Restricted Cards
[23-117L] - Chaos
Restricted in Standard Play*
• When including this card in a deck, no more than three cards with the card name Chaos or Feral Chaos can be placed in the deck in total.
• As long as there are no more than three of these cards in the deck in total, they can be included in any combination, e.g. 3 × 23-117L Chaos; 2 × 23-117L Chaos and 1 × 20-069H Chaos etc.
• When the card 23-117L Chaos is not included in the deck, these restrictions do not apply. (i.e. players are permitted to include as many cards with the card name Chaos or Feral Chaos as they like, as long as they are not 23-117L Chaos.)
*This newly restricted card can be used as before in all play formats other than Standard, and in Limited play.
Date of Enforcement
28 March 2025
Banned Cards
We have determined that the following cards below will be banned in their respective formats with immediate effect.
Standard Constructed Format:
- [1-089H] – Rikku
- [3-131H] – Ghido
- [4-085H] – Dadaluma
- [5-034C] – Gesper
- [5-040C] – Thaumaturge
- [5-067R] – Miounne
- [12-038H] Althea
- [12-097H] Syldra
- [13-120H] – Doga
- [14-116H] – Macherie
- [14-118H] – Sterne Leonis
Restricted (Only a single copy is allowed in the deck):
- [13-119L] – Sophie
Title Format:
- Jessie [4-082C] (Category: VII)
- Feolthanos [10-098L] (Category: XII)
- Neo Exdeath [12-110L] (Category: MOBIUS · V)
- Locke [15-042R] (Category: DFFVI)
- Y'Shtola [16-100L] (Category: DFF · XIV)
- Celes [20-031R] (Category: VI)
L6 Format:
- [16-065C] – Amber
Job Changes
As explained in our Producer's Blog from June 2017, a number of changes were made to the Jobs in order to ensure consistency across the different languages.
Name | Card number | Before | After |
Leon | 1-060H | Dark Knight | Rebel |
Name | Card number | Before | After |
Leon | 1-060H | Chevalier noir | Rebelle |
Quistis | 2-127R | Instructrice | Instructeur |
Exdeath | 1-122H | Sorcier | Incantateur |
Exdeath | 2-101H | Sorcier | Incantateur |
Exdeath | 3-100L | Sorcier | Incantateur |
Enuo | 3-101H | Sorcier | Incantateur |
Larsa | 2-139C | Prince | Quatrième fils de l'Empereur |
Name | Card number | Before | After |
Leon | 1-060H | Caballero oscuro | Rebelde |
Quistis | 2-127R | Instructora Seed | Instructor |
Reeve | 2-119R | Director | Director de la WRO |
Exdeath | 1-122H | Mago | Brujo |
Exdeath | 2-101H | Mago | Brujo |
Exdeath | 3-100L | Mago | Brujo |
Enuo | 3-101H | Mago | Brujo |
Laguna | 1-058L | Pistolero | Tirador |
Laguna | 1-059R | Pistolero | Tirador |
Laguna | 2-046R | Pistolero | Tirador |
Enna Kros | 1-095R | Diosa | Divinidad creadora |
Larsa | 2-139C | Príncipe | Cuarto hijo del Emperador |
Raubahn | 2-093H | Jefe | General de los inmortales |
Ashe | 2-121H | Reina | Princesa |
Name | Card number | Before | After |
Leon | 1-060H | Dunkelritter | Freiheitskämpfer |
Emperor Xande | 2-007L | Kaiser | Imperator |
Gramis | 2-106R | Kaiser | Imperator |
Golbez | 1-135L | Hexer | Hexenmeister |
Golbez | 2-109H | Hexer | Hexenmeister |
Kurasame | 3-031R | Kommandant | Ausbilder |
Doktor Cid | 2-041H | Forscher | Forschungsleiter |
Gilgamesh | 1-128R | Hauptmann | Prätorianer |
Gilgamesh | 3-103H | Hauptmann | Prätorianer |
Gilgamesh | 1-129C | Hauptmann | Prätorianer |
Laguna | 1-058L | Schütze | Meisterschütze |
Laguna | 1-059R | Schütze | Meisterschütze |
Laguna | 2-046R | Schütze | Meisterschütze |
Krile | 3-078H | Paladin | Mystikritter |
Enna Kros | 1-095R | Göttin | Schöpferin der Welten |
