane has moved away from the field.
・Cards that have been removed from the game can only be used at a time when it is valid to Cast them (E.g. Character cards can only be cast in your own Main Phase).
・The cost required to Cast cards that have been removed from play is still reduced by cost-reduction effects such as that from the card [11-073H] Tilika.
[24-047R] Sophia (SOPFFO)
・《C》 is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability to select one option from the list below is then added to the Stack after the payment is made.
[24-117R] Zidane
・If a multi-element card is placed in the Break Zone, it counts as both of the elements it possesses.
[24-057C] Cloud
・ 《Earth》《2》 is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability to select one Dulled Forward and Break it is then added to the Stack after the payment is made.
[24-065H] Fenrir
You are unable to draw a card if the additional cost was not paid.
[24-068H] Morse
・ 《Earth》is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability to select one Forward controlled by the opponent and have Morse and that Forward card both take damage equivalent to their respective Power values is then added to the Stack after the payment is made.
[24-072C] Leo
・The four Characters selected are Dulled at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability to select one Forward and Break it is then added to the Stack after the Characters have been Dulled.
[24-074C] Odin
・If there are fewer cards in the deck than the cost of the Forward/s that were Broken then all the cards in the deck are removed from the game.
[24-079L] Jack Garland
・The Jack Garland card also always counts as having the card name “Garland” as well. This applies when the card is in the Break Zone, the deck or a player’s hand etc.
・It is not possible to end the Attack Phase if even one of the opponent’s Forward cards is still able to Attack.
・If the opponent controls two or more Forwards that are able to Block then they must choose one of those cards to perform the Block. It is not possible to choose not to Block at all.
[24-084R] Behemoth
・A situation where “you have dealt damage to the opponent by a method other than an ability” refers to when damage has been dealt without a Forward’s Attack being Blocked.
[24-085C] Mid (XVI)
・If you try to select a card with the name “Cidolfus” from the Break Zone while controlling Cidolfus, it is not possible to move that card to the Field and nothing will happen.
[24-090L] Leon
・If you have chosen an opponent’s Leon card via the “select one Forward that is controlled by the opponent” targeting criteria effect, you will gain control of Leon before effects are resolved, meaning that the card is no longer “controlled by the opponent” and that effect is no longer valid.
[24-098H] Strago
・Cards being placed in the Damage Zone via Strago’s Auto Ability does not equate to damage having been taken. For example, 【7-077L】Noctis’ Auto Ability has the trigger condition of “when damage is taken”, so it will not be triggered in this situation.
[24-104R] Mog (VI)
・The discarding of one card with the job “moogle” takes place at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability to move Mog (VI) from the Break Zone to the Field in the Dulled state is then added to the stack after the card is discarded.
[24-108H] Wakka
・Nothing will happen if the Forward that Wakka chose has a greater Power value than Wakka does at the point when effects are resolved.
[24-110L] Bahamut (XVI)
・When in the Primed state, this card’s Special Ability can be used by paying a card with the name “Dion” for the cost.
[24-111H] Lucio
・It is not possible to only search for one card with the job “Warrior of the Crystal”.
[24-112L] Odin (XVI)
・When in the Primed state, this card’s Special Ability can be used by paying a card with the name “Barnabas” for the cost.
[23-002L] Caius
・The next time a Bahamut card is cast, the cost will be reduced by 5, even if the player has not chosen to search for Bahamut first.
・Cards from the player’s hand are discarded at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to remove Caius from the Break Zone and play him on the field in the dull state is then added to the stack after the cards are discarded.
[23-003C] Kain
・The power increase for Forward cards that have both Haste and First Strike is still only +2000.
[23-006R] Soulcage
・Soulcage is removed from the game at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability for the player to select one monster card from their own Break Zone and add it to their hand is then added to the stack after Soulcage is removed.
[23-008H] Zidane
・It is not possible to only search for a single card.
[23-017C] Parai
・The point of damage is taken at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to search for one category “FFL” character card and add it to the player’s hand is then added to the stack after the damage is taken.
[23-118H] Ardyn
・It is possible to use Ardyn’s auto ability to play a card from the player’s LB deck to the field, even if there are no face down cards in the LB deck to turn face up.
[23-119R] Vincent
・The Backup card is placed in the Break Zone at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select a Forward that the opponent controls and inflict 9000 damage on it is then added to the stack after the Backup card is placed in the Break Zone.
[23-021C] Weiss
・The Crystal is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to search for a single job: Tsviets card and add it to the player’s hand is then added to the stack after payment is made.
[23-022R] Aemo
・A player using Aemo’s action ability cannot look at the opponent’s cards which are turned face own.
[23-028L] Cecil
・The point of damage is taken at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select two characters, dull and freeze them, is then added to the stack after the damage is taken.
[23-029R] Zenos
・The second auto ability can only be activated once, even if two or more cards in the Break Zone are removed from the game.
・Zenos auto abilities will also trigger when an LB character moves to an LB deck from the Break Zone due to the LB rules.
[23-030C] Serah
・The upgraded effect to select two cards will be still be resolved, even if the player’s job: “commando” card leaves the field before effects are resolved
・If the second action is selected and the character chosen as the target subsequently becomes an ineligible target due to leaving the field before effects are resolved or by some other means, the opponent does not discard a card from their hand.
[23-036C] Flan
・This card can be included in the three job: “Flan” cards that are removed from the game to pay the cost for the second action ability.
[23-038H] Lady Lilith
・The Crystal is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select one Forward and gain control of it is then added to the stack after payment is made.
[23-047H] Tyro
・The elements the player controls have to be exactly three different types. It is not possible to add the selected card to your hand if the characters you control have four or more different elements.
[23-049C] Ninja
・You still need to select a Forward card, even if you control five or more Backup cards.
・The ability’s effects are rendered invalid if the Forward selected is no longer a valid target, due to having moved away from the field by the point when effects are resolved etc., even if you control five or more Backup cards.
[23-051L] Hope
・CP are paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to search for a cost: “X”, category: “XIII” character card and play it to the field is then added to the stack after payment is made.
[23-058C] Dark Knight
・You still need to select a Forward card, even if you control five or more Backup cards.
・The ability’s effects are rendered invalid if the Forward selected is no longer a valid target, due to having moved away from the field by the point when effects are resolved etc., even if you control five or more Backup cards.
[23-061H] Warrior of Light
・CP are paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to search for a cost: “X”, job: “Standard Unit” character card and play it to the field is then added to the stack after payment is made.
[23-064R] Golem
・It is not possible to cast Golem if there are no Forwards present in the field that can be selected.
[23-065R] Gogmagog
・The monster card is removed from the game at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to play Gogmagog to the field from the Break Zone is then added to the stack after the monster is removed.
[23-067R] Shantotto
・Two Summons must be selected. If only one Summon is present in the Break Zone, it is not possible to select it.
・It is possible to select one of your own Summons and one of the opponent’s Summons to make up the required two.
[23-068C] SOLDIER Candidate
・Forward cards left in the field will not take damage if the SOLDIER Candidate or the Forward card chosen has left the field at the point when this auto ability is resolved.
[23-069C] Narasimha
・The source of damage is the Forward you control that was chosen.
・If the Forward under your control that was chosen has left the field at the point when this auto ability is resolved, it will not inflict damage to the Forward under the opponent’s control that was chosen.
[23-124L] Eiko
・If a Summon that was searched for is not cast, that Summon remains removed from the game.
[23-080R] Odin
・It is not possible to remove the Lightning element card discarded to pay the cost for this ability from the game.
[23-081C] Puppetmaster
・You still need to select a Forward card, even if you control five or more Backup cards.
・The ability’s effects are rendered invalid if the Forward selected is no longer a valid target, due to having moved away from the field by the point when effects are resolved etc., even if you control five or more Backup cards.
[23-082H] King
・When using this ability, it is not possible to remove the character cards that were discarded to pay the cost for casting it.
・This auto-ability causes cards to be discarded from the player’s hand at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select one Forward and break it is then added to the stack after the cards are discarded.
[23-084C] G’raha Tia
・A G’raha Tia card in the Break Zone is removed from the game at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select two Forwards controlled by the opponent and inflict 4000 damage to them is then added to the stack after the card is removed.
[23-088L] Serah
・It is possible to replace this card’s power value with a specific number using the effects from other cards such as 6-052R Diablos. In this situation, the change to the power value is not treated as a “+” modifier.
・When “dispel” is used, all “+” modifiers to power values from field abilities cease to apply.
・If action abilities, auto abilities or Summons that increase power values have already been resolved and “dispel” is used after that resolution, the power increase will still remain in effect but any abilities or Summons used to increase power after that will not take effect
[23-092R] Black Widow
・The Monster card is placed in the Break Zone at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select one Forward and inflict 9000 damage on it is then added to the stack after the card is placed in the Break Zone.
[23-094C] Y’shtola
・The effect of this card’s ability is still resolved, even if the player controls fewer job: “Scion of the Seventh Dawn” cards than the number of Forwards selected at the point when effects are resolved.
[23-101C] Dancer
・You still need to select a Forward card, even if you control five or more Backup cards.
・The ability’s effects are rendered invalid if the Forward selected is no longer a valid target, due to having moved away from the field by the point when effects are resolved etc., even if you control five or more Backup cards.
[23-107L] Frimelda
・The effect of this card’s ability is still resolved, even if the number of different elements possessed by characters under the player’s control has fallen to three or lower after the effect is selected.
[23-108R] Fourchenault
・If the player controls both a Card Name: “Alisaie” and a Card Name: “Alphinaud” card, the cost to cast Fourchenault becomes 0.
[23-129H] Lunafreya
・It is possible to interrupt an EX Burst effect that is triggered by this card with a Summon or ability.
・An EX Burst effect triggered by this card is neither an auto-ability nor a Summon. Accordingly, it is not possible to render it invalid using cards such as 5-068L Y’shtola.
・An EX Burst effect triggered by this card does possesses “auto-ability” and/or “Summon” information. Accordingly, it is not possible to select a character that has the “is not selected by Summons and abilities” trait with that effect.
[23-115L] Venat
・The Crystal is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select one Forward and remove it from the game is then added to the stack after payment is made.
[23-117L] Chaos
・Cards are removed from the Break Zone at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to make the opponent select one Forward controlled by the player and place it in the Break Zone, then discard two cards from their hand, is then added to the stack after the cards have been removed.
・Putting 10 cards from your deck into the Break Zone is treated as paying cost, so the special ability cannot be used if there are 9 or fewer cards in the deck.
[22-004H] Angeal
・CP is paid at resolution. After paying the cost, the auto-ability “search for 1 Job SOLDIER Forward of cost X and play it onto the field.” is placed on the stack.
[22-005R] Ignacio
・The cards from the deck are placed into the Break Zone at resolution. After placing the cards in the Break Zone, the auto-ability “choose up to 1 Forward. If all the cards put into the Break Zone are of Fire Element, deal it 9000 damage.” is placed on the stack.
・Cards will be put into the Break Zone even if there are 2 or less cards left in the deck, however the subsequent auto-ability will not be triggered.
[22-009H] Jecht
・If either Jecht or the chosen Forward leaves the field before the auto-ability is resolved, the Forward remaining in the field does not receive damage.
[22-016H] Minwu (FFBE)
・If the card chosen in the first action ability leaves the Break Zone before it is cast, it cannot be cast.
・The first action ability can be used even if there are one or more[K1] cards in your hand.
・The card chosen in the first action ability cannot be cast by discarding cards from your hand to generate CP. Your hand must have 0 cards at the time of declaring the cast.
[22-113L] Mont Leonis
・If neither a Fire Forward of cost 3 or less or a Fire Forward of cost 5 or less cannot be chosen, the auto-ability is not placed on the stack.
・If you control 4 or less Backups, you also do not put a Backup into the Break Zone.
[22-022R] Quistis
・If the number of Category VIII Forwards you control changes before the auto-ability is resolved and becomes less than the number of characters you chose, you still Dull them. However, if the number of Category VIII Forwards you control becomes 2 or less before resolution, you do not Freeze the chosen Forwards.
[22-024L] Kurasame
・After selecting the first effect, even if the number of Ice Backups you control changes before resolution and becomes less than the number of characters you chose, you still Dull them.
・The number of cards that your opponent discards by the second effect is decided at resolution. If the number of Ice Backups you control changes before resolution, the changed number is referenced.
[22-030C] Shinryu Celestia
・Shinryu Celestia is also always [Card Name (Celestia)]. This also applies to when it is in the Break Zone, deck and hand.
[22-032L] Sephiroth
・If the Forward chosen in the action ability becomes an unsuitable target before resolution, it is not possible to cast Sephiroth removed from the game.
・If the action ability is used during the opponent’s turn, you can cast Sephiroth on your next turn. If the action ability is used during your turn, you can cast Sephiroth on the same turn.
[22-034H] Medusa
・The abilities “If a Petrification Counter is placed on this Forward, this Forward cannot attack or block.” and “《5》: Remove all Petrification Counters from this Forward.” remain after Medusa leaves the field.
[22-037R] Alexander
・The source of the damage is not changed.
[22-040H] Enkidu
・CP is paid at resolution. After paying the cost, the auto-ability “play Enkidu onto the field.” is placed on the stack.
・If Enkidu leaves the Break Zone before the second auto-ability is resolved, Enkidu does not enter the field.
[22-044R] Cid (FFBE)
・CP is paid at resolution. After paying the cost, the auto-ability “play Cid (FFBE) from the Break Zone onto the field dull.” is placed on the stack.
・If Cid (FFBE) leaves the Break Zone before the second auto-ability is resolved, Cid (FFBE) does not enter the field.
[22-047L] Dorgann
・The second effect can also be selected if Dorgann is the third card to be cast.
[22-048H] Nanaa Mihgo
・The Summon that has been chosen is cast immediately after the auto-ability is resolved.
・If the effect of the chosen Summon requires to choose something and there are no suitable targets, the chosen Summon is not cast.
[22-061L] Gilgamesh
・CP is paid at resolution. After payment, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward or Monster. Break it.” is placed on the stack.
[22-065R] Sieghard
・The Backups are dulled when resolved. After dulling them, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward of cost 6 or less in your Break Zone. Play it onto the field.” is placed on the stack.
[22-066C] Summoner
・CP is paid at resolution. After payment, the auto-ability “choose 1 Summon in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.” is placed on the stack.
・After the action ability is resolved, if the chosen Summon leaves the Break Zone before it is cast, it cannot be cast.
[22-067L] Nacht
・If you only search for 1 Job Warrior of Darkness, you can search without the limitation of names.
[22-070C] Ramza
・If both field abilities are applied, the cost required to cast Ramza is 0.
[22-118H] Shantotto
・CP is paid at resolution. After payment, the auto-ability “remove all the Forwards and Monsters other than Shantotto from the game.” is placed on the stack.
[22-076R] Odin
・Only a card of cost 3 or 4 can be chosen for both Forward and Monster.
[22-077H] Garuda (III)
・The number is selected at resolution. After the number is confirmed, it is not possible to intercede before the 8000 damage is dealt.
[22-079L] Seifer
・The cards from the deck are put into the Break Zone at resolution. After putting the cards into the Break Zone, the auto-ability “choose 1 Category VIII Forward other than Card Name Seifer in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.” is placed on the stack.
・Cards will be put into the Break Zone by the first auto-ability even if there are 1 or less cards left in the deck, however the subsequent auto-ability will not be triggered.
[22-084R] Fujin
・If Fujin leaves the Break Zone before the auto-ability is resolved, Fujin does not enter the field.
[22-087R] Raijin
・If Raijin leaves the Break Zone before the auto-ability is resolved, Raijin does not enter the field.
[22-090H] Lulu
・The Summons are removed from the game at resolution. After removal, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage.” is placed on the stack.
[22-091C] Blue Mage
・The Monster is discarded at resolution. Once discarded, the auto-ability “draw 1 card.” is placed on the stack.
[22-103C] Faris
・The Forward is removed from the game at resolution. After removal, the auto-ability “your opponent selects 1 Forward they control. Put it into the Break Zone.” is placed on the stack.
[22-104R] Folka
・It is possible for 2 or more Forwards to form a party and attack once.
[22-122L] Tidus
・CP is paid at resolution. After paying the cost, the selected effect is placed on the stack.
・Even if the total number of Forwards and Backups becomes 7 or less after paying CP, the subsequent auto-ability is resolved appropriately.
[22-109H] Eden
・The amount of damage to deal to each Forward is decided when they are chosen.
[22-110L] Citra
・The Summon is cast immediately after the second auto-ability is resolved.
・If the effect of the Summon that you searched for requires to choose something and there are no suitable targets, the Summon that you searched for is not cast and will remain removed.
・If the removed card is Multi-Element, it is counted as a card with multiple elements.
[22-111L] Raegen
・If the removed card is Multi-Element, it is counted as a card with multiple elements.
[PR-158] Snow & Lightning
・This counts as [Card Name (Snow)] and [Card Name (Lightning)]. You cannot play Snow & Lightning onto the field if you already control either Snow or Lightning.
Beyond Destiny
[21-001R] Ward
・It is not possible to cast Ward using CP that are not of the fire element, even if an effect of some type would otherwise allow the card to be cast by paying CP of an element the player selects.
[21-004L] Cyan
・CP are paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Obtain《C》for each 1 cost paid to X” is then added to the stack after the CP have been paid.
[21-005C] Black Mage
・《1》is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Obtain《C” is then added to the stack after payment has been made.
[21-013H] Feolthanos
・The first Auto Ability is still activated, even if Feolthanos has been removed from the Field by an EX Burst.
[21-023L] Ultimecia
・Cards in the Break Zone are removed from the game at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Select the same number of Characters as the number of cards that were removed then Dull and Freeze them. Finally discard one card from your opponent’s hand” is then added to the stack after one or more cards have been removed.
・The number of cards the opponent discards will always be only one, regardless of whether two or more cards from the Break Zone have been removed from the game.
[21-028H] Shiva
・Shiva will not return to the player’s hand if she is an invalid target at the point when effects are resolved.
