Hello everyone, RB of FFTCG North America here. It’s somewhat hard to figure out how to start this off. Times are very unusual and difficult for nearly everyone right now, and we at Square Enix America have been in continuous communication with our colleagues in Europe and Japan in regards to how we can move forward with FFTCG in these times. As we haven’t had an update since April, we felt now would be a good time to let everyone know where our thoughts are right now when it comes to picking up the game again. So… I’m going to touch on a couple of topics for now.
For this year’s World Championship, I’m sure it’s not shocking to hear that we are postponing it. Our current hope is for Worlds to take place in Spring 2021. However, please understand, like anything, Worlds could be pushed back further. Spring 2021 is not a guarantee, just what we’d like to see happen. As soon as we can announce the timing confidently, whether that’s Spring 2021 or later, we will let everyone know.
It’s important to us to make a distinction that we don’t want to cancel events outright, as we’d essentially like to get right into competitive events as soon as we’re able to again. Unfortunately, what competitive events look like isn’t clear just yet. As always, we’ll be closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and come back to you with more information when we have a better understanding.
Now for a bit of positive news we can confirm. We had previously announced a delay for Opus XII, but I can now confirm our schedule moving forward:
- Opus XII Pre-Release Kit – October 30th
- Opus XII Launch – November 6th
- Opus XIII – Spring 2021
The Pre-Release Kit will contain 9 Packs of Opus XII, Opus XII Pre-Release sleeves, and a Full Art Opus XII Pre-Release Promo card featuring Emet-Selch [12-024H]. Regular releases of sets are planned to follow as usual with this new adjusted schedule.
Please keep an eye on the website for more announcements and details about everything discussed as soon as we’re able. Also, you can follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/FinalFantasyTCG to be notified as soon as announcements are made.
We’re in this together, so please stay safe so we can all join the party when FFTCG events resume.
Until next time.