We're excited to share with you all the first details for FFTCG 2024 Organized Play in Europe! Keep in mind much of what is presented here is preliminary information, and this page will be updated as more details (such as dates, ticket links etc…) are confirmed, so please keep an eye here and on social media where we will share updates and news!
Due to the differences in the regions served, the European structure will differ slightly from the North American structure. We have done our best to align rewards between the European and North American competitions so players will have opportunities to compete for the same prizes across the season.
2024 Competitive Season Events for Europe
- Materia Cup
- Store Celebration
- Regional Championship
- Continental Qualifer
- Last Chance Qualifier
- Continental Championship
This season we’ve given a large focus towards increasing the number of events in stores meaning there’ll be plenty more chances for our wonderful community to meet up and play FFTCG throughout the year.
European Materia Cups
Materia Cups will be six (6) two-day Standard Constructed open events running from April through August. The top 4 players of a Materia Cup will qualify for the European Championship,
Any event qualifications at Materia Cups will pass down to the next highest ranked players.
Each of the following territories will host a Materia Cup**:
- UK
- France - 20th & 21st of July, Carta'jeu, 1 boulevard des Tchéquoslovaques, Lyon
- Italy - 13th & 14th of April, Casa Dei Giochi
- Germany - 14th & 15th of September - SoleyTCG
- Spain - 29th & 30th June - Estalia (Córdoba)
- Benelux - 31st of August & 1st of September, Spel en Mer
(**Dates and links will be posted at a later time.)
(please note dates are subject to change, please double check with the organiser before booking anything)
European Store Celebrations
Store Celebrations will run late March – May crossing over with Regional Championships for a month. These are open events in which players can win Byes for a Regional Championship.
These are designed to be run as 1 day events and every store across Europe supporting FFTCG is eligible to host one. They’re also a perfect event for Stores looking at starting to support FFTCG Organised Play.
- Firestorm Games Bridgend 11/05/2024
- Firestorm Games Swindon 08/06/2024
- Boards and Swords Hobbies 18/05/2024
- Skyward Fire Games 19/05/2024
- Boss Miniatures and Gaming 19/05/2024
- The Dice Cup 01/06/2024
- Duke's Gaming 01/06/2024
- Beanie Games Limited 01/06/2024
- Spectrum Gaming 01/06/2024
- Firestorm Games Cardiff 20/04/2024
- Dark Star Gaming Limited 20/04/2024
- Firestorm Games Newport 25/05/2024
- Griffins Gaming 25/05/2024
- The custom print shop 25/05/2024
- Athena Games 25/05/2024
- Harlequins 26/05/2024
- Highlander Games 28/04/2024
- playAONE 28/04/2024
- Geek Retreat Glasgow 28/04/2024
- Zombie Games Cafe 28/04/2024
- Patriot Games Leeds 04/05/2024
- Fan Boy Three 04/05/2024
- Puca Puca Games 05/05/2024
- The Card Cavern 20/04/2024
- Cardbuddys 06/04/2024
- Hamanito-cards Raphael Albang 07/04/2024
- Card Club 10/04/2024
- Mayener Fantasyland 04/05/2024
- Karten-Lounge 20/04/2024
- Shlansn Games 04/05/2024
- Countdown Spielewelt 11/05/2024
- SpielFilmMusik 18/05/2024
- La-Games 18/05/2024
- Westend Game Room - Belgium - 21/04/2024
- Demo-Spel - Belgium - 11/05/2024
- Spel en Meer - The Netherlands - 14/04/2024
- IanTCG - Netherlands - 27/04/2024
- MADAKIBA, MADRID, 20/04/2024
- EMINIS, MÁLAGA, 20/04/2024
- JOC N ROLL, BARCELONA, 27/04/2024
- GAMERIA, BARCELONA, 05/05/2024
- WARLOTUS, GRANADA, 05/05/2024
- ESTALIA, CORDOBA, 12/05/2024
- LUDUS BELLI, MADRID, 25/05/2024
- TIERRA MEDIA, CADIZ, 01/06/2024
- MASTER OF GAMES, 12/05/2024
- Casa dei Giochi - Via Sant'Uguzzone 8, Milano 20126 - 28/04/24
- Infinity Comics, Via Enrico Noè 8, Milano 20133 - 11/05/24
- Laboratorio Giochi - Via pasquale II, Mercato Primavalle II, Roma 00168 - 19/05/24
- Fumetteria Shadow - Via Cesare Battisti 2/A, Cerea (VR) 37053 - 25/05/24
- Joker-comics&games - 27/04/2024
- Firenze Comics & Games - Piazza Dalmazia 2, Firenze 50141 - 05/05/2024
- Comics Collection, Via Genova 48-50-52, Catania (CT) 95124 - 19/05/24
- Il Paiolo, Via dell'Imbrecciato 127A, Roma 00149 - 26/05/24
- Jeux de la Crypte, Beauvais, 13/04/2024
- Ludo-Cave, Issoire, 14/04/2024
- Le Panthéon, Ales, 21/04/2024
- Clément Soisson, Dijon, 21/04/2024
- Majestik Games, Paris, 27/04/2024
- Cartapapa, Montpellier, 11/05/2024
- Multivers, Paris, 11/05/2024
- Baraka Jeux, Beauvais, 25/05/2024
- Parkage, Pertuis, 25/05/2024
- Thylgames, Lille, 01/06/2024
- Veni Vidi, Moriere les Avignon, 08/06/2024
- VENI VIDI 25/05/2024
- Carta'Jeu, Lyon, 02/06/2024
- Mythic Vault 02/04/2024
- SAMARPN LGS 16/04/2024
- D20 GAMES 27/04/2024
- Roll 'n' Trade 27/04/2024
Puolenkuun pelit Turku Oy, Turku 20/07/2024