[21-031H] Setzer
・It is not possible to cast cards that have been removed from the game if Setzer is not present on the Field.
・If there are two Setzer cards and the first one leaves the Field but a second Setzer is subsequently deployed to the Field, it is still not possible to cast cards that have been removed from the game via the first Setzer.
[21-032R] Terra
・It is not possible to search for only a single card.
[21-038R] Rinoa
・It is not possible to cast Summons that have been removed from the game if Rinoa is not present on the Field.
・If there are two Rinoa cards and the first one leaves the Field but a second Setzer is subsequently deployed to the Field, it is still not possible to cast Summons that have been removed from the game via the first Rinoa.
[21-040R] Rursan Arbiter
・If Cid Aulstyne is present on the Field, then it is not possible to deploy the Rursan Arbiter to the Field in the first place. If an effect would otherwise cause the Rursan Arbiter to deploy to the Field, then it will remain in its original location instead.
・This ability is to restrict the second one of these two cards from deploying on the Field if the other one has already been deployed. However, if both Cid Aulstyne and the Rursan Arbiter are deployed to the Field simultaneously they will both remain there.
・This ability differs from the rule that states you cannot deploy two cards of the same name to the Field. Thus, it is not possible to deploy the Rursus Arbiter if Cid Aulstyne is already present on the Field, even under the Single Title rules that allow cards of the same name to be deployed at once.
[21-046C] Cid (II)
・If the Warp counter removed is the final one remaining then that character will be deployed to the owning player’s Field via Warp.
[21-050H] Sophia (SOPFFO)
・One Forward belonging to [Category (SOPFFO)] is dulled at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Select one Forward and inflict 5000 damage on it” is then added to the stack after the Forward card has been dulled.
[21-069C] Krile
・Summons are discarded at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Select one Forward and inflict 8000 damage to it” is then added to the stack after the card/s are discarded.
[21-071H] Titan
・It is not possible to cast Titan using CP that are not of the earth element, even if an effect of some type would otherwise allow the card to be cast by paying CP of an element the player selects.
[21-074L] Neo Exdeath
・Neo Exdeath is always counted as also being [Card name (Exdeath)] . This applies whether he is in the Break Zone, Deck or a player hand.
[21-075R] Haveh
・It is possible to change a card’s power value to a specific number using [6-052R] Diablos etc. The power change is not counted as “+”.
・If Haveh is present on the Field then pawer values cannot have “+” modifiers applied through any and all Field abilities.
・In cases where an Action Ability, Auto Ability or Summon that applies a “+” modifier had already been resolved and Haveh is deployed to the Field afterwards, the previously applied modifiers will remain in effect but any subsequent abilities or Summons will be unable to apply “+” modifiers from then on.
[21-079R] Lich
・Cards are discarded from the player’s hand at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Deploy Lich from the Break Zone to the Field” is then added to the stack after cards are discarded.
[21-085H] Emperor Gestahl
・Cards are discarded from the player’s hand at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Select one Forward in your Break Zone and add it to your hand” is then added to the stack after cards are discarded.
[21-086C] Gunbreaker
・Crystals are paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Inflict 2000 damage to all Forwards that your opponent controls” is then added to the stack after the payment is made.
[21-088C] Gilgamesh
・Gilgamesh can only attack twice in one turn, even if the action ability is used twice in a turn.
[21-089R] Queen
・It is not possible to select the Queen, even if an EX burst is triggered from the damage her attack inflicts.
[21-092R] Man in Black
・If Golbez is present on the Field, then it is not possible to deploy the Man in Black to the Field in the first place. If an effect would otherwise cause the Man in Black to deploy to the Field, then he will remain in its original location instead.
・This ability is to restrict the second one of these two cards from deploying on the Field if the other one has already been deployed. However, if both Golbez and the Man in Black are deployed to the Field simultaneously they will both remain there.
・This ability differs from the rule that states you cannot deploy two cards of the same name to the Field. Thus, it is not possible to deploy the Man in Black if Golbez is already present on the Field, even under the Single Title rules that allow cards of the same name to be deployed at once.
[21-094C] Shantotto
・If a single character has multiple elements then all of them will be counted.
[21-099H] Firion
・If the effect “Firion can attack twice in one turn” is obtained via a Field Ability after Firion has already attacked twice then Firion cannot attack again in that turn.
[21-109C] Astrologian
・It is possible to use the Auto Ability to look at cards in the deck, even if there are two or fewer cards in the deck at the time. If the deck contains two cards, then add one card to the player’s hand and place the other at the bottom of the deck.
[21-114L] Faris
・Faris’ Field Ability changes the base power value of a card (the value written on the card) to 8000. The card is then subject to the effects and modifiers from other cards after the change. For example, if Faris is deployed to the field while the owning player controls [1-180R] Wakka and [1-167C] Viking, [1-167C] Viking’s power will become 9000.
[21-119H] Lenna
・The Auto Ability will still trigger, even if Lenna has left the Field due to an EX burst.
[21-122H] Skyserpent General Rughadjeen
・Skyserpent General Rughadjeen triggers three Auto Abilities. Each of the three abilities can select a different Forward.
[21-124L] Jack Garland
・Jack Garland is always counted as also being [Card name (Garland)] . This applies whether he is in the Break Zone, Deck or a player hand.
Dissidia Collection Set 2023
[21-125S] Onion Knight
・Crystals are paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Search for one “category DFF” Forward with a cost of three or lower and deploy it to the Field” is then added to the stack after payment is made.
・If Onion Knight has moved away from the Field prior to its Special Ability being resolved then 10000 damage is not inflicted.
[21-128S] Shantotto
・Crystals are paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto Ability “Select one “category DFF” Forward with a cost of five or lower that is present in your Break Zone and deploy it to the Field” is then added to the stack after payment is made.
[21-130S] Noctis
・It is possible to deploy Noctis to the Field using Summons or Abilities.
[21-134S] Bartz
・Crystals are still obtained, even if character cards are not searched for.
[PR-143] Garnet
*The following commentary is predicated on the required conditions for Garnet’s ability having been fulfilled.
・If Garnet leaves the Field with the player having taken seven points of damage or more, the player immediately loses the game (in the loop-process check).
・If the player has taken seven points of damage or more and takes further damage then the eighth and subsequent cards are still added to the Damage Zone and the player is treated as having taken that much damage.
・If the player takes damage while their deck contains zero cards then cards will not move to the Damage Zone but Auto Abilities such as that used by [18-075R] Siefer, worded as “each time you receive one point of damage,” will still trigger.
・In cases where a rule references the amount of damage you have received, such as the “Damage -- X” condition, it will reference the actual number of cards present in the Damage Zone. For example, if damage is taken when there are two cards in the Damage Zone and zero cards in the player’s deck, the “Damage -- 3” effect will not activate.
・You will not lose the game from [7-130L] Sin’s “Giga Graviton” effect “your opponent loses the game” being resolved. This still applies, even if Garnet subsequently leaves the field.
・If both players are in control of Garnet and have taken seven or more points of damage, and both Garnets leave the field simultaneously then the game will end in a no score draw.
[Rules relating to official tournaments]
・It is not possible to prevent defeat from any causes outside of those governed within the game rules (general rules) or by card effects, such as declaration of a draw or loss through judges decisions based on damage differential etc. due to match time running out. It is also still possible to concede a match while controlling Garnet.
・For matches where a clear winner and a loser need to be found, such as in knock-out tournaments, if a situation occurs where both players control Garnet and the regular game time and extended time have already elapsed, with judges ruling that no difference in the respective amounts of damage inflicted will occur even if play continues, that game is declared a draw and the winner is decided using a random method such as tossing a coin or rolling a dice. (If the game declared a draw in this manner is the second game of a match using a first to two wins system, the player who won the first game will be declared the winner of the match.)
[20-001R] Ardyn
・If a character card with the same name as a character currently in your Field is revealed, it is still counted as one of the two cards revealed. The card with a duplicate name is not placed in the Field and is instead placed on the bottom of the deck.
[20-002H] Auron
・The original source of the damage inflicted on Auron through the action ability’s swapping effect is not changed. For example, if swapping damage inflicted on you by [3-147L] Zodiark Keeper of Precepts, 3-147L Zodiark Keeper of Precepts will inflict 8000 damage on Auron.
・If Auron is not present on the Field at the point when damage is resolved, no swapping will occur and you will take damage.
[20-003H] Ifrit
・It is possible to select the same Forward card and deal 10000 damage to a single Forward.
[20-007L] The Demon
・If you select the first effect (“Select one Forward. Remove all cards in the opponent’s Break Zone from the game and inflict 1000 damage on the selected Forward for each card removed.”) and the selected Forward is no longer an eligible target at the point when the effect is resolved then cards are not removed from the Break Zone and taken out of the game.
・When selecting the second or third effect, elements and jobs are specified at the point effects are resolved. It is not possible to intercede using summons or abilities after the specification has been made.
[20-014R] Tifa
・When a single [Category (VII)] character inflicts damage on multiple Forwards simultaneously (e.g. if using the Auto-ability of [19-058R] Jenova SYNTHESIS etc.), the Auto-ability is placed in the stack as many times as there were Forwards who took damage.
[20-017R] Palom
・Crystals are paid at the point effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Select one Forward and inflict 8000 damage on it” is added to the stack after paying,
[20-021R] Red XIII
・If no [category (VII)] are controlled then the player is unable to cast Red XIII and cannot deploy him to the Field through summons or abilities either.
[20-024H] Calbrena
・Nothing happens if the selected ability is not eligible to target Calbrena.
[20-027C] Genesis
・If two effects are selected and the selected character is not an eligible target for either of them at the point effects are resolved then no cards are discarded from the player’s hand.
[20-028R] Cissnei
・It is possible to remove shuriken counters placed on characters other than Cissnei that you control in order to use her action ability.
・It is possible to add +2000 to Jihl Nabaat’s power, even if multi-element cards including the ice element are controlled, as long as all characters have the ice element.
・《Ice》《Ice》 is paid at the point when abilities are resolved. The Auto-ability “Select two characters. These characters are Dulled and frozen” is added to the stack after paying,
[20-031R] Celes
・The effect will still be resolved appropriately, even if you control fewer [category (VI)] characters than the number of Forwards selected at the point effects are resolved.
[20-037H] Mateus (FFTA)
・After freezing, Mateus is not placed in the Break Zone but removed from the game.
[20-047H] Jenova Dreamweaver
・Searching for [card name (Jenova Beat)] and removing this card from the game takes place at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Inflict 7000 damage on all forwards under your opponent’s control” is added to the stack after the card is removed,
[20-049R] Chelinka
・The player’s hand is discarded at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Search for one card with [card name (Yuri)] and a cost of 4 or lower and deploy it to the Field” is added to the stack after discarding,
[20-056H] Bel Dat
・It is still possible to cast the cards removed from the game after Bel Dat has left the Field.
[20-057L] The Goddess
・The second ability will still trigger, even if The Goddess has left the Field by the end of your opponent’s turn.
[20-060R] Yuri
・The player’s hand is discarded at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Search for one card with [card name (Chelinka)] and a cost of 4 or lower and deploy it to the Field” is added to the stack after discarding,
[20-066R] Ignis
・Backup/s are placed in the Break Zone at the point when effects are resolved. The auto-ability “Select one Forward and break it” is added to the stack after card/s are placed in the Break Zone.
[20-073C] Kimahri
・The original source of the damage inflicted on Kimahri through the action ability’s swapping effect is not changed.
[20-075L] Cecil
・The Auto-ability is added to the stack if paid for with《Earth》《Water》.
・When paying the cost for Cecil using the《Earth》《Water》option and then further reducing the cost through the effect of [11-073H] Tilika Tawantyn etc., it is possible to cast by reducing either of 《Earth》 or《Water》by 1CP (e.g., it is possible to cast using 《Water》only).
・When casting Cecil using a preferred element via the effects of [16-048H] Zidane etc., it is possible to pay using 2CP of a preferred element if you choose to pay using the 《Earth》《Water》option.
[20-077L] Tifa
・If your hand only contains 1 card when Tifa enters the Field then discard that card.
[20-078H] Noctis
・Character/s are placed in the Break Zone at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Deploy Noctis to the Field from the Break Zone in the Dulled state and add +2000 to Noctis’ power” is added to the stack after cards are discarded.
[20-081H] Fenrir
・1CP still needs to be paid, even if the cost is reduced by the effects of a card other than Fenrir, such as [11-123R] Yunalesca, and it has the “does not reduce to 0” caveat.
[20-085C] Assassin
・《Thunder》《Thunder》《1》 is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Select one Forward and inflict 3000 damage on it” is then added to the stack after paying.
[20-090H] G’raha Tia
・《X》is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Search for one [Job (Scion of the Seventh Dawn)] Forward and deploy it to the Field” is then added to the stack after paying.
[20-092R] The Emperor
・The《2》extra cost is paid at the same time as the regular cost.
・It is not necessary to pay the added《2》 extra cost for action abilities that are used from areas other than the Field, such as those from [11-015L] Braska’s Final Aeon or [19-103H] Tidus etc.
[20-094R] Cor
・Ten cards from the top of the deck are removed from the game at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Deploy Cor to the Field from the Break Zone in the Dulled state” is then added to the stack after the cards are removed.
[20-102L] Mira
・《1》is paid to discard monster/s at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Break that Forward” is then added to the stack after paying.
[20-112C] Frimelda
・If a Forward is discarded then the Auto-ability “Select one Forward and reduce its power by -3000 until the end of the turn. Add +3000 to Frimelda’s power until the end of the turn” is added to the stack.
[20-117L] Yuna
・Summon/s are discarded at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “invalidate its effects” is added to the stack after discarding.
[20-118H] Unicorn
・The effects are still resolved appropriately, even if two effects are selected and any [category (VI)] Forwards have left the field by the time effects are resolved.
[20-122R] Leslie
・Cards are discarded from the player’s hand at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Select one Forward that your opponent controls and return it to their hand. If the card discarded is a [category (VII)] card, then draw one extra card” is then added to the stack after discarding.
[20-125R] Rosa
・It is possible to pay for [20-075L ] Cecil’s option to activate his ability using 《Earth》《Water》by paying 2CP of a preferred element.
[20-126C] Wakka
・Backup/s are placed in the Break Zone at the point when effects are resolved. The Auto-ability “Select one Forward and inflict 8000 damage on it” is then added to the stack after the cards are placed in the Break Zone.

[20-128H] Materia
・If Materia leaves the field and two or more Light element characters are being controlled, then the rules will cause them to be placed in the Break Zone.
・If Light element characters are being controlled then it is not possible to deploy Materia to the field.
[20-129H] Spiritus
・If Spiritus leaves the field and two or more Dark element characters are being controlled, then the rules will cause them to be placed in the Break Zone.
・If Dark element characters are being controlled then it is not possible to deploy Spiritus to the field.
[19-001R] Ifrit
Required cost is also reduced by effects of cards other than Ifrit such as [11-123R] Yunalesca, and if it includes “it cannot become 0”, the player must pay 1 CP.
[19-002L] Ace
The removal of cards from the Break Zone from the game takes place when the auto-ability is resolved. For example, if the number of Fire cards is 4 or less when the auto-ability is resolved due to cards such as [9-068H] Mist Dragon, Ace is put in the Break Zone.
[19-009C] Bomb
If Bomb becomes a non-Forward while attacking or blocking, Bomb cannot deal or receive damage.
The 2 Fire Backups are dulled when resolved. After dulling them, the auto-ability “search for 1 Card Name Bomb of cost 2 or less and play it onto the field.” is placed on the stack.
[19-015R] Ruby Weapon
If Ruby Weapon is under the effect of “damage cannot be reduced’ effects such as [11-004C] Cu Chaspel, damage of 2000 or more cannot become 1000.
[19-023C] Snow
Required cost is also reduced by effects of cards other than Shiva such as [11-123R] Yunalesca, and if it includes “it cannot become 0”, the player must pay 1 CP.
[19-027R] Chocobo Eater
If Chocobo Eater leaves the field before the auto-ability is resolved, the chosen Forward is not removed from the game.
[19-035R] Alexander
Required cost is also reduced by effects of cards other than Alexander such as [11-123R] Yunalesca, and if it includes “it cannot become 0”, the player must pay 1 CP.
[19-036L] Vayne
The player can also choose an opponent’s card that has been removed from the game. If the last Warp Counter is removed by this action, that Character enters its owner’s field.
[19-037R] Wol
You may not search for a card if you control 4 or more Elements.
If the number of Elements among Characters you control becomes 2 or less or 4 or more when the auto-ability is resolved, you cannot search for a card.
[19-039R] Emerald Weapon
If Emerald Weapon has moved from the Break Zone when the auto-ability is resolved, such as by being removed from the game, Emerald Weapon does not enter the field.
[19-045H] Sophie
The number of actions to select is determined when Sophie enters the field. Even if the number of Forwards changes before the auto-ability is resolved, the effect is appropriately resolved.
[19-057L] Kefka
The Summon that has been chosen to be cast is cast immediately after the auto-ability is resolved.
[19-059R] Aster Protoflorian
《Earth》《Earth》 is paid at resolution. After payment, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward. Break it.” is placed on the stack.
《Earth》《Earth》 is paid at resolution. After payment, the auto-ability “choose 1 Backup. Break it.” is placed on the stack.
[19-061H] Doga
The Summon is discarded at resolution. Once discarded, the auto-ability “gain 《C》《C》” is placed on the stack.
[19-062R] Nacht
If either of the 2 chosen Forwards leaves the field before the auto-ability is resolved, no damage is dealt to one another. This also applies if 1 of them can no longer be chosen.
[19-064R] Fenrir
Required cost is also reduced by effects of cards other than Fenrir such as [11-123R] Yunalesca, and if it includes “it cannot become 0”, the player must pay 1 CP.
[19-066C] Behemoth
《Earth》 is paid at resolution. After payment, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward. It cannot attack or block until the end of the next turn.” is placed on the stack.
[19-067C] Monk
If Either Monk or the chosen Forward leaves the field before the auto-ability is resolved, no damage is dealt to one another. This also applies if the chosen Forward can no longer be chosen.