Leonora | 3-143C | Priester | Geistliche |
Larsa | 2-139C | Prinz | Vierter Sohn des Imperators |
Raubahn | 2-093H | General | Phönixgeneral |
Name | Card number | Before | After |
Laguna | 1-058L | Pistolero | Cecchino |
Laguna | 1-059R | Pistolero | Cecchino |
Golbez | 1-135L | Mago nero | Stregone |
Quistis | 2-127R | Istruttrice | Istruttore |
Leon | 1-060H | Cavaliere nero | Ribelle |
Amarant | 3-013R | Cacciatore di taglie | Combattente |
Gippal | 1-101R | Capo | Leader della fazione |
Larsa | 2-139C | Principe | Quarto figlio dell'imperatore |
Raubahn | 2-093H | Capo | Generale degli immortali |
Exdeath | 1-122H | Mago | Incantatore |
Exdeath | 2-101H | Mago | Incantatore |
Exdeath | 3-100L | Mago | Incantatore |
Enuo | 3-101H | Mago | Incantatore |
Krile | 3-078H | Paladino | Cavaliere mistico |
Mustadio | 1-118R | Ingegnere | Macchinista |
Hidden Legends
24-009R Joshua
Language: French
Original Text
Incarnation de Phénix (XIV)
Incarnation de Phénix (XVI)
24-111H Lucio
Language: French
Original Text
Lorsque Lucio entre sur le terrain, vous pouvez chercher jusqu'à 2 Job Guerrier du cristal d'Éléments différents, et les ajouter à votre main.
Lorsque Lucio entre sur le terrain, vous pouvez chercher 2 Job Guerrier du cristal d'Éléments différents, et les ajouter à votre main.
24-113R Barnabas
Language: French
Original Text
Barnabas (XIV)
Barnabas (XVI)
Hidden Hope
22-104R Folka
Language: French
Original Text
Folka gagne "Durant ce tour, Folka ne peut pas être choisie par des Invocations ou compétences de votre adversaire."
Folka gagne "Durant votre tour, Folka ne peut pas être choisie par des Invocations ou compétences de votre adversaire."
3-025C Emina, 6-023R Emina, and 22-021R Emina
Language: French, Spanish
Job changed from feminine to masculine.
FINAL FANTASY XIV 10TH Anniversary Play Mat
PR-150 The Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Language: all
Original text
Job: Scions of the Seventh Dawn
"The Scions of the Seventh Dawn cannot attack or Block.
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn cannot be chosen by Summons or abilities.
At the beginning of Main Phase 1 during each of your turns, If you control 10 or more Job Scions of the Seventh Dawn, your opponent loses the game."
Job: Scion of the Seventh Dawn
"The Scions of the Seventh Dawn cannot attack or Block.
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn cannot be chosen by Summons or abilities.
At the beginning of Main Phase 1 during each of your turns, if you control 10 or more Job Scion of the Seventh Dawn, your opponent loses the game."
Beyond Destiny
21-114L Faris
Language: All
Original Text
Choose 1 Summon or ability that is choosing only Faris. You may choose another Water Forward you control (The newly chosen Forward must be a valid choice).
Choose 1 Summon or ability that is choosing only Faris. You may choose another Water Forward you control to become the new target (The newly chosen Forward must be a valid choice).
Dawn of Heroes
20-038H Wicked Mask
Language: All
Original Text
When Wicked Mask enters the field, choose 1 Summon that is choosing only 1 Character in any zone. You may choose another Character (The newly chosen Character must be a valid choice).
When Wicked Mask enters the field, choose 1 Summon that is choosing only 1 Character in any zone. You may choose another Character to become the new target (The newly chosen Character must be a valid choice).
