Final Fantasy Trading Cards Games
News January 30, 2020

Cloud vs Sephiroth Two Player Starter Set : Full Reveal

2020 01/cloud motorcycle banner dekstop

Now, we announced the Cloud vs Sephiroth Two Player Starter Set some time ago, in celebration of FINAL FANTASY VII Remake. You know which characters are coming, but it's time to see what they'll do!

In the first deck you'll find Cloud, alongside his full art version:

11 136s eg 11 136s fl eg

Along with these other FINAL FANTASY VII heroes:

11 131s eg 11 132s eg
11 135s eg 11 139s eg

Cloud Deck (50 Cards Total)

[11-136S] Cloud x 3

[11-135S] Vincent x 3

[4-075H] Vincent x 3

[4-076R] Wedge x 2

[4-082C] Jessie x 3

[5-082C] Miner x 2

[8-085C] Marlene x 2

[6-075R] Titan x 3

[11-131S] Barret x 3

[11-132S] Red XIII x 3

[1-016C] Tifa x 3

[10-007H] Zack x 3

[10-009C] SOLDIER: 3rd Class x 3

[1-003C] Red Mage x 3

[1-010C] Black Mage x 2

[2-005C] Sage x 3

[3-020H] Phoenix x 3

[11-139S] Aerith x 3

And in the other deck you'll find Sephiroth along with his full art version:

11 138s eg 11 138s fl eg

Of course, his deck is filled with plenty of characters who have caused trouble for Cloud and his friends:

11 133s eg 11 134s eg
11 137s eg 11 140s eg

Sephiroth Deck (50 Cards Total)

[11-138S] Sephiroth x 3

[11-137S] Azul x 3

[3-099R] Angeal Penance x 3

[1-121C] Red Mage x 2

[4-120R] Restrictor x 2

[8-110R] Reno x 2

[9-098C] Reeve x 2

[7-103C] Ramuh x 3

[11-134S] Don Corneo x 3

[11-133S] Cait Sith x 3

[3-040C] DGS Trooper 1st Class x 3

[3-041C] Deepground Soldier x 3

[3-042C] Deepground Soldier x 3

[10-034H] Sephiroth x 3

[4-030C] Black Mage x 3

[7-028C] Black Mage x 3

[8-032R] Shiva x 3

[11-140S] Kadaj x 3

The Cloud vs Sephiroth Two Player Starter Set releases February 28th, so please check with your local game store or Pre-order on the Square Enix Store!

NA Square Enix Store: [Pre-Order Here]