[19-068R] Rydia
If you only search for 1 of either 1 Job Summoner or 1 Summon, you can search without the limitation of not sharing Elements.
[19-069R] Emperor (FFL)
Upon resolving a special ability, the top card of the deck is revealed and the following effects are resolved. The opponent may not cut in once the revealed card has been seen.
If the revealed card has multiple card types, all of the effects are applied. For example, if [7-093C] Zapt is revealed, 8000 damage is dealt to all Forwards controlled by the opponent and you draw 4 cards.
[19-072C] Eald'narche
The card is discarded from the owner’s hand at resolution. Once discarded, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward. Break it.” is placed on the stack.
[19-080R] Vivi
The cards are revealed at resolution. Once revealed, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward. Deal it 2000 damage for each card you revealed.” is placed on the stack.
[19-081R] Behemoth
Even if a same name card with the “generic card” icon such as [12-086C] Behemoth is already in the field, you may play this card onto the field.
Even if this card and a Behemoth card with the “generic card” icon is already in the field, this card will not be placed in the Break Zone.
[19-082H] Lightning
If the chosen Forward becomes an inappropriate target before the resolution of the action ability, Lightning is not broken.
Even if Lightning has left the field before resolution of the action ability, the chosen Forward is broken.
[19-083R] Ramuh
Required cost is also reduced by effects of cards other than Ramuh such as [11-123R] Yunalesca, and if it includes “it cannot become 0”, the player must pay 1 CP.
[19-100C] Larsa
The card is discarded from the owner’s hand at resolution. Once discarded, the auto-ability “search for 1 Category XII Forward and add it to your hand.” is placed on the stack.
[19-101R] Leviathan
Required cost is also reduced by effects of cards other than Leviathan such as [11-123R] Yunalesca, and if it includes “it cannot become 0”, the player must pay 1 CP.
[19-102L] Refia
When 4 or more Characters become active, the auto-ability “draw 1 card.” is placed on the stack upon resolution.
[19-103H] Tidus
If Tidus has been excluded from the game due to a cost of an action ability, Tidus will not return to a field.
[19-105H] Ark
The cost is referenced by the cost the Forward with the highest cost. For example, if you control 2 Dark Forwards which have 5 and 3 cost respectively, the cost required to cast Ark is reduced by 5.
If the chosen Forward becomes an inappropriate target, such as by leaving the field, the opponent does not discard a card from their hand.
[19-106H] Sin
If the received damage is an odd number, it is rounded down for counting.
If the number of cards to place into the Break Zone exceeds the total number of Forwards and Backups controlled by your opponent, all of those cards will be placed in the Break Zone.
[19-109H] Cherukiki
Cherukiki’s field ability allows Category XI Forwards including Cherukiki to use action abilities with a 《Dull》 icon from the turn in which they enter the field.
Cherukiki does not have Haste and therefore cannot attack from the turn in which she enters the field.
[19-114L] Cloud
Even if Cloud has been cast 3 or more times, casting Cloud requires the player to pay a cost of 1 CP each of Wind and Lightning CP.
[19-116C] Paine
If 2 or less Category X Characters are in play when the auto-ability is resolved, the chosen card is not removed from the game, and a card cannot be drawn.
[19-118L] Yuna
The number of Characters is referenced when the auto-ability is resolved. If the number of Category X Characters that you control decreases after choosing them and the number is less than the cost of the chosen Forward, nothing happens.
[19-119L] Unei
The Summons that are removed from the game can be any combination of Earth and Water, Earth and Earth, or Water and Water.
[19-124L] Y'shtola
The 1 point of damage is received when resolved. Once received, the auto-ability “until the end of the turn, Y'shtola gains Haste and “Y'shtola cannot be blocked.”” is placed on the stack. In addition, this auto-ability and Y’shtola’s second auto-ability are placed on the stack at the same time.
[19-123H] Anima
The two cards removed by the first ability count towards the second ability.
[19-125H] Mog (VI)
If you control 4 or more Category VI Characters, you do not need to pay the CP cost to cast.
Even if you control 3 Category VI Characters and the cost to pay has decreased by 3, you must pay 1 CP each of Ice and Water CP for a total of 2 CP.
[19-127L] Relm
Any Summons cast after being removed from the game are put in the Break Zone.
[5-077H] Carbuncle returns to your hand without being removed from the game by Relm. Any Summons that are cast thereafter are not affected by Relm and are not removed from the game in this way.
[19-128L] Warrior of Light
Casting costs 1 CP each of Fire, Wind, Earth and Water CP for a total of 4 CP, even if the cost to be paid has been reduced by 1 due to some effect. The same is true if the cost has been reduced by 2 or 3, but if it has been reduced by 4, then you do not need to pay any CP.
[18-005C] Salamander
If the additional cost is paid when cast, 10 cards in the break zone are removed from the game at the same time the CP are paid.
It is not possible to pay the additional cost in situations where Salamander (FFT) is cast without paying any cost in the first place, due to an effect of some kind.
[18-009H] Tidus
The 5 cards from the deck are placed in the break zone at the point when effects are resolved. The auto-ability to select up to one forward and inflict 8000 damage on it if all cards in the break zone are of the fire element is then placed on the stack afterwards.
If there are four or fewer cards in the deck then they are still placed in the break zone, but the auto-ability is not triggered afterwards.
[18-010C] Berserker
“Fire” is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto-ability to select one forward and apply the “has to block if able to” effect to it until the end of the turn is then placed on the stack after paying.
[18-015R] Ramza
Please see the keywords and additional elements explanations and the general rules for full details of the effects of “Warp”.
[18-021R] Cu Chaspel
One card is still discarded from the player’s hand, even if there are no cards able to be selected in the break zone and it was not possible for them to add cards to their hand.
[18-024C] Shiva
If the additional cost is paid when cast, 10 cards in the break zone are removed from the game at the same time the CP are paid.
It is not possible to pay the additional cost in situations where Shiva is cast without paying any cost in the first place, due to an effect of some kind.
[18-026L] Teodor
Please see the keywords and additional elements explanations and the general rules for full details of the effects of “Warp”.
[18-032C] Phantasmal Girl
“2” is paid at the point effects are resolved. The auto-ability to render the effect invalid is then put on the stack after paying.
[18-044R] Sherlotta
Please see the keywords and additional elements explanations and the general rules for full details of the effects of “Warp”.
[18-045C] Dryad
If the additional cost is paid when cast, 10 cards in the break zone are removed from the game at the same time the CP are paid.
It is not possible to pay the additional cost in situations where Dryad is cast without paying any cost in the first place, due to an effect of some kind.
[18-046R] Gnash
“Wind” “Wind” “2” is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select one forward or one monster of cost 4 or above and break it is then added to the stack after paying.
[18-050L] Yuri
The value applied to the forward chosen is decided at the point when the special ability is used.
[18-057C] Kolka
The forward is discarded at the point when effects are resolved. The auto-ability to select one forward and inflict damage equal to the power of the forward discarded is then added to the stack after the card is discarded.
[18-059R] Tama
Tama is placed in the break zone at the point when effects are resolved. The auto-ability to disable effects then is added to the stack once the card is placed in the break zone.
[18-060H] Daisy
If multiple forwards under your control can inflict damage simultaneously, such as with [15-082H] Hecatoncheir, the combined value of the damage is applied to Daisy.
[18-063C] Hashmal
If the additional cost is paid when cast, 10 cards in the break zone are removed from the game at the same time the CP are paid.
It is not possible to pay the additional cost in situations where Hashmal is cast without paying any cost in the first place, due to an effect of some kind.
[18-067C] Yumcax
Please see the keywords and additional elements explanations and the general rules for full details of the effects of “Warp”.
[18-073H] Garuda (III)
Please see the keywords and additional elements explanations and the general rules for full details of the effects of “Warp”.
[18-074L] Gilgamesh
The cards in the break zone are removed from the game at the point when effects are resolved. The auto-ability to select one forward with a cost equal to or lower than the number of elements on the cards removed and break it is then added to the stack after the cards have been removed.
If a multi-element card is removed from the game using this ability, all elements on the card are counted.
[18-075R] Seifer
The player takes damage at the point when abilities are resolved. The auto ability to select one category “VIII” forward in your break zone that does not have the card name “Seifer” and add that card to your hand is then placed on the stack after damage is taken.
[18-084C] Ramuh
If the additional cost is paid when cast, 10 cards in the break zone are removed from the game at the same time the CP are paid.
It is not possible to pay the additional cost in situations where Ramuh is cast without paying any cost in the first place, due to an effect of some kind.
[18-085C] Dragoon
“Thunder” “Thunder” “3” is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto-ability to select one forward and break it is then added to the stack after payment.
[18-090R] Kalmia
The power change here is not “-”, so it can be changed to a specific value by the abilities of cards such as [6-052R] Diablos.
[18-092C] Tchakka
The power of forwards with other elements that also include the water element will not be reduced by 1000.
[18-095C] Rune Fencer
“Water” “Water” “1” is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select one forward and subtract 7000 from its power until the end of the turn is then added to the stack after payment.
[18-096C] Leviathan
If the additional cost is paid when cast, 10 cards in the break zone are removed from the game at the same time the CP are paid.
It is not possible to pay the additional cost in situations where Leviathan is cast without paying any cost in the first place, due to an effect of some kind.
[18-097R] Rinoa
Please see the keywords and additional elements explanations and the general rules for full details of the effects of “Warp”.
“X” is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select one forward with a cost of X or lower and place it in the break zone is then added to the stack after payment.
[18-098R] Lunafreya
Please see the keywords and additional elements explanations and the general rules for full details of the effects of “Warp”.
[18-105H] Ultimecia
1 CP still needs to be paid, even when this card is cast using a cost other than CP, such as through the effects of cards such as [13-123L] Nine or [18-123L] Sonon. The CP paid at that point can be of any element.
[18-111L] Basch
The player takes damage at the point when abilities are resolved. The auto ability to search for one fire or earth element card that does not have the card name “Basch” and add that card to your hand is then placed on the stack after damage is taken.
[18-115L] Melvien
Please see the keywords and additional elements explanations and the general rules for full details of the effects of “Warp”.
[18-120H] Tifa
“2” is paid at the point when effects are resolved. The auto ability to select one forward controlled by your opponent and inflict damage on both it and Tifa equivalent to the cards respective power values is then added to the stack after payment.
[18-126L] Lightning
When using Lightning’s action ability to remove her from the game, she is not placed on the field.
[18-128H] Arciela
The player reveals their hand at the point when effects are resolved. The auto-abilities from fulfilling the conditions are then added to the stack after the hand is revealed.
Multi-element cards featuring fire and water elements count as both.
If both conditions are met then the two auto abilities are both added to the stack.
[18-130L] Firion
If the card discarded is a multi-element card featuring fire and water elements then both effects will be applied.
[17-001H] Adelard
“The damage dealt...cannot be reduced” means that effects such as “Reduce damage” and “Change damage to 0” are ignored, and the original damage is dealt.
[17-002L] Edgar
“...Use...without paying《S》” means that you can use a special ability without discarding a card of the same name as the cost. When doing so, you will need to pay other costs such as CP.
[17-008H] Samurai
《Fire》《1》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Choose one Forward. Deal it 8000 damage” will go onto the stack.
[17-012R] Tifa
For the duration of the action ability in which Tifa is a Forward, it is also a Backup. Therefore, a Backup cannot be cast when five Backups are controlled, in which Tifa is counted.
[17-014R] Bahamut
Forwards and the amount of damage to deal to each are selected at the time of casting.
The value is determined at the time of casting. Therefore, if you cast when you have received 4 points of damage and this increases to 5 points before the point of resolution, the total damage dealt to the Forwards will remain 10000.
[17-016L] Hien
For the condition to gain Haste, Fire Characters in the Category XIV will only count as one character. 4 other Fire Characters or Category XIV Characters are required.
[17-019R] Marilith
《Fire》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Play Marilith onto the field dull” goes onto the stack.
If Marilith is not in the Break Zone at the point at which the auto-ability resolves, it will not enter the field.
[17-020R] Montblanc
《X》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Search for 1 Card Name Hardy of Cost X and play it onto the field” goes onto the stack.
[17-021R] Red XIII
The card is discarded at the point of resolution. After discarding, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage” will go onto the stack.
《Fire》《1》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage” will go onto the stack.
[17-022H] Umaro
If there are 5 or more Category VI Characters when Umano enters the field, its auto-ability does not go onto the stack.
[17-023H] Scholar
《Ice》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “your opponent randomly discards 1 card” goes onto the stack.
[17-030H] Setzer
The card type is specified when the auto-ability resolves.
[17-032C] Terra
After removing a Summon in the Break Zone from the game, the auto-ability “place 1 Magitek Counter on Terra” goes on the stack.
[17-043H] Dancer
《Wind》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “choose up to 3 Characters. Activate them” goes onto the stack.
[17-047L] Kelger
《Wind》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward of cost 5 or more. Break it” goes onto the stack.
[17-054R] Tiamat
《Wind》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Play Tiamat onto the field dull” goes onto the stack.
If Tiamat is not in the Break Zone at the point at which the auto-ability resolves, it will not enter the field.
[17-063R] Luso
If you have cast 2 or fewer cards (including Luso) when Luso enters the field, neither of its auto-abilities go onto the stack.
If you have cast 6 or fewer cards (including Luso) when Luso enters the field, the second auto-ability does not go onto the stack.
[17-064C] Ursula
The Backup is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After placing it there, the auto-ability “Ursula gains +4000 power until the end of the turn” goes on the stack.
[17-068R] Duke Snakeheart
If Duke Snakeheart leaves the field before its auto-ability is resolved, the Forwards blocked by Duke Snakeheart will not be broken.
If Duke Snakeheart blocks a party, all Forwards in the party will be broken.
[17-072H] Baron Guardsman
《Earth》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Name one card type. Remove all the cards of named card type in your opponent’s Break Zone from the game.” goes onto the stack.
The card type is specified at when the auto-ability resolves.
[17-076H] Matoya (I)
《Earth》《Earth》《2》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “break all Forwards” goes onto the stack.
[17-078R] The Night Dancer
Even if multiple Forwards attack as a party, this will be counted as 1 attack.
[17-079L] Shadow Lord
The Job is specified when the auto-ability resolves.
[17-080R] Ewen
If Ewen is placed in the Damage Zone due to the effect of [14-112L] Larsa, it’s second auto-ability will not trigger.
[17-081H] Lyse
When Yda is on the field, you cannot attempt to bring Lyse out. If Lyse is about to enter the field due to an effect, it will return to its previous location.
This ability restricts either card entering the field while the other is already on the field. If Lyse and Yda enter the field at the same time, both remain on the field.
If you gain control of your opponent’s Lyse while Yda is on the field, both remain on the field.
This ability is distinct from the rule that prevents cards with the same name from being played onto the field. Even in Title Format rules that allow multiple cards to be played, Lyse cannot be played if Yda is present.
[17-082R] Lich
《Earth》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Play Lich onto the field dull” goes onto the stack.
If Lich is not in the Break Zone at the point at which the auto-ability resolves, it will not enter the field.
[17-086H] Red Mage
《Lightning》《1》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward of cost 4 or less. Break it” goes onto the stack.
[17-090R] Ixion
If paying extra when casting Ixion, the total cost is paid at the same time.
[17-096H] Man in Black
When Golbez is on the field, you cannot attempt to bring Man in Black out. If Man in Black is about to enter the field due to an effect, it will return to its previous location.
This ability restricts either card entering the field while the other is already on the field. If Man in Black and Golbez enter the field at the same time, both remain on the field.
If you gain control of your opponent’s Man in Black while Golbez is on the field, both remain on the field.
This ability is distinct from the rule that prevents cards with the same name from being played onto the field. Even in Title Format rules that allow multiple cards to be played, Man in Black cannot be played if Golbez is present.
The Summon is not cast when the first auto-ability resolves. After resolution, the cost can be paid and it can be cast at any time you have priority.
Even if Man in Black leaves the field, the Summon removed from the game by the first auto-ability can be cast.
[17-097H] Salire
《Lightning》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “choose 1 Forward of cost 2 or less. Break it” goes onto the stack.
《Lightning》《Lightning》《Lightning》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Choose one active Forward. Deal it 9000 damage” will go onto the stack.
[17-098R] Cissnei
The card is discarded at the point of resolution. After discarding, the auto-ability “Deal it 1000 damage for each CP required to cast the discarded card. If the discarded card is a Job Member of the Turks, also deal it 5000 damage.” will go onto the stack.
[17-102L] Hooded Man
When Kain is on the field, you cannot attempt to bring Hooded Man out. If Man in Black is about to enter the field due to an effect, it will return to its previous location.
This ability restricts either card entering the field while the other is already on the field. If Hooded Man and Kain enter the field at the same time, both remain on the field.
If you gain control of your opponent’s Kain while Hooded Man is on the field, both remain on the field.
This ability is distinct from the rule that prevents cards with the same name from being played onto the field. Even in Title Format rules that allow multiple cards to be played, Hooded Man cannot be played if Kain is present.
After removing 1 Card Name Hooded Man or Card Name Kain in the Break Zone from the game, the auto-ability “activate all the Backups you controls and draw 1 card” goes onto the stack.
[17-109R] Cúchulainn
After casting, at the beginning of the first main phase entered by you or your opponent, the auto-ability “put it into the Break Zone” goes onto the stack.
[17-112R] Kraken
《Water》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Play Kraken onto the field dull” goes onto the stack.
If Kraken is not in the Break Zone at the point at which the auto-ability resolves, it will not enter the field.
[17-113L] Glaciela Wezette
You can use the special ability by paying 1 crystal instead of discarding a card of the same name. When doing so, you much pay other costs such as CP, etc.
[17-116C] Gordon
《Water》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “draw 1 card” goes onto the stack.
[17-124H] Mog (VI)
“Cannot search” means that the affected player is unable to perform any of the following actions with a search: view their deck, draw out a specified card, or shuffle the deck. For example, if [4-054L] Onion Knight uses its special ability during a turn while the aforementioned effect is in place, [4-054L] Onion Knight will be placed at the bottom of the deck, but the following actions will be nullified.