From Nightmares
19-123H Anima
Language: all
Original text
“When Anima enters the field, choose 2 cards in your Break Zone. Remove them from the game.
At the end of each of your turns, remove the top card of your deck from the game. Then, if there are 5 or more cards removed by Anima's ability, add them to your hand and break all the Forwards opponent controls.”
“When Anima enters the field, choose 2 cards in your Break Zone. Remove them from the game.
At the end of each of your turns, remove the top card of your deck from the game. Then, if there are 5 or more cards removed by Anima's abilities, add them to your hand and break all the Forwards opponent controls.”
Resurgence of Power
18-103H Elena (FFBE)
Language: French, Italian
Job changed from feminine to masculine.
18-107L Akstar
Language: all
Original text
When Akstar enters the field, you may play 1 Fire or Ice Forward of cost 3 or less onto the field.
When Akstar enters the field, you may play 1 Fire or Ice Forward of cost 3 or less from your hand onto the field.
Crystal Radiance
16-117H Ultros
Language: French
Original text
Lorsqu'un Avant que vous contrôlez est renvoyé du terrain dans la main de son propriétaire, piochez 1 carte. Cet effet ne se déclenchera qu'une seule fois par tour.
Lorsqu'un Avant contrôlé par votre adversaire est renvoyé du terrain dans la main de son propriétaire, piochez 1 carte. Cet effet ne se déclenchera qu'une seule fois par tour.
Crystal Dominion
15-073H Cecil
Language: Italian
Original text
Fino alla fine del turno, Cecil guadagna +2000 punti forza, Primo Colpo e "Se Cecil infligge danni al tuo avversario, questi si riducono invece a 2."
Fino alla fine del turno, Cecil guadagna +2000 punti forza, Primo Colpo e "Se Cecil infligge danni al tuo avversario, questi diventano invece 2."
Crystal Radiance
13-007R Cinque
Language: French
Original text
Si vous contrôlez 3 Avants de Job Classe zéro ou plus, Cinque gagne +4000 de force.
Si vous contrôlez 3 Job Classe zéro ou plus, Cinque gagne +4000 de force.
Crystal Awakening
12-018H Lani
Language: all
Original Text
When Lani enters the field, your opponent removes the top card of their deck from the game face down. You can look at it and/or cast it at any time you could normally cast it. The cost for casting it is reduced by 2 and can be paid using CP of any Element.
When Lani enters the field, your opponent removes the top card of their deck from the game face down. You can look at it and/or cast it as though you owned it at any time you could normally cast it. The cost for casting it is reduced by 2 and can be paid using CP of any Element.
12-032R The Crystal Exarch
Language: all
Changed Crystal Exarch to The Crystal Exarch
12-061L Krile
Language: all
Original Text
When Krile enters the field, choose 1 Summon from either player's Break Zone. You can cast it this turn. If you cast it, remove that Summon from the game after use instead of putting it in the Break Zone.
《1》《ダル》: Choose 1 Summon from either player's Break Zone. You can cast it this turn. If you cast it, remove that Summon from the game after use instead of putting it in the Break Zone.
When Krile enters the field, choose 1 Summon from either player's Break Zone. You can cast it as though you owned it this turn. If you cast it, remove that Summon from the game after use instead of putting it in the Break Zone.
《1》《ダル》: Choose 1 Summon from either player's Break Zone. You can cast it as though you owned it this turn. If you cast it, remove that Summon from the game after use instead of putting it in the Break Zone.
12-067R The Oracle of Light
Language: all
Changed Oracle of Light to The Oracle of Light
12-105L Yuna
Language: all
Original Text
When Yuna enters the field, if a Forward you controlled formed a party this turn, draw 2 cards.
When Yuna forms a party and attacks, choose 1 Forward. It loses 4000 power for each attacking Forward.
《0》: Name 1 Element other than Light or Dark. Yuna becomes the named Element until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability once per turn.
When Yuna enters the field, if a Forward you controlled formed a party this turn, draw 2 cards.
When Yuna forms a party and attacks, choose 1 Forward. It loses 4000 power for each attacking Forward until the end of the turn.
