New Format “L3 Constructed (Latest 3 Opus Constructed)”
Deck Construction Rules
・Players must use cards with the relevant “Opus” number (if it were “Opus XI” the card number would read [11-XXX]) from the latest three “Opus” series sets available at the time of the event or cards with only a [PR-XXX] number. If a card shares the same card number as an applicable card, those released prior to the relevant “Opus” series sets and PR cards may be used.
・ A deck must be constructed with exactly fifty (50) cards and may contain up to three (3) copies of a card with the same card number.
・ When a new “Opus” set is released, cards from the oldest “Opus” set (from those that were previously applicable) may no longer be used, ensuring that only the latest three “Opus” sets can be used at any given time. Furthermore, if a card is made available in advance through a “Starter Set” or similar, the card may not be used until after the corresponding “Opus” set is released.
Example: The card number given to the limited cards in “Cloud vs. Sephiroth Two-Player Starter Set” is [11-XXXS]. These cards may be used after the release of “Opus XI” (and may not be used until then).
With the introduction of this new format, what has been known as the “Constructed” format thus far will henceforth be renamed the “Standard” format.
Establishing the New “L3 Constructed” Format
The FINAL FANTASY TRADING CARD GAME (hereafter, FF-TCG) consists of the “Standard” format (previously, the “Constructed” format) where any card, excluding those banned, can be used; the “Title” format which limits deck construction to cards from a specific title (category); and the “Limited” format (sealed and booster drafts) where players open packs on the spot and construct decks.
Here, we introduce a new method of gameplay, the “L3 Constructed” format. The rule limits deck construction to cards from the latest three “Opus” series sets available. For example, as of January 2020, decks would need to be constructed with cards from “Opus VIII”, “Opus IX”, and “Opus X”. Furthermore, when a new “Opus” set is released, the oldest of the three can no longer be used. Meaning, when “Opus XI” releases in March, cards from “Opus VIII” will no longer be a viable option, and cards from “Opus IX”, “Opus X”, and “Opus XI” would become applicable.
As you can see, the environment will change at a considerably fast pace for tournaments based on this new format. The environment will change every four months and constantly provide a new stimulus for players. And, since less “Opus” sets are required in this format, it will be beneficial for new players hoping to jump into “FF-TCG” as cards will be easier to collect compared to the “Standard” format.
For competitive events, such as Nationals conducted at the country level and the World Championship, fundamentally, the direction would be to focus on the “Standard” format, but we plan on incorporating this new format into a portion of large-scale tournaments or sides events conducted at such events. For example, in Japan, we plan on adopting the format in select venues for the “MASTERS” series starting in April. Allowing retail tournaments (those that are officially recognized) to be conducted in either the “Standard” or “L3 Constructed” format is also under consideration.