[17-126H] Rursan Reaver
《Water》《1》 is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. It loses 5000 power until the end of the game.” will go onto the stack.
[17-137S] Rydia
You cannot search for just 1 Summon.
[17-128L] Maria
The chosen card is both a Forward and a Backup. Therefore, a Backup cannot be cast when five Backups are controlled, in which the chosen card is counted.
[17-129H] Vinera Fennes
When in possession of 2 or more crystals, the cost required to cast Vinera Fennes becomes 0.
Crystals are paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “all the Forwards opponent controls lose 5000 power until the end of the turn.” will go onto the stack.
[17-130L] The Emperor
If you search for 2 Card Name The Emperor, then draw 2 cards and place 2 Palamecia Counters on The Emperor.
[17-140S] Golbez
When cast at a reduced cost, the auto-ability “Place Golbez in the Break Zone” will go on the stack when Golbez enters the field. The original auto-ability will trigger at the same time, and these auto-abilities can be placed on the stack in the preferred order.
[16-001R] Vaan
If Vaan is the third card to be cast, then 8000 damage is dealt to the chosen Forward.
[16-002H] Ace
Your hand is revealed and damage is dealt at the point of resolution. It cannot be interrupted after the revealed number of cards have been checked.
[16-007R] Black Waltz 2
Job Black Mage is discarded at the point of resolution. After it has been discarded, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 5000 damage.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-009C] Samurai
When a Job Samurai or Card Name Samurai Forward enters the field, the auto-ability “Deal 2000 damage to all the Forwards opponent controls.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-013H] Sol
Crystal is paid at the point of resolution. After it is paid, the auto-ability “Play 1 Forward of cost 4 or less from your hand onto the field” is placed onto the stack.
[16-018C] Lilty
Lilty is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it is placed into the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 10000 damage.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-024H] Vincent
The chosen Backup will not activate during the Active Phase, even if Vincent loses its ability.
[16-025C] Bard
Bard is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it has been placed in the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Your opponent discards 2 cards from their hand.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-026L] Cloud of Darkness
Two crystal is paid at the point of resolution. After it has been paid, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Remove it from the game. As long as Cloud of Darkness is on the field, your opponent cannot play any copies of the removed card.” is placed onto the stack.
”Copies” refers to cards with the same card number. Cards with the same name can be placed on the field, so long as the card number is different.
Your opponent cannot place any copies of the removed card onto the field, even if Cloud of Darkness has lost its ability.
[16-027C] Black Waltz 1
Job Black Mage is discarded at the point of resolution. After it is discarded, the auto-ability “Choose 1 dull Forward opponent controls. Deal it 7000 damage” is placed onto the stack.
[16-029R] Shelke
The power change is neither a “+” or a “-”, so the power can be changed to a specific value by cards such as [6-052R] Diablos.
If Shelke is brought out when a card such as [15-088H] Vayne increases or decreases the power of cards via a Field Ability, then the gain or loss of power from the Field Ability will be nullified.
If power has already been gained or lost due to action abilities, auto abilities, or summons which have already been resolved, then the increase or decrease in power will remain even when Shelke is brought out. After this, power will not change even if abilities or summons are used.
[16-037R] Babus
Your opponent selects the effect, but Babus is the source. Therefore, the opponent is the one who receives the effect of the action.
”Freeze all the Characters opponent controls” can be chosen even if your opponent does not control any Characters.
”Your opponent selects 1 Forward they control. Put it into the Break Zone.” can be chosen even if your opponent does not control any Forwards.
”Your opponent discards 2 cards from their hand.” can be chosen even if your opponent has one or less cards in their hands.
[16-042R] Lasswell
The auto-ability which occurs at the end of the turn will activate even if Lasswell is placed onto the field after Job Knight attacks.
[16-043H] Atomos
The Backups will not be activated if the second card to be cast is Atomos.
[16-048H] Zidane
Cards removed from the game can be cast even if Zidane leaves the field.
Removed cards can only be cast at the appropriate time. (Characters cards can only be cast during your Main Phase.)
The cost needed to cast removed cards will be reduced by the effect of cards such as 【1-177R】Yuna, which reduces the cost you have to pay.
[16-050H] Ceodore
Characters are dulled at the point of resolution. After they have been dulled, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Character of cost 4 or more. Break it” is placed onto the stack.
[16-051L] Cecil
If a Category IV Character Card is brought out by Cecil’s effect, then the auto-ability “Choose up to 2 Backups. Activate them.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-052C] Selkie
Selkie is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it has been placed into the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Character of cost 4 or more. Break it.” is placed onto the stack.
You can add Wind Characters of cost 3 or less to your hand.
[16-066R] Heretical Knight Garland
The chosen Forward will gain +4000 power and Brave even if Heretical Knight Garland loses its ability.
[16-067L] Aerith
Aerith is removed from the game at the point of resolution. After it has been removed from the game, the auto-ability “Place 3 Reraise Counters on Aerith.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-071C] Gladiator
Gladiator is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it is placed into the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Until the end of the turn, all the Forwards you control gain +10000 power and Brave.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-075R] Shinju
If a party is formed with three cards, two Job Morze’s Soiree and one other card, then the other card must have the same element as both of the two Job Morze’s Soiree cards.
[16-076R] Sophie
If Sophie leaves the field before the auto-ability is resolved, then the damage dealt will not be doubled.
[16-083H] Layle
If multiple Forwards can attack, then they can attack in any order you like. However, the attack phase will not finish until all Forwards who can attack have done so.
If there are multiple Forwards who can block, then you can decide which Forward will block.
[16-084R] Leslie
If one or less Forwards are controlled, then the auto-ability will not activate at the beginning of Main Phase 1.
If due to the changes to controlled cards, you or your opponent ends up controlling six Backups, then the controller must choose one Backup to place in the Break Zone.
[16-087C] Puppetmaster
The Card is discarded at the point of resolution. [CF1] After it has been discarded, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Character in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-088L] Black Waltz 3
Job Black Mage is discarded at the point of resolution. After it is discarded, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward of cost 3 or less which your opponent controls. Break it.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-101C] Yuke
Yuke is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it is placed in the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward of cost 5 or less. Break it.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-104R] Reeve
Reeve will not activate so long as there is a Forward on the field, even if Reeve loses its ability.
[16-106R] Andrea Rhodea
Spanish and Italian Language Cards use the masculine noun "ES: Bailarín/IT: Ballerino" but treat it as the same job name as the feminine noun "ES: Bailarina/IT: Danzatrice".
[16-110C] Clavat
Clavat is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it has been placed into the break zone, the auto-ability “Draw 2 cards” is placed onto the stack.
[16-116L] Tidus
Tidus is put at the bottom of the deck at the point of resolution. After this has been done, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Put it at the bottom of its owner’s deck.” is placed onto the stack.
[16-119H] Fusoya
The actions selected must be chosen from the top. To select the fourth option, “Choose 1 Forward. Put it on top of its owner’s deck.”, you must pay four types of CP of Elements other than Water.
[16-126R] Leo
You must control a total of six Characters, with one Character of all numbers 1 through to 6, in order to cast Leo.
Cast the selected card from the five cards after the auto-ability has been resolved.
[16-129L] Chaos
If your opponent controls a Multi-Element character, then the cost will be reduced by 2 for each element that card has. For example, if your opponent controls [1-107L] Shantotto, then the cost needed for Chaos will reduce by 12, and will be 0.
”Character you control owned by your opponent” refers to Characters whose original owner is the opponent.
[16-130H] Twintania
Twintania is always also a Monster. This also applies to when it is in the Break Zone, deck, and your hand.
A counter is removed at the point of resolution. After it is removed, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 7000 damage.” is placed onto the stack.
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[15-006H] Cyan
If Cyan and one other [Job (Samurai)] Forward enter the field at the same time, both of their auto-abilities will be activated.
[15-010R] Vargas
Vargas gains +3000 power when either your Forward or your opponent’s Forward is placed from the Field into the Break Zone.
The action ability is used when three EXP Counters are placed, and the damage dealt will be 8000 even if Palom leaves the field before the point of resolution.
[15-012H] Faris
If you choose two Forwards which are in your Break Zone, one Power 1000 and one Power 2000, and one of them is removed from the game before the point of resolution, then the card left in your Break Zone cannot enter the field.
The total amount of damage dealt and the split to the chosen recipients is determined at the point when the special ability is used.
[15-013L] Firion
Crystal is paid at the point of resolution. After it is paid, the auto-ability “Draw 1 card. Firion gains +1000 power, Haste and First Strike” goes onto the stack.
[15-015R] Bwagi
You can only remove counters placed on Characters you control for the action-ability cost.
[15-020R] Rinok
You can only remove counters placed on Characters you control for the action-ability cost.
[15-021R] General Leo
If there are multiple Forwards which can block, you must decide on one Forward out of them to block.
[15-028H] Gogo
When GoGo uses an ability, the source of that ability is Ice Element and the Forward GoGo. For example, if “Choose one Forward. Deal it 1000 damage” is used by a Fire Element Forward, and Gogo uses it, as Ice is the source then you can choose a Forward who has “cannot be chosen by a Fire Element ability.”
[15-034R] Snow
Crystal is paid at the point of resolution. After it has been paid, the auto-ability of the chosen effect goes onto the stack.
[15-035H] Setzer
Crystal is paid at the point of resolution. After it is paid, the auto-ability “Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a Character, you may play it onto the field.” goes onto the stack.
[15-036H] Celes
The party attack needed to activate the second auto-ability does not need to include Celes.
[15-037L] Terra
Summons are revealed at the point of resolution. After it is revealed, the auto-ability “Choose up to the same number of Characters as the Summons you revealed. Dull them and Freeze them.” goes onto the stack.
[15-044L] Vaan
<Wind> is paid at the point of resolution. After it has been paid, the auto-ability “Activate all the [Job (Sky Pirate)] you control.” goes onto the stack.
<Water> is paid at the point of resolution. After it has been paid, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. Until the end of the turn, it loses 2000 power for each [Job (Sky Pirate)] you control.” goes onto the stack.
[15-045H] Edge
Only Summons and abilities with “Choose...” can choose Edge instead.
If there is no appropriate effect for Edge, then Edge cannot be chosen instead at the point of resolution. For example,【15-043R/8-046R】Alexander cannot choose Edge of cost 2 instead.
[15-051C] Shikaree G
If the second card you cast is Shikaree G, then as the second card will have been cast before Shikaree G enters the field, the auto-ability will not be activated.
[15-052C] Chocobo
If the chosen Forward does not form a party before the point of resolution, then the chosen Foward does not gain +2000 power.
[15-053H] Diabolos
The power of all Forwards becomes 3000 even if Diabolos is the fourth card to be cast.
The effect for casting four or more cards will also make the power of Forwards you control 3000.
You will need to chose one Forward, even for the fourth and subsequent casts. If the chosen Forward becomes an illegal target before the point of resolution, such as by leaving the field, its power will not become 3000.
[15-055H] Bartz
Three crystals are paid at the point of resolution. After it has been paid, the auto-ability “Play it onto the field” goes onto the stack.
If multiple [Job (Warrior of Light]) Forwards are placed from the Field into the Break Zone, then one of them must be specified, and the auto-ability will be activated for that Forward.
[15-063C] Romaa Mihgo
The auto-ability will activate even if two cards are drawn during the Draw Phase. In this case, when the first Main Phase starts, two of “Romaa Mihgo gains +1000 power until the end of the turn” will go onto the stack.
[15-071H] Kefka
Forwards who have the ability “Cannot be chosen by abilities.” can also be separated into groups regardless of it.
Dividing into groups is the point of resolution for the effect. You cannot use Summons or abilities from the time the cards are split into groups until they are placed into the Break Zone.
[15-073H] Cecil
Even if you have crystals, you can still take 1 point of damage without paying for the first auto-ability.
[15-079R] Ba'Gamnan
You can only remove counters placed on Characters you control for the action ability cost.
The action ability can be used by removing a total of four counters from multiple Characters.
[15-084L] Robel-Akbel
Crystal is paid at the point of resolution. After it has been paid, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward or Monster. Break it.” goes onto the stack.
[15-092C] Sonitus
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target or has left the field at the point of resolution, you will not receive one point of damage.
[15-103R] Regis
A single [Job (Kingsglaive)] is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it has been placed into the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Cancel its effect” goes onto the stack.
[15-107H] Umaro
Even if you have crystal, you can still put Umaro into the Break Zone without paying for the first auto-ability.
[15-112R] Shinryu Celestia
Shinryu Celestia is also always [Card Name (Celestia)]. This also applies to when it is in the Break Zone, deck and hand.
A Character is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it is placed into the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. It loses 7000 power until the end of the turn.” is placed onto the stack.
[15-119L] Porom
If you use the action-ability when there are three EXP Counters, and Porom leaves the field before the point of resolution, then the power of the chosen Forward becomes 1000.
[15-120H] Mind Flayer
If the removed card is not cast, then it will remain removed from the game.
[15-121R] Mayakov
Spanish and Italian Languages use the masculine noun "ES: Bailarín/IT: Ballerino" but treat it as the same job name as the feminine noun "ES: Bailarina/IT: Danzatrice".
[15-122L] Mog (VI)
Crystal is paid at the point of resolution. After it has been paid, the auto-ability “Draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card from your hand” goes onto the stack.
[15-124H] Relm
A Forward or Monster is returned to the owner’s hand at the point of resolution. After the card is returned to the hand, the auto-ability “Gain one crystal.” goes onto the stack.
[15-125R] Lunafreya
Even if [Card Name (Noctis)] leaves the field when attacking or blocking, the attack or block will not be cancelled.
[15-126R] Lenna
Crystal is paid at the point of resolution. After it has been paid, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward of cost 2 or less in your Break Zone. Play it onto the field.” goes onto the stack.
Two crystals are paid at the point of resolution. After they have been paid, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward of cost 3 or less other than Card Name Lenna in your Break Zone. Play it onto the field.” goes onto the stack.
[15-127H] Ace
Casting Ace is also included as one of the number of cast cards.
If you have cast two or more cards when Ace enters the field, then cards cannot be cast that turn.
[15-128L] Noctis
The party attack needed to activate the auto-ability does not need to include Noctis.
[15-129L] Ardyn
Your entire hand is discarded at the point of resolution. After it is discarded, the effect that the opponent selects is put onto the stack.
The opponent is the one who chooses the effect, but the source is Ardyn. Therefore, the opponent is the one who is affected by the effect.
Your opponent can also choose an action which is not possible. For example, even if they do not control a single Character card, “Your opponent selects 1 Chacter they control. Put it into the Break Zone” can be chosen as many times as they like. The same applies for “Your opponent puts the top 20 cards of their deck into the Break Zone.”
[15-130H] Nox Suzaku
Nox Suzaku cannot be cast if it does not meet the conditions to be put on the field, and it cannot be brought onto the field by Summons or Abilities.
[15-131S] Wedge
The auto-ability which is activated by the party attack will be activated if two or more [Job (Avalanche)] Forwards are included in it, even if Forwards which have other Jobs are also part of it. For example, the ability can be activated by a party attack of three cards, with two [Job (Avalanche)] cards and one [Job (Merc)] card.
Wedge does not need to be included in the party attack needed to activate the auto-ability.
[15-132S] Jessie
The auto-ability which is activated by the party attack will be activated if two or more [Job (Avalanche)] Forwards are included in it, even if Forwards which have other Jobs are also part of it. For example, the ability can be activated by a party attack of three cards, with two [Job (Avalanche)] cards and one [Job (Merc)] card.
Jessie does not need to be included in the party attack needed to activate the auto-ability.
For German: [1-204S], [4-082C] Jesse and [15-132S] Jessie are the same character, though their names have changed.
[15-133S] Barret
The action ability can be used from the turn Barret is brought out.
The action ability can be used even if you were to put Barret onto the field after your [Job (Avalanche)] has been placed from the field into the Break Zone.
[15-134S] Biggs
The auto-ability which is activated by the party attack will be activated if two or more [Job (Avalanche)] Forwards are included in it, even if Forwards which have other Jobs are also part of it. For example, the ability can be activated by a party attack of three cards, with two [Job (Avalanche)] cards and one [Job (Merc)] card.
Biggs does not need to be included in the party attack needed to activate the auto-ability.
[15-135S] Tseng
The [Job (Member of the Turks)] which you put from your hand onto the field does not need to be the one you just added to your hand.
Even if in the five revealed cards there is no [Job (Member of the Turks)] card, you can place a [Job (Member of the Turks)] from your hand onto the field.
[15-137S] Rude
The auto-ability is put onto the stack, and if you control three or less [Job (Member of the Turks)] cards before the point of resolution, then your opponent’s Forward will not be dulled.
[15-138S] Reno
The auto-ability gets put onto the stack, and if you control three or less [Job (Member of the Turks)] cards before the point of resolution, then your Forward will not gain Haste.
[15-139S] Cloud
If no [Job (Avalanche)] Forwards are controlled when Cloud enters the field, the auto-ability will not activate.
The effect will legally resolve even if the auto-ability is activated and a [Job (Avalanche)] Forward is removed from the field before the point of resolution.
[15-140S] Rufus
<Ice><Ice><Lightning><Lightning><2> are paid at the point of resolution. After this has been paid, the auto-ability “Choose any number of [Job (Member of the Turks)] with different names in your Break Zone. Play them onto the field.” is placed onto the stack.
Even if there is only one type of [Job (Member of the Turks)] card in the Break Zone, you can use the auto-ability to put it onto the field.
[14-003R] Illua
Backups are dulled at the point of resolution. After they are dulled, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 3000 damage for each Backup you dulled due to this ability, and Illua gains +3000 power for each Backup you dulled due to this ability until the end of the turn” goes onto the stack.
[14-007L] Garland
The auto-ability will be activated regardless of which player controls the Backup that moves from the field into the Break Zone.
[14-010H] Gutsco
If Gutsco leaves the field before the auto-ability from when it enters the field or attacks has been resolved, then the auto-ability regarding adding cards to your hand will be activated before the card is removed, so the top card of your deck will not be added to your hand and it will remain removed.