《0》: Name 1 Element other than Light or Dark. Yuna becomes the named Element until the end of the turn. You can only use this ability once per turn.
Soldier's Return
11-033R Gentiana
Language: English
Fixed typo "abilites" > "abilities"
11-017H Marche
Language: Italian
Changed March to Marsh
Original text
Se controlli 2 o più Personaggi diCategoria FFTA, il costo per mettere March sul terreno diminuisce di 2.
Quando March viene messo sul terreno, scegli 1 Personaggio di Categoria FFTA di costo 3 o inferiore dalla tua Break Zone. Mettilo sul terreno.
11-020C Lilty
Language: Italian
Changed Lilty to Lility
Original Text
Quando Lilty viene messo sul terreno, gira una carta alla volta dalla cima del tuo mazzo fino a rivelare una carta Gelo o Aria. Aggiungila alla tua mano. Poi mescola le altre carte rivelate e mettile in fondo al tuo mazzo.
Quando Lility viene messo sul terreno, gira una carta alla volta dalla cima del tuo mazzo fino a rivelare una carta Gelo o Aria. Aggiungila alla tua mano. Poi mescola le altre carte rivelate e mettile in fondo al tuo mazzo.
11-109R Aemo
Language: All
Original Text
Choose 1 auto-ability or action ability that has only one target. You may choose another target instead. (The new target must be valid.)
Choose 1 auto-ability or action ability that has only one target. You may choose another target to become the new target (The newly chosen target must be a valid choice).
Ancient Champions
10-098L Feolthanos
Language: all
Original text
When Feolthanos is chosen by your opponent's Summons of cost 5 or less or abilities of Characters of cost 5 or less, cancel its effect.
When Feolthanos is chosen by your opponent's Summon of cost 5 or less or an ability of their Character of cost 5 or less, cancel its effect.
10-052L Cid (FFBE)
Language: Spanish, Italian
Corrected "owner" to "controller" in the special ability text.
Lords & Chaos
9-004C Ace
Language: All
Original Text
When Ace enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. If you have a Job Class Zero Cadet among them, deal it 7000 damage. Then, shuffle the revealed cards and return them to the bottom of your deck.
When Ace enters the field, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Shuffle the revealed cards and return them to the bottom of your deck. If you have a Job Class Zero Cadet among them, deal it 7000 damage.
8-053H Sherlotta
Language: English
Original text
If you pay a CP, you may put Sherlotta into the Break Zone to produce 1 CP of any Element. (You can dull Sherlotta to pay the CP.)
You may put Sherlotta into the Break Zone to produce 1 CP of any Element in order to pay a CP cost. (This can be in addition to dulling Sherlotta for CP.)
8-091H Alba
Language: All
Original Text
If your opponent controls 2 or more dull Forwards, Alba gains Haste and "Alba cannot be chosen by your opponent's Summons or abilities".
If your opponent controls 2 or more dull Forwards, Alba gains Haste and "Alba cannot be chosen by your opponent's Summons or abilities".
8-102R Death Machine
Language: All
Original Text
At the end of your turn, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Break it.
At the end of your opponent's turn, select 1 Forward you control. Put it into the Break Zone.
At the end of your turn, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Break it.
At the end of your opponent's turn, select 1 Forward you control. Put it into the Break Zone
8-122R Gramps
Language: German
Card Name change from Räselhafter Opa to Rätselhafter Opa.
7-059L Bartz
Language: All
Original text
Rapid Fire 《S》: Until the end of the turn, Bartz gains Haste, Brave and "Bartz can attack 3 times this turn". You can only use this ability if Bartz used Spellblade and Dual-Wield this turn.
Rapid Fire 《S》: If Bartz used Spellblade and Dual-Wield this turn, until the end of the turn, Bartz gains Haste, Brave and "Bartz can attack 3 times in the same turn".
7-015R Fang
Language: French
Original text
Si vous contrôlez 6 Personnages de Catégorie XIII ou plus, Fang gagne +3000 points de dégâts.
