Final Fantasy Trading Cards Games
Producer's blog 2019-08-14 18:26:00

Ban List Update - September 2019

2019 08/fftcglogo desktop

Rikku [1-089H] will be established as a banned card in Standard Constructed Matches. You will be unable to include any copies of this card into your deck. For Limited and Title Formats, its usage will be allowed just as it has been in the past.

Timing of Enforcement

Friday, September 13th, 2019

This decision will be enforced at the same time the “TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET WRAITH VS KNIGHT” is released.

Reasons for the Ban

Due to changes in the game landscape, such as the increased number of cards that can activate characters, the relative strength of Rikku [1-089H] as a card has grown substantially compared to when it was originally released at the time of Opus I. Now, this card by itself allows a player to pare down their opponent’s deck, mitigating the need for multiple cards with effects that allow them to put cards from the deck onto the Break Zone. Consequently, players can readily fulfill a condition of victory that we believe should not be easy – that is, “your opponent becomes unable to draw a card.” Therefore, we have determined at this time that this card will be banned.

It has been only a short period of time since Dadaluma [4-085H] was banned last time, and we apologize for the inconvenience. However, given that the European Championship, North American Championship, and MASTERS FINAL are all coming up in October, we wanted to address the current situation as soon as possible, and decided to make the announcement in this manner.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.