[14-011H] Susano, Lord of the Revel
A Backup is placed into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After placing it into the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Deal 9000 damage to all the Forwards other than Susano, Lord of the Revel.” goes onto the stack.
[14-017H] Mom Bomb
If Mom Bomb has been turned into a Forward, but ceases to be a Forward when attacking, then that attack will be cancelled.
[14-018C] Maliris (IX)
A Job Chaos card is discarded at the point of resolution. After it is discarded, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 8000 Damage.” is put onto the stack.
[14-019R] Red XIII
If [11-140S] Kadaj enters the field as a result of this effect, even if that Kadaj then leaves the game at the end of the turn due to Kadaj’s effect, Red XIII’s effect will instead cause Kadaj to be removed from the game, and it cannot be returned to the field at the end of your opponent’s turn.
[14-021H] Valfodr
If Valfodr has been turned into a Forward, but ceases to be a Forward when attacking, then that attack will be cancelled.
[14-023L] Gilgamesh (FFBE)
The multiple elements on a Multi-Element card all count. For example, if there are two cards in the Break Zone, one of which is a Fire/Wind Multi-Element card, and the other being an Ice Element card, then Gilgamesh (FFBE) gains +1000, Haste and First Srike.
[14-035C] Don Corneo
If your opponent has two or less cards in their hand, then they reveal all of their cards, and you can make them discard one card.
[14-036L] Shiva, Lady of Frost
When Shiva, Lady of Frost is on the field, then you cannot make a move to bring out Ysayle. If Ysayle enters the field due to an effect, then it will remain in its original area.
This ability restricts one of these cards from entering the field whilst the other is already on the field. If Shiva, Lady of Frost and Ysayle enter the field at the same time, then they will both remain on the field.
If you gain control of your opponent’s Ysayle when Shiva, Lady of Frost is on the field, then both will remain on the field.
This ability differs from the rule that you cannot put a card with the same name on the field. Even when playing with Title Format rules that allow cards of the same name to be on the field, if Shiva, Lady of Frost is on the field, then Ysayle cannot be put on the field.
[14-042L] Bismarck, Lord of the Mists
The auto-ability activates regardless of which player controls the character which is returned to its owner’s hand.
[14-047R] Choco/Mog
You can draw one card regardless of what combination of Job or Card Name Chocobos and Moogles you control.
[14-048C] Tiamat (IX)
A Job Chaos card is discarded at the point of resolution. After it is discarded, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Character of cost 5 or more. Break it.” goes onto the stack.
[14-049H] Typhon
If Typhon has been turned into a Forward, but ceases to be a Forward when attacking, then that attack will be cancelled.
If the owner of the Forward placed in the deck has four or less cards in their deck, then the card is placed at the very bottom.
[14-050R] Naja Salaheem
If two placed counters are chosen, then they will be turned into four counters.
[14-057H] Rosa
If Rosa is the third card to be cast, the auto-ability will not be activated when it is cast because the third card will have been cast before Rosa enters the field. This is the same if Rosa is fifth card to be cast.
[14-061H] Calbrena
If Calbrena has been turned into a Forward, but ceases to be a Forward when attacking, then that attack will be cancelled.
[14-064R] Kitone
Special abilities which you pay Earth for will be newly added onto the stack.
[14-072R] Hojo
After a Forward is removed from the game, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward in your Break Zone with a cost inferior to that of the removed Forward. Play it onto the field.” goes onto the stack.
[14-076C] Lich (IX)
A Job Chaos card is discarded at the point of resolution. After it is discarded, the auto-ability “Choose 1 card in your Break Zone. Add it to your hand.” goes onto the stack.
[14-078H] Trap Door
If Trap Door has been turned into a Forward, but ceases to be a Forward when attacking, then that attack will be cancelled.
[14-086R] Heidegger
2 cards are discarded from your hand at the point of resolution. After they have been discarded, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. Break it.” goes onto the stack.
[14-087L] Ravana, Savior of the Gnath
The auto-ability will activate regardless of which player is controllling the Character which is put from the field into the Break Zone.
[14-098R] Ultimecia
A Forward is put into the Break Zone at the point of resolution. After it is put in the Break Zone, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward of the same cost as the Forward you put into the break Zone. You gain control of it.” goes onto the stack.
[14-100H] Octomammoth
If Octomammoth has been turned into a Forward, but ceases to be a Forward when attacking, then that attack will be cancelled.
[14-102L] Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl
The auto-ability will be activated regardless of which player controls the Character which is returned from the field into their owner’s hand.
[14-104C] Kraken (IX)
A Job Chaos card is discarded at the point of resolution. After it is discarded the auto-ability “Draw 2 cards” is placed onto the stack.
[14-112L] Larsa
Placing a card into the Damage Zone by using Larsa’s auto-ability does not mean it receives damage. For example, with [7-077L] Noctis, the auto-ability which activates with the condition “When you receive damage” will not activate.
[14-114R] Luzaf
After the Forward has been returned to its owner’s hand, the auto-ability “Your opponent selects 1 Forward they control. Put it into the Break Zone” goes onto the stack.
[14-124H] Zeromus
Zeromus is also always Card Name Zemus. This also applies to when it is in the Break Zone, in the deck, or in your hand.
[14-130H] Cloud of Darkness
If both of the conditions to reduce cost by 2 are met, then the cost will reduce by 4.
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[13-002L] Akstar
The activated EX Burst effect can be interrupted by a Summon or ability.
Akstar’s auto-ability is an ability which triggers an EX Burst effect and places the effect in the stack. However, the triggered EX Burst is neither an auto-ability nor a Summon. It cannot be disabled by [5-068L] Y’shtola etc.
[13-005C] Black Mage
If a Multi-Element card is turned over, it will be added to your hand if it has either a Lightning or Water element.
[13-006C] Xande
Damage is taken at the point of resolution. After taking damage, the auto-ability “Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage” is placed in the stack.
[13-008R] Vermilion Bird l'Cie Caetuna
On the second use of the action ability, the number of Summons which were removed during the first use of the action ability will not be counted.
[13-009H] Selphie
Selphie does not gain +2000 power for Multi-Element Forwards which contain Fire. Even if the card is Multi-Element, it must not contain Fire.
《Fire》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto ability “until the end of the turn, it gains +2000 and Haste” is placed in the stack.
[13-014R] Larkeicus
If Larkeicus leaves the field before the the auto ability is resolved, the selected Forward will not be removed from the game.
[13-016H] Rubicante
The damage from the auto-ability which activates when Rubicante is placed into the Break Zone refers to the power Rubicante had just before it was placed in the Break Zone. If the damage is increased or decreased as a result of an effect, the damage of this power is inflicted.
[13-022H] Cid Randell
Even if a Forward with “When (card) enters the field...” enters the field, its auto-ability will not be activated.
Auto-abilities for cards such as [9-036H] Ghost or [10-007H] Zack which activate when a Forward other than itself enters the field will not activate.
[13-024R] Squall
If you control two [Category VIII] cards other than this card, you can use this ability.
[13-027C] Time Mage
If a Multi-Element card is turned over, it can be added to your hand so long as it has either Fire or Water.
[13-033R] Levnato
Summons are revealed at the point of resolution. Depending on the number of Summons which are revealed, after they have been revealed either the auto-ability “put Levnato into the Break Zone” or “choose 1 dull Forward. Break it” can be placed in the stack.
[13-034H] Remedi
If you search in the deck but do not draw a single card, the auto-ability will not be activated.
[13-036R] Eight
Eight will gain haste even if it is the second card to be cast.
[13-042C] White Mage
If a Multi-Element card is turned over, it will be added to your hand so long as the Multi-Element card has either Fire or Ice.
[13-048H] Balthier
Balthier’s action ability can also allow itself to be dulled on the turn it enters the field.
[13-060R] Cecil
Damage is taken at the point of resolution. After damage is taken, the auto ability “Choose 1 Forward the opponent controls. Cecil and the chosen Forward deal damage equal to their respective power to the other” is added in the stack.
If either Cecil or the opponent’s Forward is not on the field at the point of resolution, no damage is dealt.
[13-062H] Bhunivelze
Cards which have multiple elements on the field such as [1-107L] Shantotto are treated as being Multi-Element cards, and so they are not counted in the effect which reduces costs.
When damage is at 6 or more, both Damage 3 and Damage 6 are active.
[13-064R] Yang
When damage is at 3 or more, both Damage 1 and Damage 3 are active.
[13-065R] Rydia
The Summon chosen as part of Rydia’s action ability will be one which is in the stack. It is not a Summon which is in your hand or in the Break Zone etc.
[13-068C] Alchemist
If a Multi-Element card is turned over, it will be added to your hand so long as the Multi-Element card has either Ice or Wind.
[13-069C] Red Mage
If a Multi-Element card is turned over, it will be added to your hand so long as the Multi-Element card has either Wind or Earth.
[13-073H] Kain
A Brainwashing Counter is placed on Kain even if Kain is placed from your hand onto the field by an ability from cards such as [2-035H] Shelke
[13-080C] Marach
The opponent chooses a Forward at the point of resolution.
[13-081H] Lightning
You can choose one Forward in your Break Zone, and one Forward controlled by your opponent. You can also choose two Forwards of either.
If Lightning leaves the field before the auto-ability which occurs when it enters the field is resolved, the auto-ability which returns cards to the owner’s hand will be activated before they are removed. Therefore, the selected cards will not return to the owner’s hand and will remain removed.
[13-086R] Agrias
Both the first and second auto-abilities will be activated if you control [1-156C] Ovelia.
[13-092C] Sage
If a Multi-Element card is turned over, it will be added to your hand so long as the Multi-Element card has either Wind or Earth.
[13-103L] Materia
If you control a Light Character, you cannot put Materia onto the field.
《X》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Search for 1 Light Forward of cost X and play it onto the field” is placed in the stack.
[13-104L] Spiritus
If you control a Dark Character, you cannot place Spiritus onto the field.
《X》is paid at the point of resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “Search for 1 Dark Forward of cost X and play it onto the field” is placed in the stack.
[13-108L] Llednar
If [2-147L] The Emperor is on the opponent’s field, neither player can use Llednar’s action ability.
[13-112L] White Tiger l'Cie Nimbus
You cannot cast White Tiger l’Cie Nimbus with the CP created by discarding Backups from your hand.
[13-115L] Golbez
When damage is at 6 points or more, both auto-abilities will activate, and you can search for a total of four Cost 2 Cards.
[13-119L] Sophie
If you control a Forward which has both Earth and Water, both field abilities can be counted. For example, if you control [13-118C] Sarah (MOBIUS), Sophie will gain +4000.
[13-121R] Ramza
If a chosen Forward becomes an unsuitable target due to an effect making it so that it cannot be chosen or by leaving the field before the point of resolution, the remaining Forward will be put into the Break Zone.
[13-127H] Chime
You decide the Forward to be returned to the owner’s hand, and which to Freeze at the point of resolution.
If a chosen Forward becomes an unsuitable target due to an effect making it so that it cannot be chosen or by leaving the field before the point of resolution, the remaining Forward will be returned to the owner’s hand.
Multi-Element Cards
These cards always possess multiple elements, regardless of which zone they are in.
One CP from each element on the card is required to cast them.
E.g. a fire/ice cost 3 card would require one fire element CP, one ice element CP and 1 CP from an element of the player’s choice.
One CP from each element on the card is always required, even in situations where an effect has reduced the cost to 1. However, no CP need to be spent if the card’s cost has been reduced to 0.
If generating CP by discarding a multi-element card from their hand, the player specifies one of the elements on the card and generates 2 CP of that element.
E.g. When discarding a fire/ ice card, you could generate two fire or two ice CP, but it is not possible to generate one fire and one ice CP.
Casting refers to paying the required cost to use a card (If the card is a character that means placing that card on the field, if the card is a summon then it means summoning it).
*Cards where the amount paid is 0, such as 2-109H Golbez and 10-020L Reynn are still counted as being “cast”, with the cost as 0.
All card interactions previously described as “paying cost to put on the field” or “summoning a summon” are now treated as “paying the cost to cast” or “casting a summon”.
[12-001R] Aigis
When forming a party of three with two Forwards that have the job “Warrior of Light” and one other card, the other card needs to be of the same element as both the cards with the job “Warrior of Light”.
[12-002H] Amaterasu
Amaterasu’s ability will still deal 8000 damage to Forwards which have the rule “cannot be chosen by opponent’s summons”.
[12-006C] Ogre
Ogre is placed in the Break Zone at the resolution stage. The auto ability “choose one Forward. Deal it 8000 damage” is placed in the stack after the Ogre card is placed in the Break Zone
[12-009C] Samurai
This card’s action ability can be used if the player controls two cards with the job “samurai” or the card name “samurai” in addition to the card itself.
[11-010C] Warrior
The dulling of Backup cards occurs at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward. Deal it 3000 damage for each Backup you dulled” is placed in the stack after any Backups have been dulled.
[12-014R] Bahamut
The cost required to cast this card is reduced by 2 when using 1-020R Fang’s ability
Casting this card will trigger 11-012C Mootie’s auto ability to activate itself.
Summons with the card name “Bahamut” can also be used to pay the cost for the special ability.
[12-015H] Forza
Forza can be placed on the field using summons and abilities etc.
[12-018H] Lani
An opponent who has had a card removed from their deck via Lani’s ability is not allowed to look at that face-down card.
The face-down card can only be used at a time it would usually be appropriate to cast (e.g. character cards can only be cast in a player’s own main phase).
The cost paid to cast a face-down card is reduced by effects that reduce cost, such as that used by 1-177R Yuna.
[12-019R] Amidatelion
The removed card can only be used at a time it would usually be appropriate to cast (e.g. character cards can only be cast in a player’s own main phase)
[12-020R] Ulmia
When the total damage is at 5 or more, both the damage 3 and damage 5 effects are active.
[12-021R] Necron
If two or more darkness element characters are controlled when Necron leaves the field, they are all placed in the Break Zone
Characters changed to the darkness element by Necron have their original elemental affinity overwritten and lose it.
[12-024H] Emet-Selch
If the player controls different cards with the name Emet-Selch while this Emet-Selch has been removed from the game, the removed Emet-Selch will not return to the field and stays out of play. After this happens, the removed Emet-Selch will return at the end of a subsequent turn once any the other cards named Emet-Selch have left the field.
If an ability such as that of 11-140S Kadaj etc. selects Emet-Selch during the end of turn phase, he is removed from the game and then returns at the end of the next turn.
[12-028C] Bard
The Bard is placed in the Break Zone at the resolution step. The auto ability “draw 2 cards” is placed in the stack after the Bard has been placed in the Break Zone
[12-029L] The Emperor
The opponent does not discard from their hand if there one or fewer cards with the name “The Emperor” in the Break Zone prior to resolving the auto ability triggered when this card enters the field.
[12-033R] Snow
It is not possible to search for just one card with Snow’s ability.
The category XIII Forward is dulled at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward. Dull it and Freeze it.” is placed in the stack after your Forward card has been dulled.
[12-036C] Mimic
Mimic is placed in the Break Zone at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward. Freeze it. Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand.” is placed in the stack after Mimic has been placed in the Break Zone
[12-037L] Ashe
It is possible to use Ashe’s ability to draw a new card when two other cards have also been cast in addition to Ashe, for a total of 3.
[12-039C] Alexander
Two cards are still drawn when Alexander is the fourth card cast.
[12-041C] Dancer
Only 1000 damage is inflicted if there are six or fewer characters with the wind element at the resolution step.
[12-042C] Cactuar
Cactuar is placed in the Break Zone at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward. Your opponent reveals the top card of their deck. If the revealed card's cost is 3 or less, deal it 1000 damage. If the revealed card's cost is 4 or more, deal it 10000 damage.” is placed in the stack after Cactuar has been placed in the Break Zone
[12-043C] White Mage
It is still possible to activate the Backups when White mage is the third card cast.
[12-044R] Shikaree X
If an EX burst is turned over when three points of damage are inflicted, first resolve all the damage before resolving the EX burst (If multiple EX bursts are turned over, they are resolved in the order they appeared).
[12-049H] Diabolos
A Forward which has had its power value changed to a set value by effects such as 5-062L Diabolos, has technically neither been increased or decreased and so cannot be broken with this ability.
[12-051R] Paine
Backups are not activated if there are two or fewer category X characters present at the resolution step.
[12-054C] Moogle (Crystal Hunt)
The EX burst is still triggered when Moogle (Crystal Hunt) is turned over on the third point of damage.
[12-056H] Galuf
When he has taken damage above his power level during the attack phase, Galuf is placed in the Break Zone at the start of the second main phase.
[12-061L] Krile
It is not possible to cast the selected summon if it has been moved from the Break Zone to another area before it is cast.
The cost paid to cast a face-down card is reduced by effects that lower cost, such as 1-177R Yuna.
[12-064C] Objet d’Art
Objet d’Art is placed in the Break Zone at the resolution step. The auto ability “until the end of the turn, all the Forwards you control gain +2000 power and Brave” is placed in the stack after Objet d’Art has been placed in the Break Zone
[12-066C] Vaigali
A “multi-element” card is one that has two or more elements.
As cards such as 1-107L Shantoto and 7-128H Yuri which have multiple elements when on the field will only count as having one element in other areas, Vaigali cannot search for them.
[12-073C] Red Mage
Red Mage is placed in the Break Zone at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward of cost 3 or less. Break it.” is placed in the stack after Red Mage has been placed in the Break Zone
[12-074H] Argy
“put into the Break Zone in any situation” includes being moved form the field to the Break Zone, being discarded from the player hand or being moved from the deck to the Break Zone etc.
Argy will not return to the player’s hand if he is removed from play after being placed in the Break Zone
If Argy is added to the player’s hand at the end of the turn and this causes the hand to contain six or more cards, the rules will then require the player to discard until their hand is back at five cards.