Si vous contrôlez 6 Personnages de Catégorie XIII ou plus, Fang gagne +3000 de force.
7-035L Serah
Language: All
Original Text
When Serah enters the field, choose as many Characters as the Category XIII Characters you control. Dull them.
Dull 2 active Category XIII Characters: Choose 1 Forward. Freeze it.
When Serah enters the field, choose up to the same number of Characters as the Category XIII Characters you control. Dull them.
Dull 2 active Category XIII Characters: Choose 1 Forward. Freeze it.
7-062R Hope
Language: French
Original text
"Si vous contrôlez un Job Père ou un Job Mère..."
"Si vous contrôlez un Job Père et un Job Mère..."
7-119H Halicarnassus
Language: English
Fixed typo "abilites" > "abilities"
7-094R Seymour
Language: all
Original text
EX BURST When Seymour enters the field, search for 1 Summon and put it on top of your deck.
EX BURST When Seymour enters the field, you may search for 1 Summon and put it on top of your deck.
6-044L Zidane
Language: All
The second auto-ability allows "1 Wind Character" to be chosen, not any character.
6-003H Ghai
Language: German
Die Pre-Release-Promokarte ist davon nicht betroffen!
3-025C Emina, 6-023R Emina, and 22-021R Emina
Language: French, Spanish
Job changed from feminine to masculine.
6-049C Zu
Language: English, French, Italian
Original text
0: Until the end of the turn, Zu becomes a Forward with 7000 power and "When Zu attacks, choose 1 Backup you control. You can only use this ability once per turn.
0: Until the end of the turn, Zu also becomes a Forward with 7000 power and "When Zu attacks, choose 1 Backup you control. You can only use this ability once per turn.
6-038R Hades
Language: all
Original text
Choose 1 dull Forward. break it. the owner of this Forward discards 1 card from his/her hand.
Choose 1 dull Forward. Break it. That Forward's controller discards 1 card from their hand.
5-030C - Gelehrter
Language: German
A "Water" icon was mistakenly printed in place of the "Ice" icon.
5-059R Semi Lafihna
Language: French
Original text
Le coût requis pour jouer Nom de Carte Sibyl stellaire sur le terrain baisse de 2.
Le coût requis pour jouer Nom de Carte Sibylle stellaire sur le terrain baisse de 2.
5-063H Deathgaze
Language: English
The “Dull” icon was mistakenly printed in place of the Special ability icon.
5-076C Botanist
Language: All
Original text
When Botanist enters the field, choose 1 Character you control. Select 1 Character with the same name in your Break Zone and add it to your hand.
When Botanist enters the field, choose 1 Character without 《一般》 you control. Select 1 Character with the same name in your Break Zone and add it to your hand.
(Botanist's ability no longer works with Characters that bear the generic card icon. The reason is some "Standard Unit" Characters have different names among the different languages, thus making Botanist's option to choose different between languages.)
5-087R Doga
Language: All except German
Original text
《土》《ダル》, put Doga into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Character you control. It cannot be broken by opposing Summons or abilities that don't deal damage.
《土》《ダル》, put Doga into the Break Zone: Choose 1 Character you control. During this turn, it cannot be broken by opposing Summons or abilities that don't deal damage.
5-114C Artilleur
Language: French
Original text
《雷》《ダル》 : mettez Artilleur dans la Break Zone : Choisissez 1 Avant en train de bloquer.
《雷》《ダル》, mettez Artilleur dans la Break Zone : Choisissez 1 Avant en train de bloquer.
5-134R Celestia
Language: German
Job changed from " Königin" to " Krieger".
5-166S Rasler
Language: German
Original text
Der Kartenname Ashe, den du kontrollierst, kann in diesem Zug nicht von gegnerischen Beschwörungen oder Fähigkeiten, die keinen Schaden verursachen, gebrochen werden.eur dans la Break Zone : Choisissez 1 Avant en train de bloquer.
Der Kartenname Ashe, den du kontrollierst, kann nicht von gegnerischen Beschwörungen oder Fähigkeiten, die keinen Schaden verursachen, gebrochen werden.
