It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do.
Lightning Crystal Cup - France
We are partnering up with the Team from GameFlix to present you the Lightning Crystal Cup - What do you need to know?
Manège de Brack
22 Place Frédéric Barberousse,
39100 Dole
Date and Time:
The Event will be hosted on the 20th and 21st July.
Doors will open at 10:00 AM and the Tournament will start at 11:00 AM.
Tickets for the event can be brought here:
Day 1: Constructed Swiss-Rounds based on the number on Participants. (Best-of-One)
Day 2: Top 32 Draft (Best-of-One) followed by a Top 8-Cut (Best-of-Three) in Constructed again
The Points from Day 1 will be carried into the Draft-Rating - you will Draft in Tables of 8 Players, but you can face all Players.
What is different in Competitive-Draft?
- You need to build a deck of at least 40 Cards
- You only need to deal 6 damage to win the game
- You can have more than 3 copies of each card in your deck
- You will draft 5 packs of Opus 8
- All other normal rules apply!
You will play 4 Rounds of Draft on Day 2 and the Points will be combined with the Points from Day 1 to determinate the Top 8 which will play best-of-three constructed with the decks they used on Day 1!
- The Draft is only for Day 2 and only for the Top 32 Players, all other players can play in a Side-Event of course
- The Draft will be using stamped cards and all cards will be non-foil. The Foil Card will be randomly replaced by different non-foil card from the Set. All the Foil Cards will be added as Extra Price Support.
- The Draft will be timed, and you are only allowed to look at your Picks after each completed pack.
- The Points from Day 1 will be carried into Day 2, this means that the Swiss will continue for 4 more Rounds and all Tiebreakers will remain as well, this realized with Cross-Pairing - this means you can play against players outside your Draft-Table but still players with the same (or similar) numbers of Wins.
- Backups can only be played following the normal rules! (Different to other Limited Format Rules)
The Full-Drafting Rules can be found here: https://fftcg.square-enix-games.com/files/draft-rules-crystal-cup-ice.pdf
Prizes and Side-Events:
Slot on the World Championship + Travel and Accommodation sorted as well as a Full Foil Set of Opus 9, a Trophy
+ everything below
Non Foil Set of Opus 9
+ everything below
Top 4)
Slot on the European Championship 2019
Final Fantasy Play Art Figure
+ everything below
Top 8)
Exclusive Crystal Cup Playmat
+ everything below
Top 16)
Final Fantasy Promo/Gift Bundle (incl. Lasswell and Raubahn-Promocard)
+ everything below
Top 32)
Participation in the Draft (5 Boosterpacks) + 5 Random Foils at the end
Participation Prize:
Exclusive Crystal Cup Storage-Box + 5 Random Boosterpacks for entering the Tournament
+ Promocards during the rounds
We are hosting two types of Side-Events on Sunday.
1) Fast as Lightning
This Side-Event will be a free Side-Event for all participants of the Main-Event and will follow all rules for a constructed Event. If you can't make it on Day 1, you can buy a late Ticket for the Side-Event only for 10€ at the Venue.
The event will start at 12:00.
But there are some Deck-restrictions to register your deck for the Event:
- Your Deck has to contain more Lightning Cards, than Cards from every other Element.
- Remember that [5-034C] Gesper, [5-040C] Thaumaturge and [4-085H] Dadaluma are also banned in this format.
- All other normal deckbuilding-rules apply.
All prizes for this events will be announced on the event.
2) Constructed-PODs
We will also run various PODs during the whole Sunday. You can participate in constructed PODs, Draft-PODs (Opus IX) or Title-Series-PODs.
Every POD will start with 8 Players and will be played up to 3 Rounds. There will be a small price for Winner of each POD and if there are 8 finished PODS we can play a Level 2 POD with all the Winners.
All normal rules for Deckbuilding apply, but you can play different decks in different PODs of course :)
The Doors will open at 10:00 and the Tournament will start at 11:00.
Will be announced on Saturday, but most likely the Doors will open at 9:00 AM and the Top 32 Draft will start at 9:30. Round 1 of the Day should start around 11:35 and we aim to finish the Day at 19:00.
The Main Side Event will start at 12:00 (Registration will start on Saturday) and PODs will kick-off whenever they are full. :)
That's right...I am your living legacy.
Fire Crystal Cup - Madrid
We are partnering up with Júpiter Central to present you the Fire Crystal Cup - What do you need to know?
Calle Manuel Silvela 8,
28010 Madrid,
Date and Time:
The Event will be hosted on the 10th and 11th August.
Doors will open at 10:00 AM and the Tournament will start at 11:00 AM.
Tickets for the event can be brought here:
The Format will be the same as the Lightning Crystal Cup, but all the Draft will be played in Opus IX instead.
Prizes and Side-Events:
Same as the Lightning Crystal Cup.
We are hosting two types of Side-Events on Sunday.
1) Rise from the flames
This Side-Event will be a free Side-Event for all participants of the Main-Event and will follow all rules for a constructed Event.
The event will start at 12:00.
But there are some Deck-restrictions to register your deck for the Event:
- Your Deck has to contain more Fire Cards, than Cards from every other Element.
- Remember that [5-034C] Gesper, [5-040C] Thaumaturge and [4-085H] Dadaluma are also banned in this format.
- All other normal deckbuilding-rules apply.
All prizes for this events will be announced on the event.
2) Constructed-PODs
We will also run some PODs during the whole Sunday. More TBA soon.
The Doors will open at 10:00 and the Tournament will start at 11:00.
Will be announced on Saturday, but most likely the Doors will open at 9:00 AM and the Top 32 Draft will start at 9:30. Round 1 of the Day should start around 11:35 and we aim to finish the Day at 19:00.
The Main Side Event will start at 12:00 (Registration will start on Saturday) and PODs will kick-off whenever they are full. :)
See you all soon!