[12-076R] Exdeath
The Forwards are removed from the game at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward of cost equal to or less than the number of cards you removed. Break it.” is placed in the stack after these Forwards have been removed from the game
[12-077H] Odin
Cards discarded from the player’s hand to pay cost are not counted for the total in the Break Zone
[12-086C] Behemoth
Behemoth is placed in the Break Zone at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward. Break it.” is placed in the stack after Behemoth has been placed in the Break Zone
[12-089C] Dragoon
When four or more cards have been revealed, two auto abilities are placed in the stack.
[12-092C] Ultros
”Water” is paid at the resolution step. The auto ability “search for 1 Card Name Ultros and add it to your hand” is placed in the stack after paying,
[12-094C] Captain
Captain is placed in the Break Zone at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward. Return it to its owner's hand. Draw 1 card then discard 1 card from your hand.” is placed in the stack after Captain has been placed in the Break Zone
[12-095R] Keiss
It is the player who uses Keiss that looks at the top card in the deck.
[12-096H] Quacho Queen
Quacho Queen is always counted as being a Forward and a monster at the same time. This applies when the card is in the Break Zone, deck or player hand etc.
[12-097H] Syldra
It is not possible to search for only a single card.
Icombination of two cards are searched for, the respective costs must be different.
[12-098H] Strago
It is not possible to play a character card from the player’s hand if the chosen Forward has become invalid or has left the field at the resolution step.
[12-101R] Dusk
Water is paid at the resolution step. The auto ability “play 1 Forward of cost 3 or less from your hand onto the field.” is placed in the stack after paying,
[12-105L] Yuna
The negative modifier is calculated at the resolution step. E.g. when attacking as a party of three, but one character has left the field before the auto ability is resolved then the penalty will be -8000.
Yuna’s action ability overwrites her own element. Once Yuna specifies a new element to become, she loses her original water elemental affinity.
[12-110L] Neo Exdeath
Neo Exdeath is also always counted as having the card name “Exdeath” as well. This applies when the card is in the Break Zone, deck or player hand etc.
[12-114R] Baralai
Baralai’s damage dealing auto ability is only activated once, even if two or more Backups are activated simultaneously.
Baralai’s dull and freeze inflicting auto ability is only activated once, even if the opponent is made to discard two or more cards from their hand.
[12-123R] Urianger
The monster is placed on the field at the resolution step. The auto ability “choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Return it to its owner's hand.” is placed in the stack after the monster enters the field.
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Counters are placed on top of cards on a field as markers.
When a card with counters on top of is removed from the game, all counters are also removed from play. Each counter has its own designation. When multiple counters with different designations are placed on a single card, the player will need to manage the respective numbers of each different type. Players can use items such as small tokens or dice to manage the number of counters in play. They are not able to use FFTCG cards or coins etc. for this purpose.
If you control a Shadow Backup, it also gains Haste.
The number of cards with the job “Samurai” or the name “Samurai” are referenced at the point of resolution.
【11-004C】Cu Chaspel
This ability means you can cancel any “reduce damage” or “damage becomes 0” effects an inflict the original damage value. It also works on Forwards that “do not receive damage from X”.
【11-005C】Black Mage Soldier
The “cost to play” here refers to the cost paid when deploying this card from your hand to the field. It does not include any cost to deploy to the field from other card effects.
The number of cards with the job “Ninja” or the name “Ninja” are referenced at the point of resolution.
Choosing a Forward at the end of the turn is compulsory. If there is an eligible Forward present then it must be chosen and one card discarded from Zack’s controller’s hand.
If the opponent has no Forwards in play then Zack’s controller does not need to discard a card.
When the total damage received is 6 or over, both the Damage 3 and Damage 6 effects are applied.
【11-015L】Braska’s Final Aeon
This ability means you can cancel any “reduce damage” or “damage becomes 0” effects an inflict the original damage value. It also works on Forwards that “do not receive damage from X”.
Once the last action ability is triggered, it will not be invalidated even if there are one or fewer Forwards with the “Summoner” job present at the point of resolution.
Fire” “Fire” “1” is payed at the point of resolution. After paying this cost, “choose one Forward…” and any subsequent auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
【11-021C】Red Cap
Only Backups under the player’s own control can be removed to pay the cost here.
The number of cards with the category “VII” is referenced at the point of resolution.
Only Backups under the player’s own control can be removed to pay the cost here.
【11-032C】Black Mage
The Summon to cast is decided at the point of resolution.
It is possible to use action abilities that require to dull the Forward as part of the cost.
If a Forward entered the “dull” state by attacking and has any “When attacking” type of auto-abilities, these are triggered.
When randomly discarding cards, the discarding player should shuffle and place their hand face down etc. to make sure they cannot tell which card is which and then discard one at random.
Revealing cards due to the special ability takes place at the point of resolution. It is not possible to respond with further abilities once the card has been revealed.
The power value for dealing damage is referenced at the time of resolution. If the Forward(s)’s power value has been influenced by various effects, then damage equivalent to 2000 less than the modified figure is inflicted.
The “cost to play” here refers to the cost paid when deploying this card from your hand to the field. It does not include any cost to deploy to the field from other card effects.
【11-134S】Don Corneo
It is not possible to trigger Don Corneo’s action abilities if the number of cards remaining in the controller’s deck is lower than the number specified as the cost.
Forwards that have switched controlling player will not be able to attack or use abilities with the dull icon on the same turn, unless they have haste.
A card keeps its previous status, even after switching controlling player. For example, it will retain effects such as “+1000 power until the end of the turn”…
If switching control of a card results in a player having control of two or more cards with the same name, that do not also bear the “generic card” icon, all such cards will be placed in the Break Zone.
When a card that has switched controlling player is placed in the Break Zone, it is placed in the Break Zone of the card’s owner.
When a card switches controlling player, this does not count as that card having been deployed on the field or having left the field, and any auto abilities with such trigger conditions will not activate.
Forwards that have had their controlling player switched will revert back to their original controller immediately after Don Corneo leaves the field. This action does not use the stack and cannot be interrupted.
A chosen Forward will not change controlling player if Don Corneo has already left the field at the point of resolution.
The “cost to play” here refers to the cost paid when deploying this card from your hand to the field. It does not include any cost to deploy to the field from other card effects.
All Characters chosen are still activated, even if the total number of cards with the job “ninja” or name “ninja” has changed at the point of resolution.
”Wind” “Wind” “1” is payed at the point of resolution. After paying this cost, “choose one Forward…” and any subsequent auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
【11-054R】Hooded Man
It is not possible to deploy the Hooded Man to the field if Kain is already deployed there. If an effect would cause this to happen then the Hooded Man would remain in the Zone it is currently in.
This ability restricts the deployment of one of these two cards to the field if the other one is already present there. However, If Kain and the Hooded Man are both deployed to the field simultaneously, they can both remain there.
If a player gains control of their opponent’s Hooded Man card while Kain is already deployed then both can remain on the field.
This rule differs from the rule that prevents deploying cards with the same name to the field. The Hooded Man cannot be deployed when Kain is already present, even under the “Title Series” format rule that allow cards of the same name to be deployed.
If the Backup chosen is ineligible as a target or has already been removed from the field at the time of resolution then damage is not inflicted.
Only Backups under the player’s own control can be removed to pay the cost here.
【11-059C】Bobby Corwen
In order to form a party of three that contains Bobby Corwen and two other cards, the other two Forward cards must be of the same elemental affinity.
”Wind” “Wind” “Wind” “2” is payed at the point of resolution. After paying this cost, “search for…” and any subsequent auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
The Summons that are searched for must all have a different elemental affinity and cost value to each other. For example, this will result in a combination such as “fire cost 1”, “ice cost 2”, “wind cost 3”.
If there is still a Summon in the player’s hand that fulfils the required conditions after using Yuna’s special ability to cast a Summon without paying its cost, they may carry on and cast a Summon again.
Ardyn’s second auto-ability will not trigger in cases when receiving damage greater than Ardyn’s power value due to summons or abilities, or when his power value is 0 or less.
Only Backups under the player’s own control can be removed to pay the cost here.
The number of forwards with the “Earth” elemental affinity is referenced at the point of resolution.
【11-070R】Exodus (FFTA)
If five or more points of damage have been inflicted, but the Forward chosen has become ineligible as a target or has already been removed from the field at the time of resolution, all of the listed effects will no longer apply.
Tyro can create CP of any Element, but this does not mean that he has acquired that elemental affinity itself. He remains an Earth Element card.
The number of cards with the job “Monk” or the name “Monk” are referenced at the point of resolution.
The “cost to play” here refers to the cost paid when deploying this card from your hand to the field. It does not include any cost to deploy to the field from other card effects.
”Earth” “1” is payed at the point of resolution. After paying this cost, “choose one Forward…” and any subsequent auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
The Forward searched for must have a cost of exactly one CP higher than the card placed in the Break Zone and not “one or less”.
【11-085C】Red Mage
The “cost to play” here refers to the cost paid when deploying this card from your hand to the field. It does not include any cost to deploy to the field from other card effects.
When the total damage inflicted is 6 or over, both the damage 3 and damage 6 effects are applied.
【11-087C】Yellow Jelly
Only cards under the player’s own control can be removed to pay the cost here.
【11-093H】Man in Black
It is not possible to deploy the Man in Black to the field if Golbez is already deployed there. If an effect would cause this to happen then the Man in Black stays in the area it was previously in.
This ability restricts the deployment of one of these two cards to the field if the other one is already present there. However, If Golbez and the Man in Black are both deployed to the field simultaneously, they can both remain there.
If a player gains control of their opponent’s Man in Black card while Golbez is already deployed then both can remain on the field.
This rule differs from the rule that prevents deploying cards with the same name to the field. The Man in Black cannot be deployed when Golbez is already present, even under the “Title Series” format rule that allow cards of the same name to be deployed.
All character chosen will still be dulled, even if the number of job “ninja” or name “ninja” cards changes at the point of resolution.
The job “Kingsglaive” card that is placed in the Break Zone is specified at the point of resolution. After paying this cost, “choose one Forward…” and any subsequent auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
It is also possible to choose to place Nyx himself in the break zone.
If the damage 3 condition is in effect then both of the auto-abilities are triggered when Puck enters the field and can be stacked in whichever order the controller likes.
When the total damage is 5 or over, both the damage 3 and damage 5 effects are applied.
Forwards that have switched controlling player will not be able to attack or use abilities with the dull icon on the same turn, unless they have haste.
A card keeps its previous status, even after switching controlling player. For example, it will retain effects such as “+1000 power until the end of the turn”.
If switching control of a card results in a player having control of two or more cards with the same name, that do not also bear the “generic card” icon, all such cards will be placed in the Break Zone.
When a card that has switched controlling player is placed in a Break Zone, it is placed in the break zone of the card’s owner.
Switching control of a card does not count as that card having been deployed on the field or having left the field and any auto-abilities with those as trigger conditions will not activate.
The number of cards with the job “Ninja” or the name “Ninja” are referenced at the point of resolution.
Only abilities worded as “Choose a X” can have a new target selected.
It is not possible to change targets to one that is not valid; for example switching a Forward that the opponent controls for one that you control.
It is still possible to change targets for auto-abilities that have multiple effects, such as that used by 5-075L Wol, as long as only one target is chosen overall. If more than one target is chosen then the targets cannot be changed.
It is acceptable to change targets to the same card as was chosen originally.
When randomly revealing cards, the revealing player should shuffle and place their hand face down etc. to make sure they cannot tell which card is which and then pick one to reveal at random.
”Water” “1” is payed at the point of resolution. After paying this cost, “choose one Forward…” and any subsequent auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
【11-115C】White Mage
The “cost to play” here refers to the cost paid when deploying this card from your hand to the field. It does not include any cost to deploy to the field from other card effects.
Only Backups under the player’s own control can be removed to pay the cost here.
A Character that is made into a forward using Mira’s ability will still retain its original type. For example, if a Backup card is made into a Forward, it will still be able to generate CP.
A Character that is made into a Forward using Mira’s ability will not be able to attack unless it was under the player’s control from the beginning of the turn or it possesses haste.
If there are two or more category “FFCC” Forwards and Monsters in the Break Zone at the same time, it is possible to search for only one of the two card types.
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It is not possible to trigger Cloud’s action ability if the number of cards remaining in the player’s deck is lower than the number specified as the cost.
【11-128H】Princess Sarah
Sarah’s ability to switch elemental affinities means she loses her initial Light Element affinity thereafter. However, it is possible for her to specify Light as the Element she will change to.
Princess Sarah is deployed on the field as a Light Element card. She cannot be deployed if the player is already controlling another Light Element character.
”X” is payed at the point of resolution. “play it onto your field” and any subsequent auto-ability is added to the stack.
If Sephiroth is made to deploy on the field through a card effect but both players have received less than 4 points of damage, he will be prevented from doing so and remain in the Zone he was previously.
When Kadaj is deployed on the field through an ability, but there is already another Forward of Light or Dark Element present there, he will be unable to be deployed and will remain in the Zone he was previously.
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An explanation about the new “Damage” mechanic: For abilities written as Damage X; this refers to when a Character gains an ability, only when the controller of that Character has received the number of damage points specified or more. For Damage X field abilities, these become instantly active when the number of damage points specified (or more) is received. For Damage X action abilities, these can be used when the number of damage points specified (or more) is received. They cannot be triggered if the number “X” is not yet met.
If you deal damage to more than one Forward as a result of blocking a party attack with Ignacio, draw the same number of cards as the amount of Forwards you dealt damage to.
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, your Fire Forwards do not gain +2000 power. If you cast Ifrit and choose one of the Fire Forwards you control with 8000 power, that Forward’s power will be 10000, with 8000 damage dealt to it.
The ability refers to the number of Backups you control at the time of resolution.
When Damage 5 is active, Gancanagh has two action abilities. It’s not the case that the second action ability replaces the first one, the controller can use one or the other.
【10-006R】 Cloud
The payment of occurs when resolving. After paying this cost, “Choose 1 Dark Forward” and any other auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
When a Forward that is both Fire and Category VII enters the field, the auto-ability is triggered twice and may be stacked in the order of your choice.
When Damage 5 is active, the two auto-abilities are triggered when Xande enters the field and may be stacked in the order of your choice. You may also select the same name card than that chosen from the first auto-ability. All of them enter the field, but all of them are put into the Break Zone immediately.
【10-010C】Onion Knight (III)
【1-107L】Shantotto and 【1-103C】Kimahri have more than one Element. In the event that you control 【1-107L】Shantotto and another Fire Backup, it would count that you control two Fire Backups and they would not count as different Backups.
When Damage 5 is active, both Damage 3 and Damage 5 field abilities are therefore active.
The payment of occurs when resolving. After paying this cost, “Choose 1 Forward…” and any other auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
A Forward removed from and then played back onto the field is treated as a newly played Forward. Unless it has Haste, it may not attack or use any abilities with the dull icon this turn. All power modifiers on the card are removed when the card leaves the field.
When Damage 5 is active, the two auto-abilities are triggered when Eald’narche enters the field and may be stacked in the order of your choice.
【10-028L】Cloud of Darkness
It’s at the point of resolution that you may put 1 Character into the Break Zone. After doing so, all subsequent auto-abilities are then added to the stack.
Shiva cannot be cast unless a total of 2 Forwards can be chosen.
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, your opponent does not discard a card.
When Damage 2 is active the two auto-abilities are triggered when Squall enters the field and may be stacked in the order of your choice. When Damage 5 is active the three auto-abilities are triggered when Squall enters the field and may be stacked in the order of your choice.
Back Attack doesn’t stack. Sephiroth can be played onto the field when a stack is present, but it does not have any effect on the stack and Sephiroth just goes onto the field immediately.
When Damage 5 is active, Dendrobium has two action abilities. It’s not the case that the second action ability replaces the first one. the controller can use one or the other. If none of the chosen Forwards are legal targets at the time of resolution or have left the field, you do not draw a card.
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you do not draw a card.
When Damage 3 is active, the two auto-abilities are triggered when Arc enters the field and may be stacked in the order of your choice.
When Damage 5 is active Unsaganashi has two action abilities. It’s not the case that the second action ability replaces the first one, the controller can use one or the other.
If multiple cards are put from the opponent’s deck into the Break Zone, +2000 power is added for each of those cards.
【10-052L】Cid (FFBE)
9000 damage is done to a Forward that enters the field by the effect of an ability or a Summon. If a Forward enters the field with its cost being reduced to 0 due to an effect of some kind, Cid (FFBE) will still deal that Forward 9000 damage.
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you do not draw a card.
【10-054C】Onion Knight (III)
【1-107L】Shantotto and 【1-103C】Kimahri have more than one Element. In the event that you control 【1-107L】Shantotto and another Fire Backup, it would count that you control two Fire Backups and they would not count as different Backups.
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you do not Draw a card.
The ability can only repeat once.
“Battle damage” refers to damage dealt to Forwards at the damage resolution step after Kain has attacked or blocked. “Battle damage” doesn’t include the damage dealt by Forwards to each other as a result of an effect from a card like Hecatoncheir【4-093R】.
When Damage 5 is active, both Damage 2 and Damage 5 field abilities are therefore active.
When Damage 5 is active, Garganzola has two action abilities. It’s not the case that the second action ability replaces the first one and the controller can use one or the other.
【10-069R】Black Tortoise l’Cie Gilgamesh
“It cannot be put into the Break Zone” refers to how effects from abilities and Summons that read “put it into the Break Zone”, such as 【3-123R】Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud and 【8-136L】Veritas of the Dark, will not be applied. Summons and abilities that are written as “Break a Forward” etc. will break Black Tortoise l’Cie Gilgamesh in the same way as other Forwards. Black Tortoise l’Cie Gilgamesh will also break if he receives equal damage to or more damage than his current power. As per the game rules when the power of a Forward becomes 0 or less, they will be put into the Break Zone.
【10-071R】Cid (MOBIUS)
The number of Forwards you control is checked at the time of resolution.
【10-072L】 Shantotto
The card is revealed at the time of resolution. After revealing, the auto-ability based on the revealed card’s cost is added to the stack. If the revealed card is of cost 3, nothing happens.