5-027R Unei
Language: Spanish, Italian
"owner" has been changed to "controller".
5-037R Zeid
Language: Spanish, Italian
"owner" has been changed to "controller".
4-060R Shara
Language: German
Job changed from "Bogenschütze" to "Schütze".
4-076R Wedge
Language: French
Fixed missing capitalization "Avalanche" > "AVALANCHE" in job name and card text.
4-082C Jessie
Language: all
Original text
The cost required to play Card Name Cloud or Card Name Barret onto the field is reduced by 1.
The cost required to play your Card Name Cloud or Card Name Barret onto the field is reduced by 1.
4-094R Magic Pot
Language: all
Original text
Magic Pot enters the field dull.
《土》《ダル》, put Magic Pot and 1 Forward into the Break Zone: Search for 1 Forward with the same name as the Forward you put into the Break Zone and play it onto the field. You can only use this ability during your turn.
Magic Pot enters the field dull.
《土》《ダル》, put Magic Pot and 1 Forward without 《一般》 into the Break Zone: Search for 1 Forward with the same name as the Forward you put into the Break Zone and play it onto the field. You can only use this ability during your turn.
(Magic Pot's ability no longer works with Forwards that bear the generic card icon. The reason is some "Standard Unit" Fowards have different names among the different languages, thus making Magic Pot's option to search different between languages.)
4-109H Hildibrand
Language: all
Original text
If Hildibrand leaves the field due to your opponent's Summons or abilities, return him to your hand instead. (Hildibrand does not return to your hand if he receives damage higher than his power or if his power is reduced to 0.)
Manderville Dance 《S》《雷》: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a Forward, play it onto the field dull. If not, put it into the Break Zone.
If Hildibrand leaves the field due to your opponent's Summons or abilities, return him to your hand instead. (Hildibrand does not return to your hand if he receives damage equal or higher than his power or if his power is reduced to 0.)
Manderville Dance 《S》《雷》: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a Forward, play it onto the field dull. If not, put it into the Break Zone.
4-110R King of Burmecia
Language: all
Original text
When King of Burmecia enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Dragoon or Card Name Dragoon and add it to your hand.
When King of Burmecia enters the field, you may search for 1 Job Dragoon Forward or Card Name Dragoon Forward and add it to your hand.
4-125C Clione
Language: Italian
Job changed from rom "Insetto" to "Parassita"
Language: German
Cards were reviewed to make a clearer distinction between field abilities "if" and auto-abilities "when". From Opus III onwards, "Wenn" is now printed for auto-abilities and "Falls" for field abilities or other uses of the term "if".
3-034H Genesis Avatar
Language: all
Original text
When Genesis Avatar enters the field, deal damage equal to half of its power to all the Forwards opponent controls (round up to the nearest 1000).
When Genesis Avatar enters the field, deal each Forward opponent controls damage equal to half of its power (round up to the nearest 1000).
3-089R - The Girl Who Forgot Her Name
Language: French
The card job was changed from "Petite fille" to "Jeune fille"
3-101R Enuo
Language: all
Original text
When a Character is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may remove it from the game instead.
《1》: Choose 1 card in the Break Zone. Remove it from the game.
If a Character is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may remove it from the game instead.
《1》: Choose 1 card in the Break Zone. Remove it from the game.
3-130R Cagnazzo
Language: all languages except German
Original text
When Cagnazzo enters the field, all the Forwards opponent controls lose 1000 power for every 2 Water Characters you control.
When Cagnazzo enters the field, until of the end of turn, all the Forwards opponent controls lose 1000 power for every 2 Water Characters you control.
3-132R Quacho Queen
Language: French
Job changed from "Souveraine" to "Reine"
3-144L Lena
Language: Spanish
Original text
Elige un Delantero Luz u Oscuridad de tu Break Zone. Juégalo al terreno de juego. Puedes usar esta habilidad solo durante tu turno.
Elige un Delantero que no sea Luz u Oscuridad de tu Break Zone. Juégalo al terreno de juego. Puedes usar esta habilidad solo durante tu turno.