- Shop4Nerds and 4Nerds Zone - 20/04/2024
- PTMERCH - 27/04/2024
(please note dates are subject to change, please double check with the organiser before booking anything)
European Regional Championships
Regional Championships will run May to July. These are open events in which players can win Byes for a Continental Qualifier. There will be 4-6 events in each of the below territories:
- UK
- France
- Italy
- Germany
- Spain
- Netherlands
- Le Panthéon, Ales, 12/05/2024
- Baraka Jeux, Beauvais, 26/05/2024
- Thylgames, Lille, 02/06/2024
- Assos 7D, Dijon, 23/062024
- Ludo Trotters, Angers, 28/07/2024
- Germany (East) - Superelf-Cards - 22/06/2024
- Germany (South) - Countdown Landsberg - 11/05/2024
- Germany (Central) - Card Buddys - 13/07/2024
- Germany (West) - Phoenix Inn - 10/08/2024
- Germany - Spiel Film Musik - 01/06/2024
- Germany - La-Games - 29/06/2024
- Netherland - Spel en Mer - 08/06/2024
- Netherlands - IanTCG - 18/05/2024
- Belgium - Demo-Spel - 15/06/2024
- Casa Dei Giochi - Via Sant'Uguzzone 8, Milano 20126 - 09/06/2024
- Firenze Comics & Games - Piazza Dalmazia 2 Firenze - 14/07/24
- Laboratorio Giochi - Via pasquale II, Mercato Primavalle II, Roma 00168 - 23/06/2024
- Il Paiolo - Via dell'Imbrecciato, 127A, Roma 00149 - 21/07/2024
- Shopponi Store - Via Giuseppe Gavello, 2/E, 10126 Torino (TO) - 25/08/2024
- Casa Dei Giochi - Via Sant'Uguzzone 8, Milano 20126 - 21/09/2024 (Continental Qualifier hosted the next day!)
- Cañón Cosmo Store (Canarias) – 8 de Junio/8th of June
- Jupiter Madrid ( Madrid) – 9 de Junio/9th of June
- Ludus Belli (Madrid) – 15 de Junio/15th of June
- Joc n roll (Barcelona) – 22 de Junio/22nd of June
- Fan Boy 3, Manchester - June 15th
- Firestorm Games, Cardiff - June 22nd
- The Brotherhood Games, Bermondsey, London - June 29th
- Highlander Games, Dundee - July 6th
- Harlequins, Preston - July 13th
- Athena Games, Norwich - July 20th
(please note dates are subject to change, please double check with the organiser before booking anything)
European Continental Qualifiers
Continental Qualifiers will run in August/September across Europe and are an open event. The top 4 players at a Continental Qualifier will qualify for the European Championships. Each of the following territories will host a Continental Qualifier**:
Any event qualifications at Continental Qualifiers will pass down to the next highest ranked players.
- UK - Gemini Games, Huddersfield - 10th/11th August
- France - Salle Camille Claudel, 4 rue Camille Claudel, 21000 Dijon, France - 7th/8th September
- Italy - Casa Dei Giochi - Via Sant'Uguzzone 8, Milano 20126 - 22/09/2024 (Regional Championship hosted the day before!)
- Germany - Card Buddys - 07/09
- Spain - Gameria (Barcelona) – 24/08
- Benelux - Spel en Mer - 17/08
**Dates and links will be posted at a later time.
(please note dates are subject to change, please double check with the organiser before booking anything)
Last Chance Qualifier
This will be a one-day event utilizing the Standard Constructed format with Bo1 Swiss Rounds taking place the day before the European Championship. The top players will qualify for the European Championship.
If there are additional no-shows for the European Championship the amount of players who qualify may increase, but no guarantee is given.
European Championship
This event will be hosted in October, exact venue and dates will be confirmed in the future. This will be a two-day event of 64 players utilizing Standard Constructed Two Deck Format, with a Bo3 Double Elimination Bracket on Day 2.
There will be 24 players from European Materia Cups, 24 players from European Continental Qualifiers, along with players from the Last Chance Qualifier and the Top 4 from the Saudi Arabian Continental Qualifier who’ll receive an invite to the European Championship.
We will also extend an invitation to the winner of the previous European Championship, and we’ll additionally invite our top three European players from the 2023 World Championship aside from the European Champion.
(These players may play throughout the Competitive Season; however, their European Championship qualification will pass down at Materia Cups and Continental Qualifer.)
World Championship
The FFTCG World Championship will be held in Tokyo, Japan this year! We will announce more information at a later date.
More information to come
We hope you’re excited for events with this initial information. We also want to share that on top of the typical "Event" Promo cards, we are finalizing details on Prize Cards for these events, with more information to come as soon as we're able to share it. Additionally, we will plan for Winter Cup events following Continental Championships for both European and North America,
Please keep an eye on this page, or on our Facebook page: facebook.com/fftcgeurope for up to date information as soon as it’s available.