Suzuhisa’s auto-ability only triggers once per turn. You may still draw the cards, even if putting Suzuhisa in the Break Zone is halted by removing him from the game, like with card 【1-176H】 Yuna. If Suzuhisa leaves the field before the first auto-ability resolves, he is not put in the Break Zone, and you cannot draw the cards. If the opponent’s auto-ability triggers as an Ex-Burst, Suzushisa’s auto-ability doesn’t trigger.
The actions are selected at the time Titan is cast. The effects resolve from the top of the list as they are written. You cannot select the same action twice. If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution, none of the subsequent effects/actions happen.
【10-077C】Onion Knight (III)
【1-107L】Shantotto and 【1-103C】Kimahri have more than one Element. In the example that you have 【1-107L】Shantotto and another Fire Backup, it would count that you own two Fire Backups and they would not count as different Backups.
The auto-ability that triggers when Kefka attacks requires a total of two Forwards to be chosen. When Kefka is the only Forward that you control and which can be chosen, you must choose him.
If you control a Card Name Judge of Wings and Willis is able to attack, you cannot declare the end of the attack phase until he has attacked.
【10-090C】Kanna Kamuy
When Damage 5 is active, Kanna Kamuy has two action abilities. It’s not the case that the second action ability replaces the first one and the controller can use one or the other.
When you have 3 or more points of damage, both Damage 1 and Damage 3 are active. When you have 5 of more points of damage, Damage 1, Damage 3 and Damage 5 are therefore active.
For cards such as 【1-123R】 Odin that include an extra criterion for the chosen Forward that Feolthanos doesn’t fulfil, Feolthanos does not need to be chosen. In the case that two or more Forwards or Characters are chosen, at least one of those must be Feolthanos.
【10-100C】Raiden (REVENANT WINGS)
You can still cast Raiden (REVENANT WINGS) and draw a card, even if you don’t have any active Forwards.
When Damage 5 is active, the two auto-abilities are triggered when Ramza enters the field and may be stacked in the order of your choice.
If none of the Forwards chosen by the special ability are legal targets at the time of resolution or have left the field, you do not draw a card.
The effect to be used is selected when the auto-ability occurs. The effects resolve from the top of the list as they are written. You cannot select the same effect twice. If the chosen Forward or Character is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution, none of the subsequent effects/actions happen.
When Damage 5 is active, Exoray has two action abilities. It’s not the case that the second action ability replaces the first one and the controller can use one or the other.
The number of cards in hand is checked at resolution. The card can be drawn if the power of the Forward becomes 0, and as per the rule they are then put in the Break Zone. For example, you will not draw a card, even if a Forward is put into the Break Zone that was 5000 power and already had taken 1000 damage, and their power was reduced by 4000 due to Cúchulainn’s effect.
【10-111H】Gilgamesh (XI)
If Gilgamesh receives more damage than his power level from a Summon or an ability, Gilgamesh breaks as per the normal rules.
Every time a Forward receives damage during the turn when Cecil used the action ability, the damage is reduced by -2000. The effect doesn’t trigger just once.
【10-116C】Onion Knight (III)
【1-107L】Shantotto and 【1-103C】Kimahri have more than one element. In the example that you have 【1-107L】Shantotto and another Fire Backup, it would count that you own two Fire Backups and they would not count as different Backups.
When Damage 5 is active, both Damage 2 and Damage 5 are therefore active.
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【10-139S】Onion Knight
In the case of “Meteor”, Onion Knight’s power value is checked at resolution. ・In the case that Onion Knight is no longer on the field when the ability resolves, this is based on Onion Knight’s last known power just before leaving the field.
The Element is selected at resolution.
【10-140S】Cloud of Darkness
The removed card is revealed face up.
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【9-001C】 Irvine
The number of Forwards is checked at resolution.
【9-002H】 Ifrita
Any card discarded as part of the cost to play Ifrita are not counted towards the amount of cards considered in your break zone. When selecting 3 of the 3 actions, resolve them in order from top to bottom. You cannot select the same action twice
If there are less than 7 cards left in your deck, reveal them all.
If there are less than 5 cards left in your deck, reveal them all.
The number of Job Head Hunter is checked at resolution.
When discarding 1 Job Class Zero Cadet to play King onto the field, it can be a card of any Element.
The payment of the Fire CP occurs at resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
The number “5000” on this card represents Bomb’s power when he becomes a Forward. Bomb does not have any power when he is not a Forward. During your turn and when on the field, Bomb is of both Forward and Monster types.
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you do not draw a card.
After using his Special Ability, if Rhitahtyn leaves the field before the end of the current turn, nothing happens. (The damage of 10000 is dealt by the auto-ability generated by the special ability, and which triggers at the end of the turn.)
The [1] CP cost must be paid separately for each Forward. For example, you cannot discard a card to generate 2 CP and pay for two Forwards.
If there are less than 5 cards in your deck, reveal them all.
Special ability: The card is revealed at the time of resolution. Once it has been revealed, nothing can be done to prevent the subsequent effects.
【9-026C】Cid Aulstyne
The number of cards in hand is checked at the time of resolution.
The number “5000” on this card represents Hundleg’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
During your turn and when on the field, Hundlegs is always of both Forward and Monster types.
【9-032C】Mind Flayer
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you do not draw a card.
When selecting 3 of the 3 actions, resolve them in order from top to bottom.
You cannot select the same effect twice.
Card Type refers to Forward, Backup, Summon or Monster.
【9-040C】Nu Mou
The payment of the Ice CP occurs at resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
The number “7000” on this card represents Ahriman’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
During your turn and when on the field, Ahriman is of both Forward and Monster types.
The payment of the Wind CP occurs at resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
Back Attack doesn’t stack. Edge can be played onto the field when a stack is present, but it won’t affect the stack and he will go onto the field immediately.
Back Attack doesn’t stack. Seven can be played onto the field when a stack is present, but it won’t affect the stack and she will go onto the field immediately.
【9-051R】Fat Chocobo
If there are less than 5 cards in your deck, reveal them all.
When selecting action number 3, the payment of the Wind/Wind CP cost occurs at resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
【9-056H】The Magus Sisters
You must remove 1 other copy of Card Name The Magus Sisters than the one put into the Break Zone in order for the effect to work.
In the case that a Forward holds more than one Element type, each of those Elements count. For example, 【7-128H】Yuri holds 7 elements, therefore he meets both the requirements of holding more than three Elements or more than five Elements.
【9-061R】Heretical Knight Garland
When using Heretical Knight Garland’s action ability several times, it triggers as many auto-abilities as the number of action abilities and the 6000 damage will be dealt several times accordingly. For example, if this action ability is performed twice, Heretical Knight Garland will deal 6000 damage twice when attacking.
The Backup is put into the Break Zone at resolution. After that, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you do not draw a card.
【9-067C】Cid Garlond
If there are less than 4 cards in your deck, reveal them all.
The number “4000” on this card represents Tonberry’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
During your turn and when on the field, Tonberry is always of both Forward and Monster types.
The payment of the Earth CP occurs at resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
In the event Baigan receives damage equal or superior to its power, Baigan breaks as per the usual rules and his auto-ability can not be triggered. Therefore, it is not possible for Baigan to deal 7000 damage.
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you do not draw a card.
The Lightning Backup must be put into the Break Zone before paying the cost to play Kain. You cannot use that Backup to pay part of the cost of Kain.
The number “5000” on this card represents Goblin’s power when it becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
During your turn and when on the field, Goblin is always of both Forward and Monster types.
Goblin may be put into the Break Zone at resolution. After doing so, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
【9-087H】 Golbez
In the event that you trigger a second Double Meteor by discarding a Card Name Golbez there is no need to pay the Special Ability Cost a second time.
The second Double Meteor stacks as a different ability to the first one.
The payment of the Lightning CP occurs at resoution. After paying, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
【9-093H】Bahamut ZERO
If the targeted Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you cannot dull any Forward.
The cards are revealed at resolution. Once they have been revealed, nothing can be done to prevent the subsequent effects
When selecting 3 of the 3 actions, resolve them in order from top to bottom.
You cannot select the same action twice
When entering the field, the two auto-abilities are triggered and may be stacked in the order of your choice.
Only the first auto ability has EX BURST.
The number of Forwards is checked at resolution.
【9-101R】Adel (VIII)
The decision to discard a card from your hand happens at resolution. After discarding, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
When both players play a Character onto the field, they play them at the same time. In the event that both Characters played have an auto-ability, the turn player ability triggers first and then the non-turn player's.
In the event that Ghis receives damage larger than his power, Ghis breaks as per the usual rules and his auto-ability cannot be triggered. Therefore is it not possible to return Ghis to the field.
In the event that the chosen Forward holds several action abilities, Gogo gains all of them.
【9-108C】White Mage
The payment of the Water CP occurs at resolution. After paying, the auto-ability “When you do so…” goes onto the stack and any other auto/action/special abilities can then be stacked in turn.
【9-114C】Cuchulainn, the Impure
If the chosen Forward is no longer a legal target at the time of resolution or has left the field, you do not draw a card.
【9-117C】Mog (VI)
Special Ability: The card is revealed at resolution. Once it has been revealed, nothing can be done to prevent the subsequent effects.
The number “6000” on this card represents Malboro’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
During your turn and when on the field, Malboro is always of both Forward and Monster types.
”Negate all damage” refers to reducing the damage dealt to your Forwards to 0.
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The Element limitation only applies when playing Wol from your hand onto the field. There is no limit to playing this card onto the field from other effects.
If there is only 1 card left in your deck, reveal it.
【9-123L】Chaos (MOBIUS)
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field.
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【8-001R】Ark Angel HM
If a card with EX Burst is revealed when dealing double damage, all damage is resolved first. The EX Burst is resolved following this. (If there is more than one EX Burst, they resolve in the order in which they were placed into the Damage Zone.
The damage Iroha does also increases by 1000.
If you do not have 10 cards left in your deck to remove, Cloud cannot be returned to the field.
When using this ability multiple times, the damage increases by 2000 for each time it is used.
The damage dealt by Phantom Rush is based on Duncan’s power when resolving. ・In the case that Duncan is no longer on the field when resolving, this is based on Ducan’s power just before leaving the field.
If there are less than 5 cards in your deck, reveal them all.
【8-022R】Lava Spider
The +3000 power is only gained for the duration of the attack. Once the damage resolution step has ended, the Forwards are no longer attacking and return to their previous power. This is a field ability and therefore doesn't stack. If a Forward is attacking, the +3000 is added instantly.
When Lyse is in the field, you cannot even attempt to play Yda. When Yda is to be played onto the field as the result of an effect, it remains in its original area. This ability limits another card being played onto the field when one is already in play. If Lyse and Yda both enter the field simultaneously, they both remain on the field. If you control Lyse and gain control of your opponent’s Yda both cards remain on the field. (The same goes if you control Yda and gain control of your opponent’s Lyse.) This ability is separate from the rule that cards of the same name cannot be played onto the field simultaneously.
When Umaro is able to attack, the Attack Phase cannot be ended until Umaro has attacked. (Umaro doesn’t need to attack first.)
With the first auto-ability, the character selection happens when resolving.
【8-028R】The Mask
The Mask’s job is “???”. It’s not the case that The Mask has no job.
When entering the field, the two auto-abilities are triggered and can be stacked in the order of your choice. Only the first auto ability has EX BURST.
【8-034R】Scale Toad
The player does not have to discard a card if they have one card or fewer in their hand when resolving. However, as the ability resolves during the end phase, neither Summons nor abilities can then be used to facilitate this.
Unless there are 0 cards in your hand prior to paying the cost for Squall’s action ability, it cannot be used. For example, if you have two cards in your hand and discard these in order to pay the cost, the ability cannot be used. (i.e the cost of this ability can only be paid with Backups)
【8-039C】Time Mage
The decision to discard a card from your hand occurs when resolving. The cost refers to the original number in the top left-hand corner of the card.
【8-040C/2-044R】Mateus, the Corrupt
When your opponent is attacking with a party, they place one member of the party of their choice into the Break Zone.
【8-042L】Dark Fina
When selecting two actions, these are resolved in order from the top.
【8-043H】 Lasswell
The decision regarding which Forward is dealt 8000 damage and which Forward is dulled takes place when resolving. If one of the two chosen Forwards can no longer be chosen when it is time to resolve, deal 8000 damage to another suitable Forward. It cannot be dulled.
【8-044C】Lancer Unit
The decision regarding whether to dull or Freeze is made when resolving.
When revealing a card randomly, your opponent must have their cards face-down and shuffled so that they do not know which is which when revealing a card.
You can generate two CP by first by dulling Sherlotta to generate 1 CP, and then placing her into the Break Zone to generate a total of 2 CP. (Towards the same or separate costs.)
Card Type refers to Forward, Backup, Summon or Monster.
【8-056R】Deathgaze (IX)
The Forward removed from the field returns immediately after Deathgaze [IX] leaves the field. This action does not stack and cannot be used in a stack. If Deathgaze [IX] leaves the field prior to resolving, the chosen Forward is not removed from the field. If a Forward with the same name as the Forward which was removed is in your opponent’s field when Deathgaze [IX] leaves the field, the Forward which was removed does not return.
【8-060L】 Fina
When paying the additional cost, the total comes to 9 CP. The extra 3CP is not paid when resolving. When selecting two actions, these are resolved in order from the top.
【8-066C/3-071H】 Chaos, Walker of the Wheel
If the forward chosen using 【1-176H】 Yuna’s ability (or similar) cannot be put into the Break Zone, your opponent cannot play a Forward from their hand.
The payment of X occurs when resolving.
【8-067R】Ark Angel TT
If Ark Angel TT enters the field during your opponent's turn due to an effect, it is broken at the end of your opponent’s next turn.
The character is selected when this ability resolves.
【8-071H】Undead Princess
The decision regarding whether or not to pay 《3》 happens when this ability resolves. Only Backups you control can be placed in the Break Zone to pay cost.
If Gladiolus enters the field due to the effect of an ability, payment is not limited to Earth CP. The cost to play Gladiolus onto the field refers to the number in the upper left-hand corner of the card.
Nacht’s action ability costs two times the number X. For example, if X=2, 4 CP must be paid.
When paying the additional cost, this is in addition to the cost to summon the card , and comes to a total of 4 CP. This is not paid when resolving.
When entering the field, the two auto abilities are triggered and may be stacked in the order of your choice. Only the first auto ability has EX BURST.
Place cards face-up when removing them. The player controlling Libroarian decides which card goes back into the player’s hand.
【8-089R】Ark Angel EV
Even if the Forward chosen can’t be dulled, it can still be dealt 2000 damage.
Card Name Alphinaud may also gain Haste when it is a Backup.
The ability is based on Alphinaud’s power when resolving. In the case that Alphinaud is no longer on the field when resolving, this is based on Alphinaud’s power just before leaving the field.
The Forward on the field gains +4000 when resolving Jake’s auto-ability. It’s not the case that they enter the field with +4000 power immediately.
Back Attack doesn’t stack. Jinnai can be played onto the field when a stack is present, but it does not have any effect on the stack and goes onto the field immediatelly.
【8-102R】Death Machine
For the third auto-ability, the character selection occurs when resolving.
If Steiner enters the field Dulled, it becomes active.
Unless the Forward you have gained control of has Haste, it may not attack or use any abilities with the dull icon this turn. Even if control has changed, the card status remains the same. For example, effects such as “Add +1000 power until the end of the turn” stay in effect. If the player to whom control has gone has 2 or more cards of the same name without the “generic card” icon as a result of this, all cards are placed in the Break Zone. When the card for which control has changed is placed in the Break Zone, it is placed in its owner's Break Zone. The change of control at no time causes any cards to “enter the field” or “leave the field.” No auto-abilities with these as conditions will be triggered.
Power can be changed to a specific number, such as when using【6-052R】Diablos. Power level change is not treated as an increase. When Meltigemini is on the field, power cannot be increased by any field abilities. When Meltigemini enters the field, if power has been increased by action or auto-abilities that have already been resolved or by a summon, these increases stay as they are. Power cannot be increased by any further abilities or summons.
If multiple Forwards are put into the Break Zone simultaneously, Lunafreya’s auto-ability occurs the same number of times. You may stack these in the order of your choosing, but Lunafreya can only be put into the Break Zone when resolving once, so only 1 Forward can be returned to the field.
Light &
The number of cards that can be drawn matches the number of Forwards that are placed in the Break Zone when their power becomes 0 or less by resolving this effect. For example, even if a Forward with a power of 9000 takes 1000 damage before or after this effect and is placed into the break zone, a card is not drawn for this.
【8-136L】Veritas of the Dark
For the second auto-ability, the character selection occurs when resolving.
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【7-003C】Red Mage
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
Fritt is both a Forward and a Monster.
The number “8000” on this card represents Varuna’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
This card’s field abilities can be used cumulatively. If you control 6 or more Category XIII characters, Fang gains +3000 power, First Strike and Haste.
This card refers to the actual cost of the card (the value displayed).
The decision whether or not to place the Backup into the Break Zone occurs during the resolution stage.
Even if you are in control of 4 or more Forwards, you may only deal 6000 damage.
The number “7000” on this card represents Gremlin’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
【7-027C】Black Mage
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
When Sephiroth attacks his Auto Ability goes on the stack, if during the resolution phase, your opponents handsize becomes 0, the chosen forward gets dulled and frozen.
Even if the number of Category XIII characters has changed by the resolution phase, the selected characters will still all be dulled.
Bablizz is both a Forward and a Monster.
【7-039C】Mystic Knight
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
The decision about whether or not to discard a Summon is made during the resolution phase.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
If there are less than 5 cards in your deck, reveal them all.
The number “8000” on this card represents Condor’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
The damage Chelinka does also increases by 1000.
・The Forward removed from the field returns immediately after Dorgann leaves the field. The Forward’s return to the field cannot be used in a stack.
・If Dorgann leaves the field during resolution, the chosen Forward is not removed from the field.
・If a Forward with the same name as the Forward that was removed is in your opponent’s field when Dorgann leaves the field, the Forward which was removed does not return.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
When Bartz uses “Dual-Wield,” the card's base power (the number displayed on the card) becomes 10000. All other card or ability effects occur after this has taken place.