3-025C Emina, 6-023R Emina, and 22-021R Emina
Language: French, Spanish
Job changed from feminine to masculine.
2-017R Bergan
Language: Spanish
Original text Spanish
《火》《1》: Inflige 1000 puntos de daño a todos los Delanteros controlados por tu oponente.
Si una Invocación de tu oponente elige a Bergan como objetivo, pon a Bergan en la Break Zone.
Correction Spanish
《火》《1》: Inflige 1000 puntos de daño a todos los Delanteros controlados por tu oponente.
Cuando Bergan es objetivo de una Invocación, pon a Bergan en la Break Zone.
2-018C Evokateur
Language: German
Card name changed from Beschwörer to Evokateur
Original text
lege Beschwörer auf die Break Zone: Wenn ein Stürmer in diesem Zug Schaden erleidet, erhöht sich dieser Schaden um 1000.
lege Evoktateur auf die Break Zone: Wenn ein Stürmer in diesem Zug Schaden erleidet, erhöht sich dieser Schaden um 1000 stattdessen.
2-026L Vayne
Language: German
Original text German
Die Stürmer mit Kosten von 5 oder mehr, die dein Gegner kontrolliert, werden in dessen Active Phase nicht aktiviert.
Correction German
Die Stürmer mit Kosten von 5 oder mehr, die dein Gegner kontrolliert, werden in der Active Phase desjenigen, der sie kontrolliert, nicht aktiviert.
2-051L Vaan
Language: German
Original text German
Du kannst 1 Unterstützer mit Kosten von 2 oder weniger zurück auf die Hand seines Besitzers bringen.
Correction German
Du kannst 1 Unterstützer mit Kosten von 2 oder weniger, den du kontrollierst, zurück auf die Hand seines Besitzers bringen.
2-061C Ninja
Language: German
Original text German
Wenn Ninja in diesem Zug einem Stürmer Schaden zufügt, verdoppelt sich der Schaden.
Correction German
Falls Ninja in diesem Zug einem Stürmer Schaden zufügt, verdoppelt sich der Schaden stattdessen.
(See Opus III change with "Wenn" and "Falls")
2-063R Nono
Language: All
Original Text
Choose as many Forwards as Job Moogle you control. Activate them.
Choose up to the same number of Forwards as the Job Moogle you control. Activate them.
2-070R Shemhazai, the Whisperer
Language: Spanish
Original text
Durante este turno, ningún Delantero puede bloquear a otro de coste mayor al suyo.
Durante este turno, los Delanteros solo pueden ser bloqueados por Delanteros de coste igual o inferior al suyo.
2-090R Yang
Language: Spanish
Original text Spanish
Por cada [Nombre de la carta (Monje)] y [Oficio (Monje)] que controlas que no sea Yang, Yang gana +1000 de poder.
Si Yang tiene más de 10000 de poder, gana Bravura.
Correction Spanish
Por cada [Nombre de la carta (Monje)] y [Oficio (Monje)] que controlas que no sea Yang, Yang gana +1000 de poder.
Si Yang tiene 10000 o más de poder, Yang gana Bravura.
2-103H Kain
Language: all languages
Original text
At the beginning of your next Main Phase and until the end of the same turn, Kain's power will double.
At the beginning of your next turn's Main Phase 1 and until the end of the same turn, Kain's power will double.
2-131C Paladin
Language: English & French
Card name changed from Knight to Paladin.
1-053C Evokateur
Language: German
Card name changed from Beschwörer to Evokateur
Original text
lege Beschwörer auf die Break Zone: Wähle 1 Beschwörung aus. Annulliere ihren Effekt.
lege Evokateur auf die Break Zone: Wähle 1 Beschwörung aus. Annulliere ihren Effekt.
1-087C Archer
Language: Spanish
The card text is in French.
Correction Spanish
Iniciativa (Si este Delantero bloquea o es bloqueado por un Delantero que no tenga Iniciativa, este Delantero inflige daño primero.)
