The Multiplayer Challenge Boss Deck: Chaos will soon make its grand entrance into the world of FFTCG. Grab your swo...decks, and get ready to team up with one or two friends for a battle of gigantic proportions!
But beware, the Boss Deck is no joke. It will leave a trail of utter destruction in its wake so you better come prepared! Luckily, we've compiled a nifty deck-list for you:
Boss Deck Chaos - Card List
(Don't say we didn't warn you...)
● Starter cards
The following three cards are placed in the BOSS playerʼs field at the beginning of the game (for both
NORMAL and HARD difficulty games).
● Boss deck
The BOSS player uses the following 80 cards as their deck for the game:
- 【B-004】 Zenos x3
- 【B-005】 Nael x2
- 【2-026L】 Vayne x3★
- 【B-006】 Orphan x3
- 【6-027L】 Kuja x3★
- 【7-034L】 Sephiroth x3
- 【11-065H】 Ardyn x3★
- 【B-007】 Shadow Lord x3
- 【B-008】 Golbez x3
- 【B-009】 Garland x3
- 【B-010】 Feral Chaos x3
- 【7-129H】 Galdes x3★
- 【B-011】 Sin x2
- 【B-012】 Cloud of Darkness x3
- 【1-040C】 Summoner x3
- 【4-027C】 Bard x3
- 【B-013】 The Emperor x3
- 【B-014】 Kefka x3
- 【1-133C】 Sage x2
- 【B-015】 Seymour x3
- 【1-138C】 Summoner x3
- 【7-087R】 Exdeath x3★
- 【B-016】 Ultimecia x3
- 【B-017】 Ifrit x2
- 【3-037H】 Zalera, the Death Seraph x2★
- 【B-018】 Diabolos x2
- 【9-068H】 Mist Dragon x2
- 【B-019】 Odin x2
- 【B-020】 Leviathan 2
- 【B-021】 Zodiark, Keeper of Precepts 2
● Alternative cards used in HARD mode
When playing a HARD difficulty game, all 17 of the cards marked with a star (★) icon are replaced with the following cards instead (see reference images on the back of this guide).
- 【B-022】 Vayne x3
- 【B-023】 Kuja x3
- 【B-024】 Ardyn x3
- 【B-025】 Galdes x3
- 【B-026】 Exdeath x3
- 【B-027】 Zalera, the Death Seraph x2
The Multiplayer Challenge Boss Deck: Chaos will be available at your favourite local game store, and you can also grab it from the Square Enix Store! [Order Now]