The decision of whether or not to discard a card from your hand occurs when resolving.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
The number is selected during the resolution phase. Once the number has been selected, this process cannot be interrupted.
Back Attack doesn’t stack. It can be played onto the field when a stack is present, but it does not have any effect on the stack and goes onto the field immediately.
The number “9000” on this card represents Zaghnal’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
This ability overwrites the card’s Element. When Shantotto becomes the specified Element, she ceases to be Earth Element and produces CP of the newly specified Element when dulled.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
・Only the first auto ability has EX BURST.
・When taking damage, the second auto ability is triggered and can be stacked in the order of your choice. The first ability does nothing unless you have received damage.
【7-082R】Moogle (FFC)
Job 【Moogle】 Backups can all produce CP of any Element, but they do not become that Element. Their Element remains as it is on the card.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
・The chosen Forwards only do damage to each other if they are both on the field upon resolution. Additionally, if either or both become ineligible for selection, they do no damage to each other.
・It is not Yojimbo that does damage, but the selected Forward.
【7-085C】Red Mage
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
You may also choose a Forward from your opponent’s Break Zone. It is played onto your field, under your control.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
Zapt is both a Forward and a Monster.
Barbara herself also gains Haste.
The number “7000” on this card represents Flanborg’s power when it becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
Only Forwards you control can be placed in the Break Zone to pay the cost.
This card’s field abilities can be used cumulatively. If Ramza has 8000 power or more, he gains Haste, Brave, and First Strike.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
The cost is decided when this card is played onto the field. If paying cost with cards in your hand, these cards are not counted as being in the Break Zone.
If there are no Characters of cost 3 or less in the cards revealed, shuffle all revealed cards back into the deck.
The number “7000” on this card represents Geosgaeno’s power when he becomes a Forward. He does not have any power when he is not a Forward.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
Back Attack doesn’t stack. It can be played onto the field when a stack is present, but it does not have any effect on the stack and goes onto the field immediately.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
If there are less than 5 cards in your deck, reveal them all.
“The cost paid to play” this card refers to the cost paid to move this card from your hand onto the field. This does not include any cost used to play this card using the effect of another card.
・Yuri only has all Elements when he is on the field. When he is in your hand or deck or in the Break Zone, he is Light Element only.
・The cards that can be dulled to pay cost may be 3 Backups of the same Element or 2 Backups of the same Element and Yuri.
When discarding a card randomly, your opponent must have their cards face-down and shuffled so that they do not know which is which when removing a card.
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If the Forward you've chosen is able to attack, the Attack Phase will not end until it has attacked. However, this attack does not need to happen first.
This card is the same as【1-011C】Evoker. You may not have more then three of these cards in your deck.
The damage dealt is based on Zell's power when resolving.
【6-016H】Dark Lord
All cards removed are placed face-up.
【6-018R】Neo Bahamut
If the targeted Forward is not longer a legal target at the time of resolving, your hand is not discarded.
The number of Category FFTA2 Forwards is calculated during resolution.
Only Backups you control can be placed in the Break Zone to pay cost.
This card is the same as 【1-040C】Summoner. You may not have more than three of these cards in your deck.
If your opponent has 0 cards, you gain the effects of both abilities.
【6-037C】Shock Trooper
The Forward chosen by Shock Trooper is broken during the Attack Declaration step. It is broken before a Forward can be chosen to block.
If the targeted Forward is not longer a legal target at the time of resolution, your opponent do not have to discard.
A Forward removed from and then played back on to the field is treated as a newly played Forward. Unless it has Haste, it may not attack or use any abilities with the dull icon this turn. All temporary power modifiers and all damage is removed.
This card is the same as【1-068C】Evoker. You may not have more then three of these cards in your deck.
This card has an Erratum. The second auto-ability allows "1 Wind Character" to be chosen, not any character.
If your opponent discard 2 or more cards, the auto-ability occurs the same number of times as the number of cards discarded.
Diablos changes the Forward's base power (as displayed on the card) to 4000. All other card or ability effects that modify the power are applied after this has taken place.
"When Rikku is in Battle" refers to when Rikku is either blocking or being blocked. She is not considered to be "in Battle" when her attack is not being blocked by your opponent's Forwards.
"Remove Rikku from the battle" means that Rikku will no longer be attacking or blocking. If Rikku is removed from the Battle, Rikku and the Forward attacking her will do no damage to each other.
When your opponent gains control of Leon, unless he has Haste, he may not attack during that turn.
Even if control has changed, the card keeps the same status. For example, if Leon is dulled he stays dulled, and effects such as "Add +1000 power until the end of the turn" stay in effect.
If using a card like【1-176H】Yuna, with which Leyak can be removed from the game instead of put into the Break Zone, Leyak can still activate the Characters you control and make you draw 1 card.
If on the other hand Leyak is removed from the field before its auto-ability resolves, it can’t be put into the Break Zone and therefore cannot activate the Characters you control and make you draw 1 card.
This card is the same as 【1-105C】Evoker. You may not have more then three of these cards in your deck.
Cannot be cast or used as an Ex Burst unless 2 Forwards are chosen.
The first ability keeps Y'shtola from being broken by summons or abilities such as【1-124R】Odin's "Choose 1 Forward. Break it." If Y'shtola takes more then her power level in damage from a summon or an ability, she breaks as per normal rules.
Backups can produce CP of any Element, but they do not become that Element. Their Element remains as it is on the card.
You cannot choose this card from the Break Zone.
The Forward blocking Estinien is broken during the Block Declaration step. They do not damage each other.
When your opponent gains control of Kain, unless he has Haste, he may not attack during that turn.
Even if control has changed, the card keeps the same status. For example, if Kain is dulled he stays dulled, and effects such as "Add +1000 power until the end of turn" stay in effect.
Cannot be cast or used as an Ex Burst unless 2 Forwards are chosen.
Seifer's auto-ability is triggered when he blocks or is blocked. This occurs before damage resolution.
This card is the same as【1-138C】Summoner. You may not have more then three of these cards in your deck.
The number of Job Sword Saint is calculated during resolution.
When resolving this special ability, is still resolves even if you have lost control of Card Name Seifer or Card Name Fujin.
This card is the same as【1-159C】Evoker. You may not have more then three of these cards in your deck.
Unless the Forward you have gained control of has Haste, it may not attack or use any abilities with the dull icon this turn.
Even if control has changed, the card keeps the same status. For example, if it's dulled is stays dulled, and effects such as "Add +1000 power until the end of the turn" stay in effect.
The decision of whether to play the Forward from your hand onto the field or search for the Forward occurs when resolving.
If the Attack Phase is skipped, Main Phase 2 begins immediately after Main Phase 1. Auto-abilities that include "At the start of the Attack Phase" are not triggered.
Your opponent must have their cards face-down and shuffled so that they do not know which is which when removing a card. The removed card is placed face-up.
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The choice to discard 1 “Card Name Ifrit” happens when the ability resolves.
If 2 or more Forwards with less than 8000 power enter the field at the same time, Grenade’s auto-ability is triggered for each of them. You can stack the abilities in your preferred order, but as you cannot deal damage with Grenade’s ability unless you put Grenade into the Break Zone, you can only do 8000 damage once.
If using a card like Yuna【1-176H】, with which Grenade can be removed from the game instead of put into the Break Zone, Grenade can still deal the 8000 damage.
If on the other hand Grenade is removed from the field before its auto-ability resolves, it can’t be put into the Break Zone and therefore cannot deal the 8000 damage.
【5-011H】Vermillion Bird l’Cie Zhuyu
The number of times Vermillion Bird l’Cie Zhuyu can attack this turn increases by one each time a Forward damaged by it is put into the Break Zone.
”Recall” Special ability - The top card of your deck is removed when the ability resolves.
If you don’t have any Forwards of cost 3 or less in your Break Zone, Phoenix cannot be cast.
If a Forward is both Fire Element and Job Warrior of Light, it still only gains +1000 power.
”Double the power of Amodar” means his current power plus any adjustments. For example, if he has had +1000 power added by using【1-030R】 Lebreau, then his power would go up +9000.
The number is selected when the ability resolves.
【5-032H】Glasya Labolas
Actions are selected when casting.
Actions are performed in the order they’re written, from top to bottom.
【5-036L】The Emperor
If your opponent draws two or more cards, the auto-ability is triggered for each card drawn.
Even if Zeid is attacked simultaneously by multiple Forwards during a party attack, only 1 card is discarded. (A party is considered as 1 Character.)
X is paid when the ability resolves.
This doesn’t apply just for attack or block. Trickster doesn’t receive any damage from cards like 【4-093R】Hecatoncheir either.
If 2 or more Characters enter the field simultaneously, Buccaboo’s auto-ability is triggered for each of them. You can stack the abilities in your preferred order, but as you cannot force your opponent to discard with Buccaboo’s auto-ability unless you put Buccaboo into the Break Zone, you can only force your opponent to discard once.
If using a card like【1-176H】Yuna, with which Buccaboo can be removed from the game instead of put into the Break Zone, Buccaboo can still make your opponent discard 2 cards.
If on the other hand Buccaboo is removed from the field before its auto-ability resolves, it can’t be put into the Break Zone and therefore cannot make your opponent discard 2 cards.
The choice between Dull and Freeze is made when the ability resolves.
”Negate all damage dealt to it” means all damage that the Forward has received since the beginning of the current turn.
If a Forward is both Wind and Job Warrior of Light, it still only gains +1000 power.
Actions are selected when the auto-ability activates.
Actions are performed in the order they’re written, from top to bottom.
If Chocobo ceases to be in a party due to an effect occurring during an attack, it takes damage.
Actions are selected when casting.
Actions are performed in the order they’re written, from top to bottom.
If using a card like【1-176H】Yuna, with which Leyak can be removed from the game instead of put into the Break Zone, Leyak can still activate the Characters you control and make you draw 1 card.
If on the other hand Leyak is removed from the field before its auto-ability resolves, it can’t be put into the Break Zone and therefore cannot activate the Characters you control and make you draw 1 card.
If a Forward is both of Earth Element and Job Warrior of Light, it still only gains +1000 power.
Actions are selected when the auto-ability activates.
Actions are performed in the order they’re written, from top to bottom.
Even if receiving 2 or more damage at once, that damage becomes 0.
Once Calbrena returns to the field, it is no longer a Forward.
If selecting a Forward in the midst of attacking or blocking, that attack or block does not become invalidated.
If the damage dealt by the special ability “Dark” causes the EX BURST to occur, the effects of the EX BURST resolve after the effects of “Dark.”
【5-090R】Hill Gigas
If using a card like Yuna【1-176H】, with which Hill Gigas can be removed from the game instead of put into the Break Zone, Hill Gigas can still cancel the effect and break the Character.
If on the other hand Hill Gigas is removed from the field before its auto-ability resolves, it can’t be put into the Break Zone and therefore cannot cancel the effect or break the Character.
Illua’s auto-ability is triggered only when she is first chosen in that turn. Following that, it isn’t triggered even if she’s chosen again.
Actions are selected when casting.
Actions are performed in the order they’re written, from top to bottom.
【5-106R】Black Knight
If 2 or more Forwards of cost 4 or less enter the field simultaneously, Black Knight’s auto-ability is triggered for each of them. You can stack the abilities in your preferred order, but as you cannot break the Forward with Black Knight’s auto-ability unless you put Black Knight into the Break Zone, you can only break 1 Forward.
If using a card like Yuna【1-176H】, with which Black Knight can be removed from the game instead of put into the Break Zone, it can still break a Forward.
If on the other hand Black Knight is removed from the field before its auto-ability resolves, it can’t be put into the Break Zone and therefore cannot break any Forwards.
If using a card like【1-176H】Yuna, with which Tonberry can be removed from the game instead of put into the Break Zone, Tonberry can still break the Character.
If on the other hand Tonberry is removed from the field before its auto-ability resolves, it can’t be put into the Break Zone and therefore cannot break the Character.
Actions are selected when summoning.
Actions are performed in the order they’re written, from top to bottom.
Porom’s action ability can only choose action abilities that are on the stack.
【5-137C】Green Mage
Green Mage’s action ability can only choose action abilities that are on the stack.
The number of cards in your hand is calculated when the ability resolves.
If a Forward is both of Water Element and Job Warrior of Light, it still only gains +1000 power.
Actions are selected when the auto-ability activates.
Actions are performed in the order they’re written, from top to bottom.
If the game ends by the end of the turn in which “Paradise” is played, the self-defeat ability of “Paradise” doesn’t occur. However, if you take damage or become unable to draw from your deck, you lose the game as usual.
If “Paradise” is played again in the additional turn gained by playing “Paradise,” you still lose at the end of the original additional turn.
Kam’lanaut’s Element switching ability overwrites his current Element. (He ceases to have that Element.) You can select the same Element that he already has again.
Is there a limit to the number of Forwards I can play onto the field?
Is there a limit to the number of Forwards in a Party?
Is there a limit to the number of cards I can discard from my hand?
No. You can discard as many cards as you like, during your turn to play Characters or use Summons & abilities and during your opponent’s turn to play Summons and abilities. Starting with an empty hand might not be the best strategy though!
If I already control 5 Backups, how can I play another one onto the field?
You can only have 5 Backups on your field at a given time but there are some abilities that can break Backups or return them to your hand in order to play different ones. Certain Backups like 1-120C Monk also need to be put into the Break Zone as part of their ability's cost so this is another way to free up some space on your field while using certain abilities.
When a Backup ability requires to dull it, does doing so also generate 1 Crystal Point?
No. For example, if a Backup ability requires you to pay 1 Crystal Point and dull that Backup as part of the cost, the CP must be generated by dulling a different Backup or discarding a card from your hand. Dulling a Backup as part of its ability’s cost and dulling a Backup to generate 1 Crystal Point are two different actions you have to choose from.
I discarded 2 cards to play a Forward of cost 3, can I use the extra Crystal Point left towards another cost?
No, any extra CP generated is lost, this is also why Backups are important to top up when the cost of the card you want to play is an odd number. CPs are always generated towards a single use/cost, there will be one exception called “Overdrive” in the future but none of the cards in Opus I have this ability yet.
What do card categories like 1-182L Cloud’s “DFF·VII” stand for?
These are actually two distinct categories. “DFF·VII” means that the card is of both Dissidia Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy VII. For example, when you are using a card ability like 1-204S Jessie’s: “When Jessie enters the field, you may search for 1 [(Category (VII)] Forward and add it to your hand.”, you can actually add 1-182L Cloud to your hand as his category is DFF·VII.
After attacking with a Forward, can I use a Summon like 1-074R Sylph while still during my Attack Phase to re-activate that Forward and attack again?
No. Forwards can only attack once per turn.
How does Freeze work exactly?
If any of the dull Characters you control gets Frozen, it simply won’t activate during your next Active Phase. You can use an ability like 1-200S Baralai’s to activate the Character before this Phase but bear in mind that the Freeze effect will still remain. If the frozen Character gets dull again before your next Active Phase, it will not activate then.
Can I use First Strike when attacking with a party?
You can only benefit from First Strike if all members of your party have this trait. Other abilities and traits like Brave work on an individual level (e.g. if a Forward in the Party has Brave, he doesn’t dull when attacking).
If I attack with a Party and the blocker has First Strike, how is the damage exchanged?
e.g. if you have a party made up of two 5000 power Forwards and your opponents blocks with a 5000 power Forward that has first strike, he will inflict 5000 damage first and can break one of the two Forwards in your Party (if he chooses to allocate the full 5000 on 1 Forward). Then, your other Forward will deal 5000 damage to his and break it. Result: 1 of the two Forwards forming your Party will survive.
If I attack with a Forward, my opponent declares a blocker and I then use a Summon to destroy that blocker before the damage is exchanged, does my opponent take 1 point of damage or does he have a chance to choose another blocker?
Neither of the two. A blocker was already declared meaning that the block will be successful regardless if the blocking Forward is destroyed, your opponent won’t receive any point of damage. It is not possible for him to choose another blocker either as there can be only one Forward blocking another and the block was successful. So in this case, the blocking forward is destroyed and no damage exchanged at all.
If an ability inflicts damage to several Forwards, is the damage dealt to all of them at the same time?
Yes, Forwards receive the damage at the same time. Any bonus granted by a Forward to another Forward doesn’t apply anymore if the former is broken at the same time.
e.g. My opponent controls Rikku 1-201s as well as 1-214S Yuna meaning Rikku gains +2000 power and has now 8000 (If you control [Card Name (Yuna)], Rikku gains +2000 power and Rikku cannot be chosen by Summons.)
If I cast 1-191S Red XIII’s Cosmo Memory “Deal 6000 damage to all the Forwards opponent controls.”, Yuna is broken so Rikku loses 2000 power falling back to 6000 and is thus broken by RED-XIII’s special ability.
1-213S – Tidus “When the Forward [Card Name (Yuna)] is put from your field into the Break Zone, draw 2 cards.” If I control Tidus and Yuna and both Forwards are broken at the same time, can I still draw two cards?
Yes you can.
If I control 1-201s Rikku and [Card Name (Paine)], Rikku can’t be chosen abilities. If my opponent uses a special ability like 1-191S Red XIII’s Cosmo Memory, does Rikku receive damage?
Yes, this is because 1-191S Red XIII’s special ability text reads: “Deal 6000 damage to all the Forwards opponent controls.” so Rikku is not “chosen” as all opposing Forwards are affected. If instead the ability text read: “Choose 1 Forward opponent controls, deal it 6000 damage”, then it would not be possible for your opponent to target Rikku with this ability.
1-074R – Sylph – “Choose 1 Forward. Activate it. All the Forwards you control gain +1000 power until the end of the turn.” If I cast Sylph to activate one of my Forwards and then that Forward is broken by my opponent’s Summon or ability placed in the stack, do my other Forwards still gain + 1000 power?
As the Forward activated by Sylph is actually broken by your Opponent’s Summon or ability (played last so occurring first in the stack), Sylph’s condition can no longer be fulfilled therefore your other Forwards don’t gain 1000 power.