1-100C Black Belt
Language: all except Italian
Original text
Choose 1 blocked Forward. It gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.
Choose 1 blocking Forward. It gains +1000 power until the end of the turn.
1-106C Golem
Language: all except Italian
Original text
Choose 1 Forward. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn. If it is blocked, it gains +4000 power until the end of the turn instead.
Choose 1 Forward. It gains +2000 power until the end of the turn. If it is blocking, it gains +4000 power until the end of the turn instead.
1-116L Prishe
Language: French
Card Job was changed from "Enfant agaçante" to "L'Infâme".
1-117R Hecatoncheir
Language: Italian
Original text Italian
Scegli 1 Retroguardia di costo 3 o inferiore. Distruggila
Correction Italian
Scegli 1 Retroguardia di costo 3 o superiore. Distruggila
PR-021/1-182L Cloud
Language: Spanish
Original text Spanish
Omnilátigo 《S》《1》《ダル》: Elige 1 Delantero. Rómpelo.
Correction Spanish
Omnilátigo 《S》《3》《ダル》: Elige 1 Delantero. Rómpelo.
(The CP cost for Omnislash has been changed from 1 to 3.)
1-176H Yuna
Language: all
Original text
EX BURST When Yuna enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Return it to its owner's hand.
When a Character is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may remove it from the game instead.
EX BURST When Yuna enters the field, choose 1 Forward. Return it to its owner's hand.
If a Character is put from the field into the Break Zone, you may remove it from the game instead.
1-187S Cloud
Language: German
Original text German
Die Kosten, um Cloud auf das Spielfeld zu bringen, reduzieren sich für jeden [Kategorie (VII)] Stürmer, um 1.
Correction German
Die Kosten, um Cloud auf das Spielfeld zu bringen, reduzieren sich für jeden [Kategorie (VII)] Stürmer, den du kontrollierst, um 1.
1-214S Yuna
Language: Spanish
Original text Spanish
Cuando se lanza una Invocación, puedes poner en dull a Yuna si está activa. Si lo haces, coge 1 carta. Este efecto solo se puede desencadenar una vez por turno.
Correction Spanish
Cuando lanzas una Invocación, puedes poner en dull a Yuna si está activa. Si lo haces, coge 1 carta. Este efecto solo se puede desencadenar una vez por turno.
Starter guide – Mulligan
Language: German/Italian
Original text German
Beide Spieler ziehen für ihre Starthand 5 Karten von ihrem Deck. Jedem Spieler ist ein Mulligan erlaubt: Er kann unerwünschte Karten in beliebiger Reihenfolge unter sein Deck legen und dieselbe Anzahl an Karten ziehen.
Correction German
Beide Spieler ziehen für ihre Starthand 5 Karten von ihrem Deck. Jedem Spieler ist ein Mulligan erlaubt: Er kann alle 5 Karten in beliebiger Reihenfolge unter sein Deck legen und 5 neue Karten ziehen.
Original text Italian
Entrambi i giocatori pescano 5 carte dai loro mazzi per creare la loro mano d’apertura. Ai giocatori è consentito ripescare le carte una sola volta per cambiare la loro mano d’apertura (mulligan); ovvero possono rimettere quante carte desiderano della loro mano d’apertura in fondo ai propri mazzi in qualunque ordine e ripescare poi lo stesso numero di carte.
Correction Italian
Entrambi i giocatori pescano 5 carte dai loro mazzi per creare la loro mano d'apertura. Ai giocatori è consentito ripescare le carte una sola volta per cambiare la loro mano d'apertura (mulligan); ovvero possono rimettere tutte e 5 le carte della loro mano d'apertura in fondo ai propri mazzi in qualunque ordine e ripescare poi 5 nuove carte.
Starter guide – Party Attack – First Strike
Languages: all
Original text
When forming a Party, all the Forwards' abilities can be used but if all the Party members do not have First Strike, only the Forwards that have this trait will benefit from it.
When forming a Party, all the Forwards' abilities can be used. A Party can only benefit from First Strike if all the Forwards forming the Party have this trait.