Hello, everyone. FF-TCG Producer Tarou Kageyama here. It’s been quite difficult to deliver new information, but your continued support is much appreciated as I continue to do my best in doing just that. By the way, is everyone aware of the “Latest 3 Opus Constructed (hereafter, L3 Constructed)” format in which players build a deck using cards found in the latest three booster sets? This new format was announced before the release of “Opus XI: Soldier’s Return” and under normal circumstances, would have been used in various successive tournaments and events. However, due to event cancellations and postponements under COVID-19, up until this point, the format hasn’t gained as much steam as we had originally anticipated. Thus, I would like to reintroduce the “L3 Constructed” format in this column. The format has been used in the “Meijin-sen Stay Home” tournaments happening online [in Japan], so I’d like to reference some of those decks as well.
About “L3 Constructed”:
Let’s start by brushing up on the “L3 Constructed” rules. As mentioned earlier, a deck is built using the latest three sets in “L3 Constructed”. At this moment, it would include cards from “Opus IX”, “Opus X”, and “Opus XI”, as well as those included in “Starter Sets” with a card number of 9-XXX, 10-XXX, and 11-XXX. Aside from that, it follows the same rules as the “Standard” format. Furthermore, there are no banned cards at this moment in time, so all cards that meet the above criteria can be used. I also recommend this format to beginners as there are fewer types of cards involved.
Now, what are some deck types currently seen in “L3 Constructed” ... It may be difficult to go straight into building a deck for “L3 Constructed”, so I’d like to take a look at some of the decks that have seen success in past “Meijin-sen Stay Home” tournaments.
What types of decks are there?
First is an Earth/Lightning deck. The deck “Reimen Morioka” used to win the “8th Meijin-sen Stay Home” tournament on May 30th was an Earth/Lightning deck. This deck includes Ranperre [10-104R], enabling the player to quickly place Shantotto [10-136S] onto the field to take the advantage while attacking with powerful Forwards. By starting with Garland [10-088H], both Garland [10-088H] and Shantotto [10-136S]—two Forwards with 9000 power—are placed on the field while enabling the use of Shantotto [10-136S]’s ability. Overall, these two elements have high-quality Forwards and many forms of removal, so the deck composition is quite responsive while having intrinsic strength. Furthermore, once the “Kingsglaive”, centered around Nyx [11-097H] starts moving, they will become a force to be reckoned with as their abilities synergize with one another. It’s also great that Class Tenth Moogle [9-074C] helps with generating either CP.
Deck List:
3x[9-062H] Vincent 3x[9-063L] Gabranth 1x[9-076H] Larkeicus 3x[10-136S] Shantotto 1x[11-065H] Ardyn 3x[9-084H] Kain 1x[9-094L] Fusoya 1x[9-095L] Meia 1x[10-088H] Garland 2x[11-090L] Kuja 3x[11-097H] Nyx 3x[11-102C] Libertus 2x[11-140S] Kadaj |
1x[9-074C] Class Tenth Moogle 1x[9-080C] Regis 3x[11-068R] Clarus 1x[11-069H] Cindy 1x[11-072R] Tyro 2x[11-077C] Beastmaster 2x[9-098C] Reeve 2x[10-086C] Aldo 1x[11-092C] Crowe 1x[11-103C] Luche 3x[10-104R] Ranperre |
2x[9-068H] Mist Dragon | 1x[10-090C] Kanna Kamuy 2x[11-078R] Mandragora |
Second, I’d like to introduce a deck that includes Ritz [11-063L], a Legend card from “Opus XI” that has drawn much attention. This is a three element (Fire/Wind/Earth) deck that “aaaa” used to win the “7th Meijin-sen Stay Home”. Placing Ritz [11-063L] onto the field from the break zone using Marche [11-017H] is a simple, yet forceful move and is a good enough reason to center a deck around Ritz [11-063L]. Additionally, having Forwards other than Ritz [11-063L] that can take on the role of an attacker, like the latest force in the Fire element, Braska’s Final Aeon [11-015L] among others, is also a strength of this deck.
Deck List:
2x[9-076H] Larkeicus 3x[11-063L] Ritz 3x[9-056H] The Magus Sist. 3x[9-059R] Rem 3x[11-074H] Barret 2x[11-130L] Sephiroth 3x[11-017H] Marche 3x[11-015L] Braska's F. Aeon |
1x[11-128H] Princess Sarah 1x[11-129H] Chaos 3x[9-071C] Bangaa 3x[10-061C] Class8th M. 2x[10-083R] Mog (MOBIUS) 1x[11-056R] Fiona 1x[10-057C] Bartz 2x[11-053H] Doned 3x[11-072R] Tyro |
1x[11-055R] Pandemonium 3x[10-068C] Cu Sith |
3x[10-045C] Unsaganashi 3x[11-046R] Killer Bee 1x[11-078R] Mandragora |
As mentioned earlier, there is a smaller range of card types involved with “L3 Constructed”, but at the same time, there are many cards that make it easier to construct multi-element decks in the current environment, such as the Moogles, starting with Class Second Moogle [10-016C], as well as Tyro [11-072R] and Princess Sarah [11-128H], so you can say that the possibilities in deck variation are almost as varied as the “Standard” format. We know Standard is fun, but I hope you’ll also try out “L3 Constructed”!